Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1194 This Is the Reality


Sato came not far from the battleship while the blood emperor was talking. He looked at Zhao Yang solemnly and said, "The blood emperor is the most wanted criminal of the Eight Desolation Sect. Please help me."

Sato sensed the threat of the battleship. He had a vague feeling that he was no match for the battleship. Otherwise, he would have made a move as soon as he came up. How could he talk nonsense with Zhao Yang?

"The Blood Emperor was kind to me once, I can't give him to you." Zhao Yang said calmly with his hands behind his back.

If Zhao Yang was afraid of the existence of this level before, but after his cultivation reached the fifth level of the emperor's realm, Zhao Yang didn't care about the sixth level of the emperor's realm at all.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear enough. The Eight Desolation Sect is a king-level power." Sato said in a deep voice, "The Blood Emperor stole the original technique of the Eight Desolation Sect. No matter what, the Eight Desolation Sect will arrest him."

"I also made it very clear, I can't hand over the blood emperor to you." Zhao Yang stared at Sato and said.

"Maybe I can't do anything to you, but are you sure you want to fight against my brother?" Sato's eyes became sharp.

"Why don't I wait here for your senior brother?" What Sato didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly provoked him.

"You..." Sato stared fixedly at Zhao Yang for a while, "Bahuangzong remembers you."

But when he was about to leave, the space in front of him suddenly collapsed, and a natural moat blocked his way.

"You turned out to be a Dao master?" Sato looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said.

"Originally, I wanted to let you go, but the look in your eyes at the end made me unhappy." Zhao Yang said lightly, "So you should leave all the resources on your body before leaving."

"You..." Just as Sato was about to say something, the main gun on the battleship locked itself firmly.

"Are you sure you want to tear yourself apart with the Eight Desolation Sect?" Sato said angrily.

"Don't tell me I'm not at odds with the Eight Desolation Sect now?" Zhao Yang took a step forward when he said this, and the monstrous power of this step turned into a stormy wave, crushing fiercely in the direction of Sato.

Sato Teng Teng Teng stepped back a few steps one after another, his face showed a look of shock.

He realized that Zhao Yang had gone farther than himself in the sixth heaven, and if he added that battleship, he was really no match. Besides, don't forget that Zhao Yang is still a Daoist.

"I'll give it." Sato gritted his teeth and said.

Can I not give it?

If you don't give it, Zhao Yang will make a [-]% shot, okay?

Soon Sato threw a universe bag to Zhao Yang, "All the resources in me are here."

Zhao Yang swept his divine sense and shook his head, "Emperor Bahuang's junior can't open up your small world with just these things."

"Don't deceive people too much."

"Do you think you have any other options?"

The Blood Emperor gritted his teeth and opened up his own small world, "There are quite a few clansmen in my small world, please don't disturb their lives."

"Don't worry, am I that kind of person?" Zhao Yang stepped into the blood emperor's small world step by step, and then Zhao Yang summoned the monster clan in his own small world.

Soon, ten strong men of the fourth level of the emperor's realm, thirty of the third level of the emperor's level, one hundred of the second level of the emperor's level, and three hundred strongmen of the first level of the emperor's level appeared beside Zhao Yang.

"Your task is to loot all the resources in this small world." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hundreds of emperors of the monster clan screamed and rushed towards Sato's small world.

They didn't touch the creatures of this small world, but they looted all the resources of the creatures of this small world.

Sato wanted to do it.

After all, he occupies the home court in his small world.

But looking at so many emperors, he was also apprehensive.

He wasn't sure.

An hour later, hundreds of emperors handed over the looted resources to Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang took them into the small world and left Sato's small world one step at a time.

"you can go now."

Sato gave Zhao Yang a bitter look, turned and left here.

"You let him go just like that?" The Blood Emperor asked in astonishment.

"Let it go? You're thinking too much." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Just now I found white bones in his small world. From this we can see that Sato is not a kind person."

"and then?"

"Then I poisoned him before I left. This guy will fester and die in half a month." Zhao Yang's words surprised the Blood Emperor.

Because the blood emperor didn't see when Zhao Yang poisoned him?

"In this way, the conflict between you and the Eight Desolation Sect will be inseparable." The Blood Emperor said leisurely.

"If you can't solve it, you can't solve it." Zhao Yang shrugged.

He has offended three big bosses over the years, and he still needs to care about offending one mighty one.

"Battleship, go to Planet Haowang." Zhao Yang gave an order to the battleship.

The battleship immediately turned around and headed towards Planet Haowang.

"What are you going to Haowang Planet for?" The Blood Emperor was taken aback.

"Go to Planet Haowang." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You don't want to die."

"We can't be too passive." Zhao Yang looked at the Blood Emperor and said, "Besides, I also want to meet the Eight Desolation Emperor."

"You... you don't mean to send me to the Eight Desolate Emperor, do you?" The Blood Emperor asked in surprise.

"I have also practiced the Eight Desolation Seal, so if I send you to the Eight Desolation Emperor, what good will it do me?"

The Blood Emperor thought for a while and thought it made sense, "Then what are you going to do on Planet Haowang?"

"If Emperor Bahuang dares to arrest me, I will call the door." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Do you have the combat strength of a powerful level?" The blood emperor looked at Zhao Yang's eyes suddenly changed.


"How is it possible?" The Blood Emperor felt that his world view was about to collapse.

How many years have passed!

How could Zhao Yang come to such a point?

"This time I went to Haowang Planet to help you solve the problem of being wanted in one go." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Can I trust you?" The Blood Emperor was uncertain.

"For the love between us, do you think I might cheat you?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"I'll just accompany you to Planet Haowang." After a while, the Blood Emperor gritted his teeth and said.

Being wanted all the time is not a problem.

The blood emperor is very aware of his situation, the five heavens will come to an end in this life, and if the Eight Desolation Sect continues to arrest him, there is absolutely no possibility of him surviving.

Planet Haowang!

After Zhao Yang's battleship landed on Planet Haowang, he found that the cultivation environment of this living planet was similar to that of Huetus.

However, the population on this planet is completely different from that of Huptus.

Then the customs are different.

When Tang Yiren and others were wandering here, they suddenly saw the wanted warrant.

The content of the arrest warrant is exactly Zhao Yang.

"Let's go to the sphere of influence of the Eight Desolation Sect." After eating and drinking, Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang changed his appearance and aura, how could these guys find out?

Any king-level power has its own sphere of influence, and the Eight Desolation Sect is no exception.

After arriving, Zhao Yang found that these forces had a miserable life.

"Old man, what are you doing?" Zhao Yang asked curiously when he saw a skinny old man squatting on the ground in the field.

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