Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1193 Goodbye Blood Emperor

The patriarchs of the various ethnic groups looked at each other and then discussed.

"Yingxun has consumed a lot at this time, should we join forces and kill him?"

"We now have seven mighty ones. One of them will deal with the patriarch of the Tianniu clan. The remaining six will kill Yingxun. I think the problem is not too big."

"I think I can try it."


Just when the patriarchs of the major ethnic groups reached an agreement, a terrifying breath came from the direction of the ancestral court of the Yinghuo clan.

Although everyone felt that there was a lack of energy in that breath, everyone knew who this was?

"The patriarch of the Yinghuo clan."

"Is it bluffing?"

"Who knows?"

"Even if he is severely injured, he can stop two or three of us, right?"

"If it blocks two or three of us, do we have a certain chance of winning?"

"Don't forget that the Yinghuo clan also has the power of the seventh heaven."

"Furthermore, who can guarantee that the Yinghuo Clan has only one Seventh Heaven?"

As a result, they didn't dare to do anything after discussing it.

Watching them leave one after another, Zhao Yang watched them coldly.

"Why don't you cooperate with them?" Qin Lu asked puzzled.

"I gave them a chance, but they don't cherish it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"After this battle, the Yinghuo clan may not attack the human race again." Qin Lu said with emotion.

Originally, Qin Lu thought that Yanhuangzong would use his hole cards, but who would have thought that Zhao Yang would have three tyrannical juniors?

"Your three juniors?" Qin Lu said, looking at the three figures in the distance.

"They never like to see people." Zhao Yang said nonsense.

"I didn't expect your background to be so strong." Qin Lu said sincerely.

If the three princesses are counted, Yanhuangzong will have five kings of the seventh heaven.

Even Qin Gong can't compare to this level of background.

"We have only come to today step by step." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

Qin Lu chatted with Zhao Yang for a while and left Yanhuangzong with Qin Xuan and others.

"We finally blocked the Yinghuo clan." Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang and said softly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "From today onwards, the disciples of Yanhuangzong can walk freely in the area under our control."

Through the battle with Yingxun, Zhao Yang was convinced that he and Sanqing could fight and even kill the existence of the eighth heaven.

Then there is no need to be as timid as before.

"Can we go out and play?" Tang Yiren asked with a smile.

"After I repair the formation, I will take you out for a stroll." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

During this period of time, the top officials of the Yanhuang Sect had been confined. Zhao Yang knew that they all wanted to go out for a breath of air. Now that they finally had the ability, Zhao Yang also wanted to take them out for a stroll.

It took Zhao Yang three days to repair the array runes that were consumed before.

It is impossible for all the top officials of Yanhuangzong to leave.

Apart from Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Xu Huier, Blue Crucian Carp, and Leng Qingqiu also stayed behind, as for Tang Yiren, Yuan Jiner, Ruoxi, etc., who followed Zhao Yang to visit Huiwangxing.

"The systems of the two battleships have been linked to each other, and either party can be notified in time of any danger." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang who boarded the battleship and said.

Lin Caihan has not been idle these days.

She spent a lot of materials to build a battleship of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm.

The battleship she built was only inferior to Zhao Yang's.

This has been hard to come by.

You must know that Zhao Yang's warship is likely to be built by a higher level of civilization.

Based on what she had learned, Lin Caihan built a close warship by studying Zhao Yang's warship, which can already be called a miracle.

"If there is something important in the sect, please let me know in time." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I will." Lin Caihan nodded.

Then the warship pierced the sky and left here.

In the following days, Zhao Yang and his party wandered around various towns on Huetus, and after a while, the battleship left Huetus.

If it weren't for the two battleships being able to communicate with each other, Zhao Yang wouldn't dare to leave Huiwangxing hastily. After all, the third princess hasn't made a breakthrough yet?

When the battleship was traveling in the universe that day, it suddenly saw a bloody light rushing towards the direction of the battleship.

The battleship locked onto the figure immediately.

"Get away quickly, or fire."

After the bloody light was locked, he felt a strong crisis, and his figure stopped immediately.

"I didn't intend to target you, I just happened to pass by." Speaking of this, he glanced behind him in a panic, and then it bypassed the battleship and was about to leave here.

"Blood Emperor, are you running away?" What this person didn't expect was a light voice that came into his ears.

His footsteps stopped involuntarily.

This voice is somewhat familiar.

When he saw the figure of the bow, he froze, "Zhao Yang, is that you?"

And when he looked at Zhao Yang, his pupils shrank slightly.


He found that he couldn't see through Zhao Yang's cultivation.

How can it be?

How much energy I have expended in these years, I have made great progress, and my cultivation base has reached the fifth level of the Emperor Realm. Is this guy stronger than me?

Thinking like this, the blood emperor landed on the battleship.

"We talked well back then, you told me before you left, but when I went to find you, I found that you had already run away." Zhao Yang said angrily.

Before leaving Xianyu, Zhao Yang went to the blood emperor's lair, but he found that the blood emperor's lair was empty.

"At that time, I had something urgent, so I forgot to notify you." The Blood Emperor said with a guilty conscience.

Could it be that it wants to say that it doesn't want to take Zhao Yang with it?

"You look like you are running away?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang probably wouldn't have dared to say such things before, but now Zhao Yang's fighting power is far superior to that of the Blood Emperor, so naturally there is no need to be as cautious as before.

In fact, Zhao Yang has always been quite dissatisfied with the blood emperor, such as the blood river that the blood emperor restored back then, where did the blood in the blood river come from?

But at the beginning, his strength was low, and he was not qualified to ask.

"Do you still remember the mighty one I told you about back then?" The blood emperor said with deep eyes, "It is the junior brother of that mighty one who is chasing me now."

"What cultivation base?"

"Emperor Realm Six Heavens."

"Who is that great power you are talking about?"

"The Emperor of the Eight Desolations."

"The Emperor of the Eight Desolations? Which king-level planet?"

"Planet Haowang."

"What is the strength of Planet Haowang?"

"The strengths of the king-level planets are not much different." The blood emperor sensed a powerful aura chasing from a distance when he said this, "Emperor Bahuang's junior is chasing him."

"Why didn't you hide after you came to Tianwaitian?"

"I'm hiding." The blood emperor said aggrievedly, "It's just that who would have thought that Emperor Bahuang's arrest for me was still there, I was reported as soon as I showed up here, and then Emperor Bahuang's junior brother Sato came hunted me down."

The blood emperor said with a look of grief and indignation on his face.

Who would have thought how many years have passed, and the Emperor of the Eight Desolations still hasn't let himself go.

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