Sifang Zhenshijue!

After the third princess glanced around, surprise appeared in her eyes.

This skill is several times more mysterious than the one she practiced before. She is confident that after practicing this skill, her combat power will soar.

It was at this time that the Divine Ability Monument bloomed with seven divine rings.

Seeing the appearance of the Seven Paths Divine Ring, the cultivators were shocked.

"Seven Divine Rings."

"The posture of a king."

"This one will become a powerful person in the future."

"Maybe you don't know that this is the mighty and strong man who competes with the patriarch of the Shanjia clan."

"What? You mean that this person is already a powerful man."


After the third princess returned to Lin Caihan's side, she asked softly, "What exercises did you get?"

"Supreme Qingming Jue."

"I got the Sifang Town World Competition."


"Do you want to learn the Supreme Qingming Jue?"

"Sifang Zhenshijue is very suitable for my current cultivation." The third princess refused.

In fact, the third princess also wanted the Supreme Qingming Jue, but she knew better about the cultivation techniques at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and only the highest level of the sect was qualified to practice.

She knows how to advance and retreat.

Besides, if she can set foot on the peak of Emperor Realm in the future, it will be another matter.

At this stage, she feels that Sifang Zhenshijue is enough.

"Sifang Zhenshijue is going to be disclosed to some high-level sect officials." Lin Caihan said softly.

"It should be like this." The third princess said solemnly.

Next is Tiehan.

With Zhao Yang's help, Tie Han's current cultivation has reached the third heaven of the Emperor Realm. It can be said that his cultivation has already caught up with most of the high-level sects.

When his big hand was placed on the supernatural power tablet, it didn't take long for the supernatural power tablet to bloom the six divine rings.

"The exercises of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"There are successors of the Yanhuang Sect."

"Yes, I heard that this is Zhao Yang's disciple."

"If you say that, Yanhuangzong has fallen, and it stands to reason that Zhao Yang's disciple should also be the king."

"Theoretically, it is, but in fact Yanhuangzong has just grown up, and there are infinite possibilities for them in the future."

Tie Han came to Lin Caihan's side after getting the exercises.

"Master, I got a Qigong of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Tie Han said in a low voice.

Lin Caihan nodded slightly.

After the monks present got the corresponding exercises one after another, Qin Lu was ready to take Lin Caihan and others to leave.

It's just that no one expected that a silver figure walked out of the small world of the young patriarch of the Tianniu clan.

The moment that figure appeared, it exuded an aura that shocked the monks present.

Especially its pair of eyes.

Bitter cold and daunting.

"A bunch of trash." The silver figure scolded after looking around the audience.

"What did you say?" the deputy head of the Huoli clan asked angrily.

"There are so many so-called geniuses, but they haven't even obtained a volume of the Eighth Layer of the Emperor's Realm. Is there a problem with calling you trash?" The figure said with a sneer on his face.

"It seems that you can get it?" Jin Falcon snorted coldly.

"Look with your dog eyes wide open, and see how I got it?" The figure glanced at Jin Falcon, and then strode to the monument of supernatural powers.

Not long after he put his hands on the supernatural power tablet, the eight divine rings erupted, and all the monks in the audience showed horror.

"Eight Path God Ring."

"The exercises of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"Who is this?"

It didn't take long for the consciousness of that figure to return to the deity.

A wild smile appeared on his face, "How?"

The crowd was silent.

Is this a real record?

What can they say?

"Soon the Yinghuo Clan will become the master of Huiwangxing." The figure said lightly.

The audience was in an uproar.

"Why does the Yinghuo clan want to take control of Huetus?" the deputy head of the King Kong clan asked in a deep voice.

"Because the deputy patriarch of my Yinghuo clan has become a boss." The figure said a shocking news.


"Eight layers of heaven in the imperial realm."

"Is the Yinghuo clan trying to defy the sky?"

"what should we do?"

Just when everyone's faces were full of sorrow, the figure said indifferently, "I know that the nine clans of you are in the same spirit, but this time we, the Yinghuo clan, will definitely come, and I hope that there will be no conflict between us by then unhappy."

After the voice fell, the figure looked at the young patriarch of the Tianniu clan and said, "Let's go."

"Obey." The young patriarch of the Tianniu clan said humbly.

"Tianniu clan, are you following the Yinghuo clan?" the young patriarch of the Canglong clan asked in a deep voice.

"Our Tianniu tribe just made a better choice." The young patriarch of the Tianniu tribe said lightly.

After the masters of the Tianniu clan and the Yinghuo clan left, the masters present looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

No one thought that the Yinghuo Clan would fall in love with Hui Wangxing.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

"Let's inform the respective patriarchs about this matter. Whether it's a fight or a peace, we'll talk about it at that time." The deputy patriarch of the Huoli clan sighed softly.

After Lin Caihan and others followed Qin Lu back to Qin Palace, Qin Lu looked a little uneasy.

"The Yinghuo Clan is invading at this time, and the matter of the Palace Master's retreat is likely to be hidden." Qin Lu showed anxiety.

"Why don't Yanhuangzong negotiate on behalf of Qin Gong?" Lin Caihan thought for a while and said.

"If the Palace Master doesn't show up, it will inevitably arouse their suspicion."

"It's enough for Yanhuangzong to play a show with Qin Gong."

"put on a show?"

"In order to compete for the orthodoxy of the human race, the Yanhuangzong and the Qin Palace fought fiercely with the Palace Master Qin. In the end, the Qin Palace compromised and let the Yanhuangzong come forward." Lin Caihan said the plan.

Qin Lu's eyes lit up immediately, "It's a good idea, but Yanhuangzong will become the target of public criticism."

"At present, Yanhuangzong only wants to guard the one-acre three-point land, and as long as we delay it for ten or eight years, we will explain it after Palace Master Qin is out of customs." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Then do as you said." Qin Lu nodded after pondering for a long time.

She really has nothing better to do.

And no one knew about the conversation between the two except the few elders in Qin Palace.

Not long after Lin Caihan returned to Yanhuangzong, Qin Lu used intelligence personnel to spread the news that the third princess of Yanhuangzong was competing with Palace Master Qin for the right to speak of the human race.

As time went on, the conflict became more and more intense, and in the end, both sides even started to mobilize their legions.

"The human race actually fought among themselves?"

"Yan Huang Zong is too inflated, actually trying to challenge Qin Gong?"

"I just want to know if the third princess, Chanjuan, is Qin Lie's opponent?"

"The patriarch of the Shanjia tribe is not the opponent of the third princess. The Qin Palace mainly has the strength to suppress the third princess. I don't think it will mobilize a large-scale army."

"I desperately want to see the Terrans clash."

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