Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1209 Zhao Yang's Epiphany

"I think so too, otherwise there is no way to explain Ming Jun's behavior." Zhao Yang nodded.

Didn't Ming Jun know that Zhao Yang would not let him go easily?

It knows.

But it is still willing to be imprisoned and sealed, which in itself can explain the problem?

"I want to practice the seal in the formation." The third princess looked at Zhao Yang at this time.

It is true that Mingjun cannot make waves in Zhao Yang's small world, but just in case the third princess thinks it is necessary to practice a little or two.

"I'll pass on to you the seal chapter in the Dao of Formation." Zhao Yang said while detaining a ray of divine sense and tapped it between the three princesses' eyebrows.

After the third princess glanced roughly, a look of surprise appeared on her face, "It's just the seal chapter, so there are so many?"

"It's as simple as talking about array way and martial way?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"I guess I'll have to ask you often."

"It's okay, anyway, I have a lot of time." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Besides, I have a dream of Huang Liang, so you don't have to worry about learning it."

"Now it's better to let me practice for ten years first." The third princess said softly.

"Okay." Zhao Yang said and cast Huangliang Yimeng on the third princess.

Seeing that the three princesses had entered the state of enlightenment, Zhao Yang waved his hand and placed a restriction, which firmly guarded the three princesses.

"In the next two years, I plan to raise my cultivation level to the fifth heaven." Lin Caihan said at this time.

"Is it a bit hasty?"

"The development of the Zongmen has been established, and there is still Mingyue Yiren around, so to be honest, I can't help you much?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Furthermore, I have a premonition that something unexpected may happen then. things."

At that time, the emperors of the entire Tianwaitian will go there. If Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan catch a purple flounder and want to take it away safely, is it possible?

This is also the reason why Lin Caihan wanted to raise his cultivation level to the fifth heaven?

If she is promoted to the fifth heaven, her combat effectiveness will soar to the seventh heaven.

"Alright." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I'm almost done practicing the three cleanses with one breath." Lin Caihan continued.

"What?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"You can use the Qi of the Dao of Alchemy to transform the Sanqing, why can't I use the Qi of the Dao of Qi?" Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Lin Caihan's words caused a flash of lightning to flash in Zhao Yang's mind.

Zhao Yang stood there dumbfounded.

All of a sudden, various thoughts and ideas kept colliding in his mind.

Gradually, his body exuded a bright light.

After Lin Caihan saw this scene, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Is this falling into the state of enlightenment?" Lin Caihan waved his hand and set a ban on Zhao Yang's side as he thought about it.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yang opened his eyes, which were dazzling and shining.

"How?" Lin Caihan removed the restraint and asked with a smile.

"I have always wanted to make a breakthrough in strength these years, but I still can't get out of the confinement of various exercises. Your words remind me. Since the Qi of the Alchemy can transform the three cleans in one breath, then a burst of The Qi of Dao can also transform into three cleans in one breath, and the Qi of Qi Dao can also transform into three cleans in one breath.” Zhao Yang had a smile on his face when he said this, “I just realized these two points in the past three hours.”

"Congratulations." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

This is a rare breakthrough.

This means that Zhao Yang can now summon nine kings.

"I need to sort it out, and it should be fine after I sort it out." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I'll give you my insights." Lin Caihan said at this time, "Maybe I can give you some help."

Zhao Yang nodded.

After browsing, he found that Lin Caihan's path was different from what he thought, but Lin Caihan's path was almost to the other side of the river.

"You have already passed this road, you can continue on." After a while, Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You need to teach me three formations." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "In this way, I can cooperate with Sanqing."

"no problem."

"Forget it, can you teach me the complete array technique?"


"You don't think I can't learn, do you?"

"It will be very hard for you to learn the art of formation from now on."

"It's okay, don't you have a dream? I'm going to spend 1000 years to realize it."

Looking at Lin Caihan's firm eyes, Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Formation Dao can also enhance one's own strength, since Lin Caihan wants to practice, Zhao Yang will not hide it.

In the following time, except for the occasional practice, Zhao Yang spent most of his time cultivating disciples of the sect.

At this time, Huangliang Yimeng has been deduced by Zhao Yang to the third stage of the second level, which means that Zhao Yang can make thousands of monks comprehend ten years in one day at the same time.

Therefore, the strength of the monks of Yanhuangzong has been developed by leaps and bounds.

Because this is a cheating device.

But Zhao Yang is still dissatisfied, he thinks this number is too low.

If tens of thousands of monks can realize ten years in one day, then the efficiency will be increased tenfold.

After thinking of this, Zhao Yang began to deduce it. After spending 300 years, he finally took a crucial step.

Huang Liang Yimeng broke through.

The dream of Huang Liang after the breakthrough can make ten thousand monks realize ten years in one day.

But Zhao Yang was still dissatisfied after reaching this point.

He felt that since the number of people can be increased, the time can also be increased.

It was only during the actual deduction that Zhao Yang realized that the difficulty was even more difficult than he had imagined. He spent eight hundred years and only extended the time by five years.

"15 years, let's say 15 years." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

It is not impossible to continue to extend the time, but it takes too much time and effort.

Not worth the candle.

In fact, this is also a relatively big breakthrough.

"Husband, the number of formation masters, alchemists, and weapon masters in Yanhuangzong has increased by more than ten times than before." Tang Yiren came to Zhao Yang and said tenderly.

Zhao Yang put his arms around Tang Yiren's slender waist, "Are the resources of the sect still enough?"

"The Zongmen has accumulated too many resources. Even if it is invested crazily during this period, it will not consume much." Tang Yiren said with a smile, "The resources in the treasury can last for many years."

"How is your cultivation?"

"It has been growing steadily." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

"What happened to the Three Cleansing School in one breath?"

"It's almost time to learn the Three Purities in One Qi, and it won't take long to fully control it."

"You still have half a year to practice."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to go to the Daoquan Conference in half a year?"

"I have the quota?" Tang Yiren asked in surprise.

"The three princesses can bring three places, and the three places are for Caihan, you and me." Zhao Yang explained, "Bi Luo has become the king now, and she will take Ruoxi there."

"Too often?"

"Too often guarding the sect."

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