When the army of Yanhuangzong was marching, Lin Caihan waved his hand, and the 300 million army stopped.

"Sect Master Lin, let's talk." The chief of the Shanjia clan said this unwillingly.

"Let's talk." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"This matter is that our Shanjia tribe does not do things properly, but our Shanjia tribe has already lost so much. Look at this matter..." The patriarch of the Shanjia tribe was interrupted by Lin Caihan just as he said this, "I led an army of 300 million to the Shanjia tribe. Do you think I am a tourist?"

The patriarch of the Shanjia tribe showed a gloomy look in his eyes, but then he said slowly, "Let's make a price."

Lin Caihan threw a list to the patriarch of the Shanjia tribe, which listed hundreds of resources in detail.

"I'll give you three days." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"There are too many resources on the list." The patriarch of the Shanjia clan said with a gloomy face.

"I'm not negotiating with you." Lin Caihan looked at the patriarch of the Shanjia tribe and said, "If your Shanjia tribe can't give it, we will come to pick it up in person."

The patriarch of the Shanjia tribe really wanted to slap Lin Caihan into pieces, but he finally endured it forcefully, "There are too many resources on the list, and we won't be able to get them together soon."

"If you don't get enough, you can exchange them with Diye." Lin Caihan said calmly, "But you need to pay one and a half times the market price."

Yanhuangzong Emperor Liquid is not short at all, what Yanhuangzong lacks is resources.

And with resources, Yanhuangzong can improve faster.

"Three days?" The time was undoubtedly rushed.

And this is exactly what Lin Caihan intends to do.

If it takes a long time, it is inevitable that the Shanjia people have other thoughts.

"In three days, I will send people to send resources to Yanhuangzong." The patriarch of the Shanjia clan said after a while, gnashing his teeth.

"I hope you can keep your promise." After saying this, Lin Caihan ordered the army to turn around and leave.

Three days later, the Shanjia tribe kept their promise and sent resources.

When the news spread, all major forces on Huetus were shocked.

"Who would have thought that Yanhuangzong would have such terrifying strength?"

"Directly challenge the king-level forces like the Shanjia clan."

"It's so scary."

"If you count the Qin Palace, the human race has two king-level powers."

"I have to guard against it."

But after all, no one has taken action against the human race and the Yanhuangzong at this juncture?

There was no fanfare about Zhao Yang's return to Yanhuangzong, because once this matter was leaked, the major ethnic groups would know that Zhao Yang had a trump card.

He doesn't want to reveal it yet.

"Caihan, you have to take advantage of this year to elevate your background to the peak of the emperor realm." In Zhao Yang's study, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

"The peak of the imperial realm?" Lin Caihan's eyes flashed.

"Qin Palace gave Yanhuangzong three places. There is no need for me to go. I will give you one place, one place for the third princess, and one place for Tiehan." Zhao Yang said his plan.

The three princesses have made great contributions to Yanhuangzong, so they should be given a place.

However, Zhao Yang will only raise the potential of the three princesses to the eighth level of the Emperor Realm, as for the peak of the Emperor Realm, that is a matter of the future.

That is to say, the skills obtained by the three princesses are at most those of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, and it is only possible for Lin Caihan to obtain the exercises of the peak of the emperor's realm.

As for Tie Han, with the inclination of resources over the years, his current cultivation has already caught up.

Can't all of the three places be given to women?This is also not good for the development of Yanhuangzong.

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded.

In the following time, Lin Caihan took the primordial substance to raise his potential to the peak of the emperor's realm, the three princesses took the primordial substance to raise his potential to the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, and Tie Han took the primordial substance to raise his potential to the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm.

On this day, Qin Xuan came to Yanhuangzong through the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was established half a year ago, and it was the first time Qin Xuan came through the teleportation array.

"Has the quota of Yanhuangzong been confirmed?" Qin Xuan asked softly.


"If you're sure, come with me."

Zhao Yang summoned the three princesses, Lin Caihan and Tiehan.

"You're not going?"

"I don't need exercises anymore." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Qin Xuan immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.

It seems that Zhao Yang has the cultivation technique of the eighth heaven of the emperor realm, otherwise it is impossible not to go to the supernatural power monument.

"I'm going to try my luck this time." Qin Xuan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"For the time being, I will not expose it." Zhao Yang said and entered Lin Caihan's small world.

Qin Xuan brought Lin Caihan, the third princess and Tiehan to Qin Palace.

After arriving at the Qin Palace, all the monks who went to the supernatural power monument have already arrived.

Qin Ming and Qingmei were all there.

Besides these two, there are Kong Yao from the Kong Family, Bai Heng from the Bai Family, Zhang Xuan from the Zhang Family, and the Immortal Emperor from the Immortal Court.

When Lin Caihan saw the Immortal Emperor, there was a look of astonishment on his face.

She didn't expect the Immortal Emperor to be qualified.

"Huang Wuji's potential has reached the fifth heaven." Qin Xuan sent a voice transmission to Lin Caihan.

"Even if his potential has reached the fifth heaven, I don't think he is qualified?" Lin Caihan expressed her doubts.

"Huang Wuji took refuge in the Great Elder of the Qin Palace." Qin Xuan whispered, "It was the full recommendation of the Great Elder that Huang Wuji got this quota." Qin Xuan seemed to realize something here, "You To Huang Wuji, is it...?"

"No." Lin Caihan shook her head.

"If you think Huang Wuji is not pleasing to the eye, then it is enough to remove Huang Wuji." Qin Xuan said seriously, "It is true that the position of the great elder in the sect is respected, but my lineage is not afraid of him."

Qin Xuan is the lineage of the suzerain.

Who is he afraid of?

Furthermore, he could become a king in the future, so would the Great Elder really dare to do anything to him?

Not to mention that Qin Lie refused to agree, Qin Lu would not ignore it either.

"Yanhuangzong never cared about him." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Qin Xuan was startled, and then realized.


do you need?

Yanhuangzong has now become a force on par with Qin Gong, can Xianting still break arms with Yanhuangzong in the future?

Xiandi was very nervous.

He was even more nervous when he saw Lin Caihan staring at him.

It was hard for him to get this quota. If the quota was gone because of Lin Caihan's words, he wouldn't even have the place to cry.

"Let's go." After Qin Lu appeared, she summoned a battleship from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

After everyone got on the battleship, their faces were full of envy.

This is the battleship of the sixth heaven of the emperor realm.

With this battleship, as long as it is not facing the king-level forces, it can walk sideways.

The supernatural power monument is in the territory of the Huoli clan, but the supernatural power monument belongs to the nine clans. Only the inheritors of the nine major forces can take out the key at the same time to open the seal outside the supernatural power monument.

Not long after Qin Gong arrived here, the other eight major forces also arrived one after another.

However, the soldiers of Shanjia tribe glared at Lin Caihan and others of Yanhuangzong.

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