Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1199 Targeting Zhao Yang

Of course, there are drawbacks to doing so.

The disadvantage is that the Nine Suns Mysterious Kungfu cannot be endless, but Zhao Yang's combat effectiveness has been improved at this time.


Jiuyang Xuangong emphasizes strength and domineering.

Strong is strong.

Supreme Qingming followed the same route.

Therefore, even if the sword king is a strong one in the ranks of kings, he is a bit overwhelmed at this time.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The sword king's spirit seemed to be deflated.

He looked at Zhao Yang with horror in his eyes.

He claims to be a top existence in the seventh heaven, and there is no single person who can defeat it, but Zhao Yang's strength is still beyond his expectations.

Is it so scary to fight across levels?

In fact, Zhao Yang is not so powerful normally, but Zhao Yang has the skills of the peak of the three great emperors, and the second method of array and alchemy can also strengthen his foundation. This is the reason why Zhao Yang defeated the sword king. reason.


Zhao Yang's eyes turned gray and white.

The Sword King only felt that his soul was being held tightly by a pair of big hands.

This eye technique is exactly the secret technique recorded in Huangquan Zhenjue.

At this time, it was displayed by Zhao Yang with the support of Nine Yang Xuangong.

While the sword king's face changed drastically, his whole body burst out with exuberant blood power, which was enough to overwhelm rivers and seas.

It tore through the heavy imprisonment and fled towards the distance.

Zhao Yang watched him leave and sighed softly, "Unfortunately, he still didn't kill him."

"I've already left a mark on him, if we track him down, there's still time." Emperor Bahuang said to Zhao Yang via voice transmission.

"No need, I will kill the sword king myself." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"It's a pity." The blood emperor said with emotion.

"Is it really a pity?" Zhao Yang said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

In addition to being powerful in martial arts, Zhao Yang's alchemy is also extremely overbearing.

When Zhao Yang fought against the Sword King just now, he used a toxin that could seriously injure the King. It is uncertain whether the Sword King can survive the severe injury.

Taking a step back, even if he survived, his combat effectiveness would have to drop.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang is still a formation master.

During the previous battle, he also left a mark on the sword king, and the mark he left was more secretive than that left by the Emperor Bahuang. Now Zhao Yang only needs to wait patiently for the sword king to explode.

"I'm going to rest for a day, and I will continue alchemy tomorrow." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said.

Then Zhao Yang returned to the battleship.

And Zhao Yang's departure made the kings present look at Zhao Yang with admiration.

"This guy's fighting power is really terrifying."

"There are not many who can defeat him in the seventh heaven."

"The problem is this guy hasn't stepped into the realm of king yet?"

"It must not be offended."

"You said that if we captured him, wouldn't he be used by us in the future?"

"First, it is impossible to capture him without more than three kings; second, how do you know what the other kings think? What if they help us when the time comes? Three, how do you know there is no inheritance behind this guy?"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


Zhao Yang is so powerful, who will believe you if you say there is no inheritance?

"We all know the emperor of the eighth heaven, and I can be sure that he is not anyone's disciple." Emperor Jiuyue said in a deep voice, "I think this guy came here step by step."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Emperor Jiuyue continued, "And how powerful this guy's supernatural power is, at least it must be the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm. I don't believe you are not moved?"

The words of Emperor Jiuyue moved the two emperors.

Emperor Wuheng's eyes flickered and he said, "The problem now is that if we do something, what should we do if Emperor Bahuang and others stop us?"

Emperor Wuheng also wants to do something, but if Emperor Bahuang and others stop him, why are they talking about imprisoning Zhao Yang?

"This is indeed a difficult matter." Emperor Liupo thought for a while and said, "In this way, I noticed that the two emperors, Emperor Bahuang and Emperor Sifang, have a very good attitude towards Zhao Yang. as opponents."

"What about Four Seas? What about Qimen? Just now, these two clearly supported Zhao Yang." Emperor Wuheng said in a deep voice.

"The Emperor of the Four Seas and the Emperor of the Eight Desolations are deadly enemies. We just need to tell the Emperor of the Four Seas that Zhao Yang and the Emperor of the Eight Desolations are inseparable. I think the Emperor of the Four Seas may stand with us."

"Emperor Qimen has always been unprofitable, so as long as we express that there are many emperors who support Zhao Yang, I don't believe this guy will not be tempted." Emperor Wuheng analyzed, "Eight-faced emperor and Jiuxun emperor have not shown up. But I think these two can still talk.”

"As long as we can convince Bamian Dijun and Jiuxun Dijun, I think Sihai Dijun and Qimen Dijun are also on our side." Jiuyue Dijun showed a smile on his face.

"I think you can try it." Liupo Dijun couldn't sit still.

Soon Emperor Jiuyue contacted Emperor Bamian and Emperor Jiuxun. After careful consideration, these two emperors decided to join them, and then they contacted Emperor Sihai and Emperor Qimen.

Dijun Qimen and Dijun Sihai also decided to join after careful consideration.

In this way, seven of the nine emperors on Haowang Planet have joined.

And when they were discussing how to attack Zhao Yang, Emperor Bahuang, and Emperor Sifang, Emperor Sihai quietly sent a message to Emperor Bahuang.

"Wuheng and other emperors are going to attack Zhao Yang and you."

Emperor Bahuang's face changed slightly when he received the news, and then he calmly transmitted his voice to Zhao Yang.

"Wuheng and other seven emperors want to attack you."

"How did you know?"

"Who told you the news?"

"Emperor of the Four Seas."

"Why did the Emperor of the Four Seas tell you, aren't you two rivals?"

"To be honest, this is just what we intentionally shaped to the outside world." Emperor Bahuang revealed a shocking news, "Emperor Sihai and I actually came from the same school."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

It never occurred to him that the discord between the Emperors of the Four Seas and the Emperors of the Eight Desolations was deliberately created by them.

"Why are you telling me this news?"

"Because I think you are a potential dragon in the abyss, and it is good for me to make friends with you." Emperor Ba Huang expressed his inner thoughts.

"Who is the instigator?"

"The instigators are Emperor Wuheng and Emperor Jiuyue."

"I see."

Emperor Bahuang was stunned.

You knew already?

Do you know that these are the Seven Great Monarchs?

How dare Zhao Yang be so calm?

"They're going to attack soon, you still have time to leave now." Emperor Ba Huang quickly reminded.

"Why do you want to leave?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "The seven emperors want to kill me?"

Emperor Bahuang gave Zhao Yang a suspicious look.

It really wanted to know how Zhao Yang dared to say such arrogant words?

The seven emperors, even the eighth heaven of the emperor realm, can be killed, okay?

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