Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1200 Kill 5 Emperor Heng



Zhao Yang brought back Sanqing who was far away from Yanhuangzong with a single thought, and at the same time a brand new Sanqing appeared beside him.

"The defensive formation I left here can trap two emperors in a short period of time, and the formation on the battleship can also trap three emperors in a short period of time. The task of the three of you is to trap two emperors in the shortest time. Destroy Emperor Wuheng." Zhao Yang glanced at Sanqing and said.

At this time, Sanqing was even more tyrannical than before Zhao Yang left.

"Obey." Sanqing said respectfully.

The reason why Zhao Yang's formation here can only trap two emperors is not because Zhao Yang's formation is not good, but because Zhao Yang used formation runes in order not to be discovered by everyone. .

Zhao Yang didn't use any formation materials, which is why he could only trap two emperors.

As for the formation on the battleship, Zhao Yang used formation materials, so he could trap the three emperors.But it can only be done in a small area. Fortunately, the seven emperors are all nearby.

"I will do my best to attack Emperor Jiuyue. After killing Emperor Wuheng, you will help me kill Emperor Jiuyue immediately." Zhao Yang continued.

"As ordered."

After Zhao Yang made the plan, Emperor Jiuyue also made the plan.


The seven emperors immediately tore apart the space and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

The Sifang Emperor was shocked immediately.

It is something that the audience does not know.

"What are you doing?" Sifang Emperor asked quickly.

"Emperor Sifang, if you don't want to die, don't ask about it." Emperor Jiuyue shouted loudly.

At this moment, Zhao Yang pulled out the formation on the battleship.

The Dao Talisman Culture formed an invisible barrier to forcefully confine the Emperor Liupo, the Emperor of the Four Seas, and the Emperor of Qimen in place.

Looking at the dense array of runes, Emperor Jiuyue had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Is this guy the king of formations?"

"It's broken." Emperor Wuheng's face was as gloomy as water.


At the moment when they were astonished, dense array runes appeared under their feet. Emperor Wuheng and Emperor Jiuyue broke free immediately and fled towards the distance, but Emperor Bamian and Emperor Jiuxun were trapped up.

"What should we do now?" asked the Emperor Wuheng who had escaped.

"Escape." Emperor Jiuyue said in a deep voice.

It realizes that things are inviolable.

"Escape? Have you asked me?" Zhao Yang said in front of the two of Jiuyue Dijun.

"Zhao Yang, you can't stop the two of us." Emperor Jiuyue said with a gloomy expression.

He thought the plan was flawless.

But who would have thought that Zhao Yang would have arranged two king-level formations here without saying a word?

"Can't stop it?" Zhao Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth when he said this.

Nine Suns Divine Fist!

Zhao Yang swung his fist and forced Jiuyue Dijun back.

Emperor Wuheng ran away without thinking about seeing this scene.

"Emperor Wuheng, what are you running for?" Seeing this scene, Emperor Jiuyue's mentality almost collapsed.

"Didn't you say run?" Just as Emperor Wuheng said this, he felt that the space around him was a little different, and then three figures formed a killing array and rushed towards him.


Emperor Wuheng's mentality collapsed a bit.

Nine Suns Divine Fist!

All three of them used the Nine Suns Fist, the space around him was about to be ignited, and he himself was about to be roasted.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

The strength of Sanqing is not as good as this deity, but at this time they are using battle formations.

The battle formation further increased their combat effectiveness, even Zhao Yang was far inferior in this regard.

After holding on to the six punches, Emperor Wuheng was seriously injured, "Help."

Seeing Dijun Wuyue calling for help, Dijun Jiuyue almost peed in fright.

He wanted to escape, but was bitten by Zhao Yang.

"Hurry up." Zhao Yang urged.

Sanqing also realized that Zhao Yang would not last long here.

Zhao Yang may be able to defeat Emperor Jiuyue, but it is very difficult to prevent Emperor Jiuyue from escaping.


Sanqing pushed the Jiuyang Xuangong to the extreme, and then blasted the Jiuyang Divine Fist at Emperor Wuheng one after another.

After three punches, half of Emperor Wuheng's body collapsed. After seeing this scene, Sanqing did not relax in any way. They knew too well that Emperor Wuheng was the most dangerous at this time.

"Take advantage of its illness and kill it." Taiqing swung his fist and punched Emperor Wuheng at this point, it tore apart the space and appeared in front of Emperor Jiuyue who wanted to escape.

"Where are you going?" Emperor Jiuyue looked at Emperor Wuheng with his divine sense.

At this time, Shangqing was attacking Emperor Wuheng.

Wuhengdijun's aura has been sluggish to a certain stage after two consecutive punches.

Seeing to die.

But Yuqing did not slack off in the slightest.


Here, Emperor Jiuyue managed to find an opportunity to escape, but was blocked by Shangqing.

"We can't let this guy run away." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Are you still hiding it? Don't think about it until the two of us fall." Jiuyue Dijun was anxious, and it roared at the five emperors who were trapped by the formation.

Except for the emperor of the four seas, the five emperors are also very aggrieved.

They are already attacking with all their strength, but the king-level formations can be broken wherever they are said to be broken.

"There are three kings beside Mr. Zhao?" Sifang Dijun looked at Bahuang Emperor and said leisurely.

"Yeah, when Mr. Zhao advised me not to do it, I was still guessing what cards he had? Who would have thought that he could trap the five emperors, and it seems that he wants to kill Wuheng Emperor and Jiuyue Emperor."

"Do you think he can do it?" Sifang Dijun asked softly.

"Okay." Just as Emperor Bahuang said this, he heard Emperor Wuheng scream, but it was Emperor Wuheng who was beheaded and killed by Yuqing on the spot.

Immediately, Yuqing and Taiqing also came to the vicinity of Emperor Jiuyue.

"Kill." Zhao Yang said loudly.

The four of Zhao Yang formed a four-pole killing formation, which was even more terrifying than the three-talented formation.

After three breaths, Emperor Jiuyue was severely injured.

"Zhao Yang, let's talk." Emperor Jiuyue said hurriedly.

"Let's talk after handing over the resources in your small world." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

"I can hand over the resources in the small world, but you have to ensure my safety." Emperor Jiuyue said in a deep voice.

"The premise is that you don't act like you're doing it." Zhao Yang looked at Liupodijun and the others and said, "You don't have to make any more moves."

Emperor Liupo pondered for a while and said, "We don't need to make a move, but what if you deal with us later?"

"Do you think I'll touch you again?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "The one who started it was Wu Heng. Since Wu Heng is dead, I don't want to pursue it anymore."

"We don't believe you." Emperor Qimen said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Of course you don't have to believe it, but in the future I will bring my three younger brothers to kill me." Zhao Yang said with cold eyes, "I believe you all know that I am the king of formation, and I don't believe you can stop me at that time." live."

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