Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1201 The Looting Begins

Zhao Yang's words silenced Emperor Qimen.

Can you stop it?


Besides, Zhao Yang is not alone, he also has three king juniors?

"Open your small world." Zhao Yang looked at Emperor Jiuyue and said.

Emperor Jiuyue was silent for a moment, but still aggrievedly opened his own small world, Zhao Yang glanced at Shangqing, and Shangqing jumped into Emperor Jiuyue's small world.

Shangqing's spiritual thoughts instantly enveloped the small world of Emperor Jiuyue, and then everything useful or useless was drawn into his small world by Shangqing's spiritual thoughts.

In less than a minute, Emperor Jiuyue found that his small world was empty.

It wants to cry.


Even the palace was taken away?

Can I have some Bilian?

What it doesn't know is that Zhao Yang is worried that there will be changes later, what if the six broken emperors go back on their word?

Do you know that the formation can't last long?

"According to the agreement, you can leave." Shangqing said after returning to Zhao Yang.

A look of surprise appeared on the face of Emperor Jiuyue.

But just when it was about to leave, Taiqing suddenly said, "No."

"What do you mean?" Emperor Jiuyue's face darkened.

"The instigator of this matter is you besides Emperor Wuheng, so it is impossible to let you go anyway." Taiqing said seriously.

"Junior Brother Taiqing, I have promised to let Emperor Jiuyue go." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"It's your business that you promised, and it has nothing to do with us." Taiqing greeted Shangqing and Yuqing, "You two, let's fight together."



Shangqing and Yuqing follow Taiqing to attack.

Sanqing formed a killing array and launched an attack on Jiuyue.

"Three junior brothers, you are trapping us in an injustice." Zhao Yang said with an ugly face.

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with you." Shang Qing said at this time.

"That's right, senior brother, this matter is up to us." Yuqing echoed.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

The faces of the five emperors including the six broken emperors darkened.

How come they don't know that Zhao Yang and Sanqing are singing double reeds, and the reason why Zhao Yang agreed to release Jiuyue before was only for resources.

Therefore, after they looked at each other, they shot one after another to break the formation in a short time.

At this time, Zhao Yang didn't say anything.

Because he knows the overall situation is settled.

The fall of Jiuyue is only a matter of time.

Finally, Emperor Bamian and Emperor Jiuxun broke the formation formed by Zhao Yang, but the two were far away from the ground immediately.

To save Emperor Jiuyue?

What are you kidding?

The fall of the emperor of Jiuyue was only in an instant, and Zhao Yang was still watching from the sidelines.

How dare they join in the fun?


At this moment, Taiqing punched Jiuyue Dijun to pieces with a powerful punch, and everyone fell silent watching the fallen and dead Jiuyue Dijun.

Who would have thought that Emperor Wuheng and Emperor Jiuyue would be killed by Zhao Yang.

At this time, Zhao Yang waved his hand and removed the formations that imprisoned the Four Seas Emperor, Liu Po ​​Emperor, and Qimen Emperor.

At this time, the formation was also fragmented, and he couldn't hold on for a few more breaths.

"Master Zhao, what happened this time was a misunderstanding." Emperor Qimen said after a moment of silence.

"Is it a misunderstanding? I think you are very clear." Zhao Yang sneered.

"Let's draw a path." Liupo Dijun said in a deep voice.

It knew that it was impossible to resolve this matter safely.

"I know that the instigators of this incident are Emperor Wuheng and Emperor Jiuyue, but you also participated in the hunting and killing of me." Zhao Yang said lightly, "On the basis that nothing happened to me, you should compensate me for some resources. I don't think that's too much?"

"Master Zhao, please make a price." Eight-faced Emperor said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and a list appeared in the air, "You five families each prepare ten kinds of materials, I can't think too much."

Is it too much?


You must know that the above materials are very rare no matter which one?

"Within three days." Zhao Yang said sternly, "I hope you can send it. Of course, you can also oblige, but you can't afford it in the end."

Just when Emperor Liupo and the others were silent, Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Emperor Sihai, "You don't need to send resources, but you still have to do what you have to do, otherwise you won't be able to gain a foothold on Planet Haowang."

"Thank you." The Emperor of the Four Seas said hurriedly.

No matter what, the Emperor of the Four Seas provided the information, even if Zhao Yang didn't need the information from the Emperor of the Four Seas.

"I will send the resources in three days." Liupo Dijun said in a deep voice.

And after the six broken emperors, the emperors one after another also said that they would send resources in three days.

After they left one after another, Zhao Yang looked at Emperor Bahuang and Emperor Sifang, "At this time, I will go to the territory of Emperor Wuheng and Emperor Jiuyue. After I plunder, the territories of these two forces will be handed over. It's for the two of you."

The faces of Emperor Bahuang and Emperor Sifang showed surprise.

It is true that Zhao Yang will roughly plunder the resources of these two major forces, but the remaining resources, population, land, etc. are also a big piece of cake.

After leaving the Eight Desolation Sect, Zhao Yang summoned 400 million soldiers, all of whom were transferred from the Yanhuang Sect to that small world.

"Taiqing, Shangqing, both of you lead 100 million soldiers to the territory of Emperor Wuheng. Remember, you only have three days. Within three days, you must plunder resources as much as possible." After Zhao Yang confessed, Taiqing and Shangqing left with 200 million soldiers.

And Zhao Yang and Yuqing went to the territory of Emperor Jiuyue with 200 million soldiers.

As the king of the seventh heaven, Emperor Jiuyue has three masters from the sixth heaven under his command, and seven masters from the fifth heaven, but how can they be Zhao Yang's opponents?

Furthermore, there are as many as 200 people who have obtained the guardian seal in this [-] million army.

The guardian seal can imprison even the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, in less than half a day, all the powerhouses in the Emperor Realm on the Jiuyue Emperor's site were killed, and then the next thing was the carnival of looting.

In three days, 200 million soldiers swept through the territory of Emperor Jiuyue, and took away everything that could be taken away.

And these resources were all piled up in an area of ​​the small world, and it took several months for tens of thousands of robots to process these resources without sleep. Of course, this was a matter of later.

Three days later, Zhao Yang came to the Eight Desolation Sect, and not long after, Liu Po ​​Dijun and the other five emperors also arrived.

They left one after another after paying ten rare resources.

Of course, the Qiankun bag given to Zhao Yang by the Emperor of the Four Seas is only some relatively rare resources.

Then Zhao Yang was invited by Emperor Bahuang to the Bahuang Sect.

Not long after everyone sat down, the Emperor of the Four Seas arrived.

"Young Master Zhao, now the Four Great Monarchs have begun to doubt me, what should I do?"

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