Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1211 Killing Jarvis

"I don't know if you can withstand my third shot?" Jarvis said here and fired the third shell again.

"Hurry up and run away." Huang Wuji rushed towards the shell while talking.

Huang Qingchan, Huang Qingming and No. [-] God General didn't dare to delay, they immediately fled towards the distance.


Not long after they escaped, the violent explosion blasted the battleship they bought with a lot of money to pieces, and the shock wave generated by the explosion made them all spit blood.

Huang Wuji's situation at this time is not even a second, and the result of forcibly shaking three shells with his bare hands is that his combat strength is less than [-]%.

His breath was even lower.

"It looks like you're dying." Jarvis looked at Huang Wuji with a smile and said.

"Let's go one-on-one if we can." Huang Wuji said angrily.

"One-on-one, you are not my opponent, let alone now you still have the strength to fight again?" Jarvis said lightly, "Be obediently hand over the resources of your small world, maybe I can spare your life."

Huang Wuji remained silent.

"Of course you don't have to pay, but I will sell this girl. I think many men are willing to pay." Jarvis pointed to Huang Qingchan and said, "As for you, the Colosseum should be willing to buy you at a high price."

Hearing this, the faces of Huang Wuji and the others changed drastically.

Didn't they expect Jarvis to be so mad?

"We will, but you have to let us go later." Huang Wuji said in a deep voice.

"Of course." Jarvis said solemnly.

Huang Wuji glanced at Huang Qingchan and the others and said, "Hand over the resources in the small world."

Huang Qingchan and others detained the resources in the small world one after another.

After a glance, Jarvis showed dissatisfaction on his face, "Are you begging for these resources?"

"Our small world indeed only has so many resources." Huang Wuji said helplessly.

"Open your little world, I want to check." Jarvis said with a cold face.

Huang Wuji and the others obediently opened up their own small world, and Jarvis frowned after scanning his divine sense.

There are indeed some resources in their small world, but these resources are of little value.


A golden rope broke through the air and entangled Huang Wuji.

"What are you doing?" Huang Wuji's face suddenly turned green.

"Of course I sold you. A slave from the Fifth Heaven, I believe many slave owners will be interested." Jarvis said lightly.

"Hurry up and run." Huang Wuji hurriedly shouted towards Huang Qingchan and others in the distance.

Just as Huang Qingchan and the others climbed up and were about to escape, they were imprisoned by the strong men on the Jarvis battleship.

"My lord, this girl is not bad, can you give us a few to enjoy first?" At this moment, a one-eyed man looked at Jarvis and asked.

"Go, remember not to spoil it, or you won't be able to sell it at a good price." Jarvis waved his hand.

Immediately, the robbers on the battleship became excited, and their eyes were shining when they looked at Huang Qingchan.

A look of despair appeared on Huang Qingchan's face, she knew that her innocence could not be preserved.

"If anyone can save me now, no matter what he is, I will marry him." This idea suddenly appeared in Huang Qingchan's mind when a piece of her clothes was torn off.

Huang Qingchan suddenly noticed that the movements of the pirates' hands stopped.

what's the situation?

Could it be that those guys have found out their conscience?

Then Huang Qingchan felt a heavy sense of oppression, she looked into the distance, and a huge warship appeared in front of him.

"I advise your Excellency not to meddle in your own business." Jarvis looked at the battleship with a gloomy expression and said.

This battleship directly blocked their way, so it couldn't be a greeting, could it?

Jarvis certainly didn't believe it.

"Jarvis, I haven't seen you for many years. Are you still doing house robbery?" Zhao Yang walked out of the war room at this moment.

Looking at Zhao Yang's figure, Jarvis' face became ugly.

How could it possibly forget this guy?

Back then, it was this guy who shot his own Diye, causing him to be scolded by the Peacock King.

"Zhao Yang, save me." Huang Qingchan's eyes showed hope when he saw it was Zhao Yang.

"Isn't this the third princess of Xianting? How did you get reduced to this level?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang's ridicule made the third princess very embarrassed, but at this time, in order to survive, there is nothing else to care about.

"Zhao Yang, I apologize to you for what happened back then, can you save us?" Huang Qingchan looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly and said.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Huang Qingchan, who has always been proud, would put down his worth.

"Jarvis, please save face." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Jarvis gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

Its subordinates immediately released Huang Wuji and others, and Huang Wuji and others came to the Zhao Yang battleship.

"Thank you." Huang Wuji said with a bitter expression.

"Zhao Yang, that guy took away all our resources." Huang Qingming said angrily.

Zhao Yang couldn't help looking at Jarvis.

Unwillingly, Jarvis returned the resources of Huang Wuji and others to them.

"See if it is?" Zhao Yang asked.

Huang Qingming and the others inspected it and nodded.

"Can I go?" Jarvis gritted his teeth and asked.

"Do you know they are human?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

Jarvis's heart sank, "What do you mean?"

"I'm also a human race, you target my race, how do you think I should deal with you?" Zhao Yang said here, his eyes glowed with a breathtaking coldness.

Jarvis' heart involuntarily slowed down by half a beat.

He realized that Zhao Yang's cultivation was much higher than his own.

Following the principle of being a good man and not taking immediate losses, Jarvis took a deep breath and asked, "How are you doing?"

"Hand over the resources in your small world." Zhao Yang pointed to Jarvis and said, "And your followers."

"Don't deceive people too much." Jarvis said angrily.


After Jarvis's voice fell, two balls of flames appeared in Zhao Yang's eyes, and Jarvis and his entourage felt that their whole bodies were about to be ignited.

"I'll give it, I'll give it, I'll give it." Jarvis said quickly.

Immediately, Jarvis and his entourage handed over all the resources in the small world to Zhao Yang.

"Can we go now?" Jarvis asked cautiously.

Zhao Yang's eyes suddenly turned into two pieces of ice.

A frozen look.

This is exactly the art of the eyes.

The Eye Art is just an ordinary Emperor Art now, but under Zhao Yang's powerful origin, it still exerts a terrifying power.

Jarvis and his entourage were frozen in an instant, and then turned into pieces under the shocked expressions of Huang Wuji and others.

"Is your battleship broken?" Zhao Yang looked at the first general at this time and asked.

"Yes, it was blown into pieces by that guy's battleship." The first god general replied.

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