Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1185 Human Race Representative

While all ethnic groups were watching the jokes, the conflict between Yanhuangzong and Qin Gong intensified.

At this time, most of the branches of the human race were on Qin Gong's side.

This is also normal.

How many years has Qin Gong been cultivating on Huiwangxing, and how is Yan Huangzong compared in terms of connections?

the Kongs!

"Our Kong family has to make a statement." The head of the Kong family sighed softly.

During this period of time, the major forces of the human race have expressed their opinions one after another, and now the Kong family is the only major force in the human race.


"Yanhuangzong has gone too far this time."

"Even if the Yanhuang Sect has a good relationship with us, we still have to support the Kong family when it comes to matters of great importance."

Kong Yao stood up just when the emperors of the Kong family decided to support Qin Gong, "Our Kong family supports Yanhuangzong."

"Why?" The head of the Kong family looked at Kong Yao.

"Yanhuangzong has a strong man from the seventh heaven, the Shanjia clan forced out this news, right?" Kong Yao looked around the audience and said.

"What do you want to say?" The head of the Kong family asked puzzled.

"Yanhuangzong has no intention of fighting for hegemony, let alone grabbing territory." Kong Yao said softly, "If we hadn't suggested at that time, Yanhuangzong might not have robbed the territory of the Scorpion Clan." After a pause, Kong Yao continued, " I personally think that the conflict between Qin Palace and Yanhuangzong is just for the outside world to see."

"Why do you do that?"

"Palace Master Qin is not suitable to show up." Kong Yao said in a deep voice, "Didn't you notice that Palace Master Qin has not shown up in public? Yanhuangzong is fighting for the right to speak of the human race at this time. I think it is covering for Palace Master Qin."

Hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

"Furthermore, the two sides seem to be making a lot of noise, but is there a real conflict?" Kong Yao continued, "No, I think the two sides are probably acting."

The head of the Kong family pondered for a while and then said, "Even if our Kong family declares support for Yanhuangzong as you said, then our Kong family will become the target of public criticism in an instant."

"That's right, our Kong family doesn't need to take such a risk." The elder of the Kong family agreed.

Kong Yao shook his head and said, "There is no doubt that Yanhuangzong is powerful. In the future, Yanhuangzong will be equal to Qin Gong. At this time, we will publicly support Yanhuangzong. Then in the future..." Kong Yao didn't say anything next, but the meaning was obvious But that's all.

Now that all the major forces of the human race are supporting the Qin Palace, the Yanhuangzong seems a little lonely.

And once the Kong family announced their support for Yanhuangzong, Yanhuangzong would not be so embarrassed.

"This matter is too involved." The head of the Kong family said after thinking for a while.

"If something goes wrong, I will be responsible." Kong Yao said loudly, "If things are different from what I guessed, I don't want the position of the young patriarch."

"Nonsense." The head of the Kong family scolded.

After a while, the head of the Kong family looked at Kong Yao with burning eyes and said, "Kong Yao, the Kong family will do as you said, I hope your guess is correct."

Immediately, the Confucius family announced their solidarity with Yanhuangzong!

After receiving this news, whether it was the Qin Palace, the Yanhuangzong, or the major forces of the human race, they were a little confused.

No one thought that the Kong family would express their support for Yanhuangzong at this time.

What does it think?

Aren't you afraid of being isolated by the human race?

"The Kong family publicly expressed their support for Yanhuangzong." Mingyue said softly.

"I didn't expect the Kong family to have such courage." Lin Caihan said with some surprise.

"Representatives of the seven major forces have come to urge you." Xu Huier said at this time.

"Tell the representatives of the seven major forces that the human race is still in discussion." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

It was only a week before the incident, and the third princess was still practicing the skills she had just obtained in the time domain.

It took seven years to rebuild a new exercise, no matter how amazing the third princess was, it was impossible.

So Lin Caihan is procrastinating.

In Lin Caihan's opinion, it would be best to delay for ten days and half a month.

In this way, another three days passed, and the seven major forces issued an ultimatum to the people.

Lin Caihan told the seven major powers that the human race would give the results within two days. On that day, Lin Caihan ordered the three princesses to go to the Qin Palace. Half a day later, there was a terrible collision in the depths of the Qin Palace. This made many experts realize that the three princesses probably fought with Qin Lie. .

After several hours passed, the third princess left with a monstrous momentum all over her body.

This made many people speculate whether Qin Lie had lost.

Just when some spies wanted to investigate, they found that the Qin Palace was under martial law.

"Did Qin Lie lose?"


"The third princess is so tyrannical?"

"Yanhuangzong is about to rise."

While all the spies were guessing, the next day, Lin Caihan, the deputy head of Yanhuangzong, announced that the three princesses would discuss the future of Huiwangxing with representatives of the seven major forces on behalf of the human race.

When the news came out, Huetus was in an uproar.

Did anyone think that the three princesses really defeated Qin Lie who was in full swing?

Huoli Clan!

The three princesses came to the Huoli clan.

At this time, representatives of the major ethnic groups also came to the Huoli clan.

"The Yinghuo Clan will descend on Huiwang Planet in a few days, everyone, tell me, what should we do?" The leader of the Huoli Clan looked around the audience and said.

"The difference between the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm and the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm is five times. If there is a boss of the eighth heaven in the Yinghuo clan, the eight of us will definitely be able to fight or even defeat it, but now there are two eighth heavens in the Yinghuo clan. The boss of Chongtian." The patriarch of the Yulong clan was silent for a while and said.

"If the Yinghuo clan descends, then we, the eight major clans, don't even think about being superior." The patriarch of the King Kong clan said in a deep voice.

"The cake on Huiwang Planet is just this big. If the Yinghuo Clan descends, some of us royal families will be sacrificial swords." The patriarch of the Shanjia Clan said sternly.

"The question is, can we beat it?" The patriarch of the Xuanjing clan said solemnly, "Now that the Niu clan has betrayed, that means we need to face the powerful Yinghuo clan and the betrayed Tianniu clan." .”

"That's right, we can't stop the Yinghuo Clan from coming even if we try our best." The patriarch of the Yulong Clan agreed, "Instead of doing this, it's better to negotiate with the Yinghuo Clan."

"Negotiation? If we come up to negotiate, we will put ourselves in a disadvantageous situation." The patriarch of the Canglong clan said with a cold snort.

"My Ichthyosaur Clan doesn't want to die." The patriarch of the Ichthyosaur Clan said lightly, "Unless there is hope of victory, I will not make a move."

"My mysterious whale clan will not joke about the life and death of the ethnic group." The patriarch of the mysterious whale clan also said.

Seeing this scene, the heads of the Huoli, Canglong, King Kong, Shanjia, and Manxiang clans were full of worry in their eyes.

As for the third princess, she was very indifferent.

She doesn't care about it.

Regardless of whether the Yinghuo Clan comes or not, it has little to do with Yan Huangzong.

First, the Yanhuang Sect has a new habitat; second, the Yanhuang Sect has the trump card to severely damage the Eighth Heaven.

"Have you two stopped thinking about it?" the patriarch of the elephant tribe asked in a deep voice.

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