Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1186 Compromised

Is that the compromise?

The patriarch of the elephant clan is unwilling!

"Can the eight of us stand against two big men from the eighth heaven and one mighty man from the seventh heaven?" The patriarch of the Xuanjing clan said solemnly, "Even if we have a [-]% chance of winning, I am willing Take this risk, is there a problem?"

The words of the head of the mysterious whale clan silenced everyone.

Is there a [-]% chance of winning?


"If we decide to compromise, we can't compromise from the beginning." After a while, the third princess said slowly.

"What do you mean?" the patriarch of the mysterious whale clan looked at the third princess and said.

"If we come up with a compromise, no matter what conditions the Yinghuo tribe asks, we have to accept it unconditionally." The third princess said lightly, "We have to make a gesture of dying with them, only in this way can we maximize the value. "

"But we can't die with the Yinghuo clan." The patriarch of the Yulong clan said in a deep voice.

"It's true that we can't die together with the Yinghuo Clan, but we don't hesitate to kill a big brother of the Yinghuo Clan who is a master of the Eighth Heaven of Emperor Realm in a single battle. I think the problem is not big." The third princess glanced at the patriarch of the Yulong Clan and said .

"Show the courage to fight at all costs, so that the Yinghuo Clan will not dare to mess around." The head of the Huoli Clan nodded and said, "This is indeed the best way."

"This is the safest option at the moment." The patriarch of the Vajra Clan agreed.

"The premise is that we must be monolithic. If there is another problem within us, then this alliance will collapse." The three princesses looked around the audience and said.

"Who would make fun of his own ethnic group."

"This is a matter of our lives and deaths, and no one is going to joke about it."

"Then it's agreed."

Afterwards, the eight major forces discussed some details and returned to the clans of various clans one after another.

"How did the discussion go?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"The Fish Dragon Clan and the Black Whale Clan didn't want to fight, so they finally decided to compromise." The third princess said softly.

"If you compromise, then compromise?" Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while, "You must continue to practice as a matter of urgency."


"How many soldiers were dispatched by each ethnic group?"

"Three gods from the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, six gods from the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, ten gods from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm, twenty gods from the third heaven of the emperor's realm, and forty gods from the second heaven of the emperor's realm. Honorable ones, one hundred gods will be dispatched from the first level of the Emperor Realm." The three princesses replied, "The existence of the Quasi-Emperor Realm requires one hundred thousand, and the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm requires one million."

"I will discuss with Vice Palace Master Qin, by the way, how long it will take to complete the assembly."

"Three days."


After the three princesses left to practice, Lin Caihan issued one order after another for recruitment.

Most of Yanhuangzong's high-level cultivation bases are in the third heaven of the emperor's realm, and none of them are in the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm except Zhao Yang.

There is no one from the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, there are two statues from the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, that is, Bi Luo and Taichang, one statue from the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, and the three princesses.

Therefore, Yanhuangzong currently lacks high-end combat power, and if the human race wants to come up with such a lineup, it needs the cooperation of the Qin Palace and the major forces of the human race.

While Lin Caihan was busy, Zhao Yang was studying the Supreme Qingming Jue obtained by Lin Caihan in his study.

This skill is also at the peak level of the Emperor Realm, but after researching, Zhao Yang found that this skill is similar to the True Art of Underworld Emperor.

But that's not bad either.

At this time, Zhao Yang was silently comprehending this technique.

The cultivation technique of the peak of the imperial realm.

This is not common.

How could Zhao Yang give up?

Zhao Yang looked at the time and called Zhu Ya, "Zhu Ya, call Tang Yiren and her two maids."


After Tang Yiren and her two maids came, Zhao Yang helped them cast a new guardian seal.

At this time, the guardian seal has reached the level of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm.

And if he wanted to ascend to the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm, unless Zhao Yang also set foot in this realm, and this would not be possible in a short while.

"Husband, how long do you have to practice?" Tang Yiren said delicately.

"The Supreme Qing Ming Jue is very mysterious, and you won't be able to learn it in a while."

"It is very difficult for me to practice the Supreme Qingming Art now." Tang Yiren said with some distress.

"The Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm and the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm, the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm and the Ninth Heaven of the Emperor Realm, the gap between them is too great, and this is why you are struggling." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Tang Yiren's current potential has reached the eighth heaven, but it is still very difficult for her to practice the Supreme Qingming Jue at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

"You should communicate more with Caihan, Huier and the others." Zhao Yang continued.

"I want to go out for a stroll." Tang Yiren said softly, "I've been imprisoned in the sect recently, and I feel like I'm about to get moldy."

"No one knows when Mingjun will make a move?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Besides, there is another Yinghuo clan coming. For safety's sake, you'd better stay in the clan."

Tang Yiren let out an oh.

"If you feel bored, go to the small world. The territory of the small world is very wide now, enough for you to stroll around."

"Okay." Tang Yiren nodded and said, "I'll go and hand over the work."

After Tang Yiren left, Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Yadao, "Do you want to go to the small world too?"

"No need." Zhu Ya shook her head and said, "I like to guard you by the side."

A warm current surged through Zhao Yang's heart.

In recent years, whenever he retreated, Zhu Ya always silently guarded beside him, even though Zhu Ya's behavior didn't mean much.


When Qin Lu led the elite of the human race to Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan hurriedly took the senior officials of Yanhuangzong to greet him.

Lin Caihan noticed that the major forces of the human race, no, including Qin Gong, looked at Yanhuangzong with unkind eyes.

Qin Lu also noticed this.

But Qin Lu couldn't explain it.

"You have worked hard." Qin Lu sighed softly.

"We should go." Lin Caihan changed the subject.

Lin Caihan was mentally prepared for this when she stepped out of Yanhuangzong.

Therefore, she was very indifferent to the hostility of the human race.

The eight major groups gathered in the Huoli clan, and then came to the Tianniu clan.

At this time, millions of Yinghuo tribes appeared on the territory of the Tianniu tribe. These Yinghuo tribes were stronger than the eight major tribes in terms of energy and cultivation.

But in terms of numbers, the Yinghuo clan is not dominant.

The eight major ethnic groups came up with a stance that they would not hesitate to fight. The Yinghuo clan retreated when they saw this situation. After several rounds of difficult negotiations, the two sides finally finalized the details.

The Yinghuo tribe is allowed to live on Huetus, and at the same time, a territory has been specially designated for the Yinghuo tribe. Of course, there are ethnic groups living on this territory.

Of course, this ethnic group has nothing to do with the eight major ethnic groups.

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