"Young man, I'm picking wheat." The old man looked up at Zhao Yang and said weakly.

"Picking up wheat?" Zhao Yang looked around and found that the wheat here had been harvested, and there were still some residues left on the ground.

These wheats are of course not ordinary wheats, but fairy wheats.

There are many monks in Tianwaitian who have no talent for cultivation, so they have to do some low-level work.

For example, planting fairy wheat.

"All the wheat I've worked so hard to grow for ten years has been taken away by the mole tribe, and I have to pick some wheat if I want to keep the fairy body from collapsing." The old man had a sad look on his face when he said this.

As long as you practice in this world, then you need the energy of heaven and earth.

The cultivation base of the old people is too weak, and they are unable to absorb it from the world.

"The mole tribe has done too much." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Actually, it's no wonder the mole clan." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the old man said this, "This year's harvest is not good, and the output is only [-] catties, but the Bahuang sect needs [-] catties. The family has to help us make up two hundred catties."

"Eight Desolate Sect?"

"It's very difficult for the creatures in this territory to survive." The old man said bitterly.

After Zhao Yang was silent for a moment, he handed the old farmer a Qiankun bag, "There is a 100 yuan immortal stone in the Qiankun bag, take it."

It's not that Zhao Yang can't give it more, but if you give too much, it may not be a good thing.

Next, Zhao Yang asked many monks in the sphere of influence of the Eight Desolation Sect, and Zhao Yang found out that the exploitation of the Eight Desolation Sect's subordinates can be described as horror.

"Do you think that the Eight Desolation Sect is very extreme?" The Blood Emperor asked at this time.


"What would you think if I told you this is the norm?"

"Normal?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"They can still survive anyway, and some groups will be locked up and used as blood food." The blood emperor said leisurely, "I always feel that I am not a good person, but these royal families are more cruel than me."

"The law of the jungle is prey to the strong, this is the truest rule of heaven and earth." The Blood Emperor said seriously.

Zhao Yang was silent for a while and replied, "It seems that I am too smug." After a pause, Zhao Yang looked in the direction of the ancestral court of the Eight Desolation Sect, "Let's go to the Eight Desolation Sect."

The blood emperor's heart trembled inevitably.

Are you going to face the powerful?

"I need to remind you that the Eight Desolation Sect is as strong as a cloud, and there are several in the sixth heaven. Are you sure you want to take your wives with you?" the Blood Emperor reminded.

"No problem." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

On this battleship, there is a formation arranged by Zhao Yang himself.

And even if this formation is eight layers of heaven, don't even think about breaking it.

Not to mention the Eight Desolate Emperors of the Seventh Heaven.

Besides, Tang Yiren and others don't have Zhao Yang's guardian seal on them?Those of the sixth and fifth heavens in the imperial realm are courting death if they attack them.

As for the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven, they are not their opponents.

Therefore, this battleship appeared carelessly above the ancestral home of the Eight Desolation Sect.

The powerhouse of the Eight Desolation Sect was shocked immediately.

"It's that guy." Sato was recuperating in his study at this time, and when he saw the battleship, his face became gloomy.


One emperor after another appeared in the sky and confronted Zhao Yang's warship.

"What is your Excellency's intention to come to our Eight Desolation Sect with a battleship?" the deputy suzerain of the Eight Desolation Sect asked with a bad face.

"You Eight Desolate Sect wanted me in public, but now you are asking me what I want?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Want you?" The deputy suzerain of the Eight Desolation Sect was startled, and then it felt that Zhao Yang was familiar, "Are you Zhao Yang from the human race?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"You are very brave, how dare you come to my Bahuang Sect?" Fujino, the deputy head of the Bahuang Sect, waved his hand at this point, and the emperor of the Bahuang Sect surrounded Zhao Yang in a circle.

"Where's Emperor Bahuang?" Zhao Yang didn't seem to notice Bahuangzong's small movements.

"Sovereign Master, you are also qualified to meet?" Fujino saw Zhao Yang take a step forward as soon as he said this.

A part of the Bahuang Sect's mountain guard array was suddenly detonated, and all the soldiers of the Bahuang Sect in that area were reduced to ashes.

After seeing this scene, Fujino's face became ugly.

"How can you crack my Eight Desolation Sect's mountain protection array?" Fujino looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said.

And the senior officials of the Eight Desolation Sect looked at Zhao Yang with serious expressions.

The mountain guard array is related to the safety of a sect.

How could an outsider like Zhao Yang know?

"In my eyes, your so-called mountain guard formation is rubbish." When Zhao Yang said this, his eyes fell on the deepest part of the Bahuang Sect, "Emperor Bahuang, are you still not showing up?" Following Zhao Yang's words When the words fell, the formation in the area where Emperor Bahuang was located suddenly collapsed, and the formation that was originally used to protect this place turned into a killing formation in reverse.

A figure rushed out from the ruins, its face was full of hideous colors.

"Do you want to die?"

That figure was filled with the kingly aura of the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm, and his appearance made all the monks in the audience lose color.

He is so powerful.

As if it existed forever.

When the blood emperor saw this figure, his neck shrank in fright.

"You should know that I can bury your Eight Desolation Sect." Zhao Yang said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"So what if your formation has reached the level of a king? Believe it or not, I killed you before you buried my Bahuang sect." Emperor Bahuang looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

"Do you think you have that ability?" Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Others can't see through your reality, do you think I can't see through either?" Emperor Bahuang sneered at the corner of his mouth when he said this, "Your cultivation has not stepped into the seventh heaven."


The words of Emperor Bahuang surprised many monks present.

"You..." The blood emperor's face was full of uneasiness.

"Who told you that if you have not reached the seventh heaven, you are not qualified to compete with the king?" Zhao Yang said that the Nine Suns Xuangong flowed all over his body. round the sun.

Shining brightly.

The audience was in an uproar!

what's the situation?

Didn't it mean that Zhao Yang's cultivation had not reached the seventh heaven?

But what's going on now?

Why is Zhao Yang's aura comparable to that of Emperor Bahuang?

Emperor Bahuang's pupils shrank, "You... how could you have the combat power of a king? Wait, you... your potential is the realm of the king?"

Realm of the Emperor?

This means that if nothing else happens, Zhao Yang will be able to become the boss of the eighth heaven in the future.

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at Emperor Bahuang indifferently.

Emperor Bahuang's heart sank, and he realized that he had kicked an iron plate.

The opponent is definitely not something he can handle.

"I will revoke the arrest warrants for you from all parties." After a while, Emperor Bahuang said in a deep voice.

"You think this is the end?" Zhao Yang sneered.

How can there be such a cheap thing?

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