Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1212 Arriving at Daoquan

"In this case, I will give you the battleship of the fifth heaven." Zhao Yang pointed to the battleship of Jarvis and replied, "Remember, remodel that battleship, otherwise the people behind Jarvis will The Peacock King will not let you go."

"Peacock King?" Hearing these three words, the first general trembled, and he couldn't help looking at Huang Wuji.

If the king is involved, how dare he touch it?

"Take it." Huang Wuji said after pondering for a while, "We don't need this warship for the time being. We will get it to Qin Palace and let Qin Palace help to transform it. I don't think the Peacock King may be able to find it." Paused the emperor Wuji continued, "Besides, as long as we don't come out of Huiwangxing, the Peacock King will not dare to be presumptuous."

Now the human race on Huiwangxing is extremely powerful, and the Peacock King is just a king. Does he dare to come to Huiwangxing to stab him?

"Then I'll have the cheek to accept it." The first general said softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

The first god general took the battleship into his small world with a wave of his hand.

He never thought about going to Daoquan on this warship. If the Peacock King saw it, wouldn't he be rushing to die?

"Sect Master Zhao, is it convenient for Fang to give us a ride?" Huang Wuji asked softly.

"Are you going to Daoquan?"


"Then you guys just stay here." Zhao Yang said lightly.

But when Zhao Yang turned around, he was called out by Huang Qingchan.

"Zhao Yang."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang asked without turning his head.

"Thank you for what happened just now." Huang Qingchan bit her bright red lips and said.

"I saved you only for the sake of being human." What Huang Qingchan didn't expect was Zhao Yang's words.

Huang Qingchan wanted to say something more, but Zhao Yang had already left here.

"This guy." Huang Qingchan stomped her feet.

Huang Wuji glanced at Huang Qingchan suspiciously, and he murmured in his heart.

"Isn't Qing Chan interested in Zhao Yang?"

Huang Wuji knew how arrogant Huang Qingchan was, the number one god general had been chasing her for many years, but in the end he didn't even respond at all.

But if Huang Qingchan fell in love with Zhao Yang, the problem is that with Zhao Yang's current status, Huang Qingchan has no chance at all?

Huang Wuji felt that if he was sure that Huang Qingchan had this intention, he would have to persuade him well.

After all, the possibility of Huang Qingchan catching up with Zhao Yang is zero, and if Huang Qingchan takes action, what will the first general think?

"Actually, I'm already capable of building king-level battleships, but I think I'll wait until my cultivation level has improved." Lin Caihan said softly.

Lin Caihan's current cultivation base has also set foot on the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, and her combat power has soared to the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm. In other words, she is qualified to build a battleship of the seventh heaven.

But the battleship consumes too much material, Lin Caihan wants to build a stronger battleship, so she has to wait for her cultivation to improve.

"There is no rush for a king-level battleship." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "By the way, how is your cultivation going in one year?"

"The one-thought transformation of Qi Dao is already very proficient, and it will take some time for the one-year transformation of the Array Dao." Lin Caihan replied.

Lin Caihan spent thousands of years practicing the array.

But the current progress of Array Dao is still not as good as Qi Dao.

"I'm wondering if I also practice Qi Dao?" Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

If Zhao Yang practiced Qi Dao again, he would be able to condense nine king-level avatars.

"It's not necessary." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "Cultivating the four great ways at the same time will greatly deplete your mind. I think martial arts is the most important."

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang felt that it was too much pressure to practice Qi Dao again, so he gave up.

Half a day later, the battleship came to the vicinity of Daoquan, at this time Zhao Yang and others stepped out of the battleship.

"Let's go over there." Zhao Yang said.

Huang Qingchan and the others understood what Zhao Yang meant, so they jumped into the air one by one.

Zhao Yang put away the battleship casually.

A group of people were stopped by a patrolling team just when they arrived at the outskirts of Daoquan.

"Please reveal your identities." An imposing man said loudly.

"The emperor of the human race, Chanjuan." When the third princess said this, a ray of coercion that only an emperor could have bloomed from her body.

"The Emperor?" The man's eyes showed a look of shock, "According to the rules, you can bring three people into the side of Daoquan."

The third princess pointed at Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, and Tang Yiren, "I'll take the three of them in."

"You take them in." The man arranged for a guard and said in a deep voice.

"I am Bi Luo, the king of the human race." Bi Luo also stood up at this time.

The man was astonished to see the kingly spirit flowing from Bi Luo's body, "Years ago, your human race had only one king, but now there are two kings, one king."

After a pause, the man looked at Bi Luo and said, "According to the rules, you can bring one person into the side of Daoquan."

"Let's go in together." Bi Luo said softly.


At this time, the man looked at Huang Wuji and said, "What are you doing?"

"We are here for the holy source liquid." Huang Wuji said softly.

"Since you are all emperors, you are eligible to get the holy source liquid." The man said, "But this time is a thousand years old, so there will be flounder, you wait on the outside first, and remember not to get close to the Daoquan Baibai. Minei, if you offend those guys, no one will be able to save you then."

Huang Wuji and others even said they didn't dare.

Daoquan is a river winding hundreds of meters. At this time, there are many young men and women on both sides of the river.

They are communicating in groups of three or five.

"Those Tianjiao are all under the command of the emperor or the king." At this time, the soldiers who came with Zhao Yang replied, "They are also preparing to fish for flounder. You can go and communicate with them. Of course, you can also choose them in advance. Fishing location."

"What are the tools for fishing?" Lin Caihan asked at this time.

"Whether it's a fishing rod or a bait, you make it yourself." The soldier replied.

Lin Caihan was stunned.

"What flounder likes to eat, there is no public opinion so far, so I can't give you any advice." The soldier looked at Lin Caihan and said, "But you can talk to those Tianjiao, maybe they know something."

"Thank you."

After the soldier left, Lin Caihan pondered for a while and asked, "Should we talk to those guys?"

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Let's choose a fishing spot."

As a result, Zhao Yang didn't go far when he saw Qin Xuan clashing with an eagle-eyed man.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Xuan's eyes burst into murderous intent when he said this.

What did he see?

Qin Ming was knocked to the ground, and Qin Mei was slapped.

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