Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1210 Meeting Jarvis

Yan Huangzong dispatched an emperor, a king, I believe it will definitely attract attention, if it is dispatched too often, it will be too much limelight.

"It's too often that one person can't guard the mountain gate, right?" Tang Yiren asked softly.

"Caihan will give the sword talisman to Mingyue, and I will also leave behind the King of the Six Paths." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Even if there are two or three emperors attacking, the Yanhuangzong will be as stable as Mount Tai."

After Tang Yiren left, Zhao Yang began to upgrade the mountain guard formation.

In the past two years, Zhao Yang's cultivation has improved a little, and the level of formation has also improved a little.

Therefore, Zhao Yang also upgraded the mountain protection formation.

Of course, this kind of upgrade won't change much, but it can increase the mountain guard formation by [-] to [-] percent.

Don't underestimate these [-]%, these [-]% are actually very rare.

Seeing that there was still time, Zhao Yang took out some formation materials, and he was going to refine two more formation scrolls.

Just after refining here, Zhao Yang suddenly looked into the depths of the universe, and he faintly felt an earth-shattering aura.

This breath rushed straight to Xiaohan.

Rolling Daoyi came with a bang.

"Daoquan appeared." Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

Immediately, Zhao Yang summoned the senior officials of Yanhuangzong.

Zhao Yang handed Mingyue a scroll that had just been refined, and then Zhao Yang summoned the king-level Sanqing of the Six Paths, "Mingyue, these six are under your control."

"I will definitely protect Yanhuangzong well." Mingyue said seriously.

"You're wrong." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I didn't give you these hole cards to let you fight to the death. If you see the situation, you will run away immediately, you know?"

"Escape?" Mingyue was stunned.

"Yanhuangzong specially opened up ten teleportation arrays, and the teleportation directions are three dead planets." Zhao Yang looked at Mingyue and said, "We don't need to fight to the death here."

Lin Caihan handed the kendo talisman to Mingyue at this time, "Take this talisman, once you use it, the other party hasn't left yet, so remember to escape as soon as possible."

After Lin Caihan explained something here, Zhao Yang summoned the battleship of the sixth heaven, Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren, Zhao Yang, Ruoxi, the three princesses and Bi Luo jumped on the battleship, and left here under the gaze of everyone.

The appearance of Daoquan attracted the attention of the whole Tianwaitian, because the fluctuation became more terrifying as time went by.

Immortal Court!

Since Yan Huangzong and Qin Gong joined forces to destroy a branch of the Yinghuo Clan, Xianting also snatched a piece of territory by relying on the momentum of the human race.

After two years, Xianting completely controlled this territory.

When Huang Wuji saw the upheaval in the depths of the sky, he immediately went to the Qin Palace. After arriving in the Qin Palace, Huang Wuji came to the side of the Great Elder of the Qin Palace.

"Teacher, what happened in the depths of the sky?"

"Daoquan was born."


The Great Elder told Huang Wuji about Daoquan and Flounder.

"Teacher, can I go over?"

"Okay, Flounder, you are destined to have no chance, but Daoquan, you can get one or two." The Great Elder said with a smile, "And remember to keep a low profile when you get there."

"I know." Huang Wuji immediately returned to the fairy court.

He immediately summoned the senior officials of Xianting.

"According to the information I got, the Dao Spring of Tianwaitian has been opened, which is an opportunity for us in Xianting." Huang Wuji glanced around the audience and said, "If we can get some holy source liquid, then Xianting can A group of emperors has emerged."

Holy source liquid?

Hearing this, the eyes of some high-level officials in Xianting lit up.


Although there are many emperors in Tianwaitian, it doesn't mean that the emperors are rotten.

Xianting is very short of masters at the emperor level.

"That's why I decided to take Huang Qingchan, Huang Qingming, and the first general to go this time." Huang Wuji's words caused dissatisfaction among many monks.

Huang Wuji's people are all direct descendants.

"Sovereign, my ancient clan also wants to go." The patriarch of the ancient clan said after a moment of pondering.

"Immortal Court needs masters to sit in command, so I have to work hard for you." Huang Wuji said with a smile.

take you there?

Are you kidding me?

Huang Wuji has been assimilating the ancient clan all these years, but unfortunately the effect is not obvious, so Huang Wuji has suppressed the ancient clan in various ways.

By suppressing and dividing the ancient race.

"During my absence, all matters in the sect will be temporarily managed by the second general." Huang Wuji continued.

The ancient patriarch's lungs were about to explode.

what's the situation?

You said that Xianting needs masters to sit in command, but why let the second general manage it?

Huang Wuji was too lazy to care what the patriarch of the ancient clan thought, he rode a battleship of the third heaven of the emperor's realm and headed towards Daoquan.

"A battleship is a battleship. Under full flight, the speed is faster than the emperor of the third heaven." The first god will stand on the bow of the ship and said with emotion.

"In order to buy this battleship, one-third of the treasury was emptied." Huang Wuji said with a soft sigh, "The price of Tianwaitian is too high."

"Actually, you can't say that. Even if you want to buy Xianyu, you can't buy it, okay?" Huang Qingchan said with a smile.

"It's true." Huang Wuji's face was full of panic when he said this.

What did he see?

A pitch-black battleship was approaching their battleship, and a flag in the shape of a skull was hung on that battleship.

"This is the banner of the Interstellar Thieves." After seeing this scene, the first god's hands and feet became cold.

He didn't expect that the first time he used a battleship to travel among the stars, he would encounter a notorious thief?

Huang Wuji's face also darkened.

"Turn around and run away quickly."

The battleship turned around immediately, but before the battleship had gone far, a shell locked on to the battleship.


The shells fell towards Huang Wuji's battleship.

Huang Wuji soared into the sky, and a big golden handprint blasted towards the shell.

When the two collided together, Huang Wuji let out a muffled grunt, and fell a little staggeringly onto its battleship, and the shock wave generated by the violent explosion shattered the mast of the battleship.

Huang Qingchan and the others were even more unstable and fell down.

"What a reckless man, picking up the bomb with bare hands?" A man on the Thief Ship said with a smile.

Huang Wuji looked at the other party with a gloomy face and said, "Who is your Excellency?"


"Jarvis?" Huang Wuji showed doubts on his face.

Looking at Huang Wuji's face, Jarvis knew that Huang Wuji didn't know him. He suddenly felt that his majesty was challenged, "You haven't even heard of my name?"

"Are you famous?" Huang Qingchan said angrily after getting up.

She is the third princess of Xianting, but now she is disgraced.

"Looking for death." Jarvis yelled, "Kill them for me."


The second shell was thrown towards Huang Wuji's battleship again.

Huang Wuji had no choice but to fly forward to block it, and this collision directly caused him serious injuries.

From this, it can be seen that Huang Wuji's cultivation in the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm is really not very good.

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