Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1198 Arrival of the Sword King

After a while, the Blood Emperor rubbed his hands and said, "Can you ask your wife to help me refine a battleship for the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"No problem, but you have to provide the materials, right?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I don't know what materials are needed?" The blood emperor's eyes lit up.

It didn't expect Zhao Yang not to refuse.

Zhao Yang summoned the battleship, Qi Ling gave Zhao Yang a list, and Zhao Yang handed the list to the Blood Emperor.

The Blood Emperor glanced at it and clicked his tongue, "This requires too many resources."

"Do you think it's too much to need these resources for a battleship that can compete with or even kill the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "As long as you gather enough materials here, I will ask my wife to refine it for you."

Of course Zhao Yang wouldn't let Lin Caihan refine it, he just asked Tang Yiren to help refine it.

You must know that Tang Yiren's current potential has reached the eighth heaven. The warship she refined may not reach the level of Lin Caihan, but it will definitely exceed the expectations of the blood emperor.

"I'll get it together slowly." The Blood Emperor said in a deep voice.

"I don't care what method you use to get together, but you can't move the forces that the human race and the human race have made good friends with." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

When he said this, his expression was very dignified and solemn.

"I know, I understand the rules." The blood emperor said seriously.

Zhao Yang came from the human race, and if he touched the human race, he just slapped Zhao Yang in the face.

"Another piece of news to tell you." Zhao Yang said after a moment of pondering.

"You said."

"You only have less than a thousand years to prepare."


"After a thousand years, Tianwaitian will be the same as Immortal Territory."

The blood emperor's pupils shrank fiercely, "This..." Then a bitter look appeared on his face, "With my current cultivation base, it is impossible to gather these materials within a thousand years."

The blood emperor's cultivation base is the fifth level of the emperor's realm, but this does not mean that he can get a lot of materials.

"After this matter is over, I will give you a Sixth Heaven's Breaking Rank Pill. You have been with me for a while, and I can't let your hard work be in vain." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

An excited expression appeared on the face of the Blood Emperor, "Really...really?"

The Blood Emperor didn't expect that Zhao Yang would be willing to give him the Advanced Pill of the Sixth Heaven of the Emperor Realm. You know, he was still thinking about how to mention it to Zhao Yang before?

But he never thought that Zhao Yang would generously give him one.

"Can I still cheat you in this kind of thing?"

"If that's the case, I'm sure I can gather enough materials within a thousand years." The blood emperor clenched his fists as he said.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, he suddenly looked into the distance.

A domineering figure was walking towards this side, upon seeing that figure, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

And when that figure saw Zhao Yang clearly, a ferocious killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Boy, I finally found you."

Just when that figure was about to make a move, Emperor Ba Huang immediately stopped that figure, "Sword King, what are you going to do?"

"Emperor Bahuang, this one had a grudge against me back then." The Sword King said in a deep voice.

The Sword King was still a little apprehensive.

Even if he thinks he can defeat Emperor Bahuang, it will take hundreds of moves.

"Sword King, Mr. Zhao is my good friend." The Emperor of the Four Seas fought out at this time.

"That's right, Mr. Zhao is a distinguished guest of our Haowang Planet, and it's not your turn to be the Sword King." Sifang Emperor said indifferently.

"Sword King, it's all right for you to show your prestige in your territory, Haowang Planet is not your turn to be arrogant." When Emperor Qimen said these words, there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing the four kings standing up one after another, the sword king showed a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't know how Zhao Yang and He De could win the favor of the four kings?

"Thank you for the kindness of the Daoists, but I want to face the Sword King alone." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "I made an oath back then that one day I would kill the Sword King."

"Kill me?" The Sword King laughed loudly, "Only by you?"

But then the Sword King thought of something, "What do you call Emperor Bahuang and the others?"


After the sword king's voice fell, Zhao Yang shot.

The power of the nine suns turned into a world-shattering energy and blasted towards the Sword King mercilessly.

The Sword King only felt as if he was facing the Son of the Sun. While his eyes showed horror, he pointed his fingers forward, and the sky-filled sword light turned into an endless river of sword intent.

When the two collided in mid-air, the sword king's face became ugly.


Because he failed to defeat Zhao Yang.

"King, so you are also a king? No, you are not a king. You don't have the aura of a king?" The Sword King suddenly realized something when he said this, "You have the posture of a king." Oh no.

Zhao Yang is already very difficult to deal with now, but if he grows up in the future, will he still have a way out?

Must kill him.

at all costs.

The Sword King took out his sword, "Follow me to kill the enemy today."

The war sword shook slightly, as if responding to the sword king.

"Brother Dao, do you need help?" Emperor Bahuang said in a deep voice.

Emperor Bahuang naturally also saw the value of Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang was a master of the king's array, so he was worth wooing no matter from any aspect.

"No need." Zhao Yang said and took a step forward.

Hundreds of millions of golden lights bloomed from Zhao Yang's body, and he seemed to have transformed into an eternal god in an instant, and at the same time a terrifying force was crushing towards the Sword King.

This force is more terrifying than the power of heaven and earth, this force is more terrifying than the power of heaven, this force is more domineering than the calamity of heaven.

The sword king felt that he was being suppressed in all directions.

This suppression imprisoned his body, his soul, and even his everything.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" The sword king's face was very ugly.

Because this trend is still growing as time goes by.

Of course Zhao Yang would not tell the Sword King that this is the Supreme Qingming Jue, and it is also a supreme skill at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

The most terrifying thing about the Supreme Qingming Jue is this kind of power. Zhao Yang feels that the power of the Nine Suns Fist is even higher than that of the Nine Suns Fist, but the most overbearing thing about the Nine Suns Fist is not a single attack, but its continuous output .

Furthermore, once the Nine Suns Mysterious Art is in operation, it can be endless.

At this time, Zhao Yang combined the advantages of the two supreme profound arts, and launched the most terrifying blow to the Sword King.

"Break it for me." Sword King roared.

Thirty-six thousand pores all over his body were glowing, and the sword light poured down like a galaxy.

"Kill." Zhao Yang used the Nine Suns Mysterious Art to the extreme.

His whole body turned into a round of sun, which was extremely bright.

If it was said that Zhao Yang was still running Jiuyang Xuangong at full capacity before, then at this moment he was running Jiuyang Xuangong at full capacity.

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