Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1183 Supreme Qingming Jue

Lin Caihan was too lazy to answer.

After Qin Lu and other nine experts took out nine keys, the ancient seal was slowly opened.

"What's the matter with the seal here?" Lin Caihan asked Kong Yao beside him.

"The seal here was jointly set by the nine kings. Without a key, it is impossible to open this place." Kong Yao said softly.

"You said that if the Yanhuangzong pushes the Shanjia clan, will the other eight royal families stop it?" Lin Caihan asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I heard that there is an agreement within the nine royal families." Kong Yao lowered his voice and said, "When the ethnic groups survive or die, they will unanimously speak out."

Lin Caihan was shocked.

If this is the case, why didn't Qin Lu tell herself at the beginning?

"This agreement has been formulated for a long time, and the relationship between the nine major ethnic groups has not been good these years. Perhaps this agreement has long lost its effectiveness." Kong Yao said again.

Lin Caihan only felt that the water inside was very deep.

When the seal was opened, there was a desolate countryside, and everyone saw a huge stone tablet in the distance.

"Monument of supernatural powers."

"This is the legendary stele of supernatural powers."

"I just don't know if I can get a higher level of supernatural power this time?"

Just as everyone was gearing up, Huo Tong, the young patriarch of the Huoli Clan, came in front of the monument of supernatural powers, and then placed her slender arms on top of the monument of supernatural powers.

After about half an hour passed, seven halos emitted from the supernatural power tablet.

"King-level exercises."

"The Huoli Clan once again obtained a king-level exercise."

"It seems that Huo Tong will be able to set foot on the seventh heaven in the future."

While everyone was discussing, Huo Tong left the Monument of Divine Abilities, with a little regret on her face.

For other monks, it is very happy to get the king-level exercises, but for Huotong, it is just a basic operation, okay?

If she didn't get the king-level exercises, she wouldn't be worthy of being the young patriarch of the Huoli clan.

However, after Huoli, several disciples of the Huoli clan and several disciples of affiliated forces did not obtain king-level exercises.

Next is the King Kong family.

Jin Falcon of the King Kong clan also got the king-level exercises.

After the ten disciples of the Vajra Clan finished, it was the Shanjia Clan's turn, but the Shanjia Clan didn't even get the king-level exercises.

This is also normal.

The young patriarch of the Shanjia clan was lost in the cave, and how could it be possible to cultivate a king-level genius in a short period of time?

The Shanjia clan didn't get the king-level exercises, neither did the Tianniu clan and the Xuanjing clan, because the young patriarchs of their clans also fell.

Soon it was the turn of the Terrans.

Qin Xuan was the first to challenge.

As a result, Qin Xuan soon obtained a king-level exercise.

Qin Xuan was followed by Qin Ming and Qin Mei.

The two of them obtained the exercises of the Sixth Heaven of the Emperor Realm respectively.

"Me first." The third princess said softly.

"Me first." Lin Caihan said after thinking for a while.

The third princess looked at Lin Caihan suspiciously.

"I want to discuss it with the person on the monument of supernatural powers." Lin Caihan came to the monument of supernatural powers after sending a voice transmission to the third princess.

The moment her jade hand was placed on the supernatural power tablet, she felt a wave attacking her whole body, and after a while her consciousness was pulled into the supernatural power monument.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such an amazing person at the peak of the Emperor Realm." A phantom figure appeared opposite Lin Caihan.

"Senior is Xuan?" Lin Caihan said softly.

"How do you know my name?" The illusory figure asked in surprise.

You must know that it will not easily expose its name.

"My husband was once favored by seniors." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Your husband?"

"Zhao Yang."

"Has he also obtained the exercises at the peak of the emperor's realm?"

"Nine Suns Profound Art."

"No wonder..." The illusory figure suddenly realized, "But why do you only practice the Qigong of the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"The seniors on the supernatural power tablet back then thought my potential would stop at the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm?"

"It seems that it has misjudged." The illusory figure said with a smile, "According to your physical attributes, I have prepared a skill for you." The figure pointed at Lin Caihan's eyebrows.

"What level?"

"Of course it's at the peak of the Emperor Realm."

"Senior, I wonder if we can cover up one or two things?"

"Are you afraid that the outside world will know?"

"Mainly because of being too showy."

"It's up to you, what level do you think is good?"

"Six Heavens will do."

Lin Caihan's voice fell to the supernatural power tablet, and the six divine rings bloomed.

"The exercises of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"The Yanhuang Sect's deputy suzerain is very powerful."

"It's a pity, the sect master of the Yanhuang Sect is here, and the exercises obtained must be at least from the seventh heaven."

"Seventh Heaven? The suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect is a young emperor, and the exercises he obtained are at least eighth heavenly."

Seeing this scene, Huang Wuji's mood was very complicated.

Originally, he thought that after Zhao Yang's fall, Xianting would have a chance to invade Yanhuangzong's territory, but after Yanhuangzong confronted Shanjia tribe head-on, he realized that he was thinking too much.

But he thinks that the reason why Yanhuangzong can do so is largely because of the three princesses.

And when he saw that Lin Caihan obtained the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, he understood that the strength of Yanhuangzong is the strength of the whole.

"Supreme Qingming Jue." Lin Caihan murmured while looking at the kung fu in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Supreme Qingming will never be weaker than Jiuyang Xuangong." The illusory figure said a purple talisman sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This is...?" Lin Caihan asked curiously.

"This is a talisman sword condensed by my comprehension of many sword arts. This talisman sword may not be able to hit the peak of the emperor's realm, but I don't think there is much problem if it hits the eighth layer of the emperor's realm or even kills it." The illusory figure said with a smile, "This talisman sword is for you."

"Thank you, senior." Lin Caihan said in surprise.

She didn't think there would be a surprise.

"Meeting is fate." The illusory figure smiled slightly.

"By the way, senior, there are two people from my tribe coming to test next, can you also take care of it a little bit?"

"take care of?"

"I mean, the displayed skill level will be lowered?"

"Aren't your two clansmen amazing?"

"A potential emperor realm eighth heaven, a potential emperor realm seventh heaven."

Hearing that the phantom figure froze.

He didn't expect Lin Caihan's people to be so tyrannical?

"Then I downgrade a level?"

"Thank you, senior."

After Lin Caihan's consciousness returned to her true self, she found a purple talisman sword in her palm.

She quietly put away the talisman sword and looked at the third princess, "It's your turn."

The third princess's jade hand was placed on the supernatural power tablet, and it didn't take long for her consciousness to be pulled into the stone tablet, "Your potential is in the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, and I will give you the skills of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm."

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