Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1174 The Young Emperor

Huo Tong, a girl from the Huoli Clan, looked at Zhao Yang who was hugging her, with a hint of shyness on her delicate and flowery face.

"I'm fine." Just as Huo Tong said this, he saw the ancient corpse rushing towards Zhao Yang again, "Be careful."

Zhao Yang glanced at the rushing ancient corpse, the power of the Nine Suns turned into a monstrous flame, rushing towards the ancient corpse in an instant with a destructive momentum.

The ancient corpse was engulfed by flames on the spot, but it still maintained its forward momentum. Unfortunately, it was turned into ashes before reaching Zhao Yang.

Seeing this scene, Huo Tong's pupils shrank fiercely.

"how is this possible?"

You must know that this is an ancient corpse with the potential of a king!

How could Zhao Yang kill him in an instant?


"Royal potential."

"Zhao Yang turned out to be a young emperor."

When the young king present realized this, his expression changed when he looked at Zhao Yang.

Qin Xuan's heart suddenly slowed down by half a beat. He finally understood why Zhao Yang was not too close to Qin Gong. Zhao Yang didn't want to owe Qin Gong too much favor.

Otherwise, with Zhao Yang's future status and status, he would have to pay back the favor.

"Zhao Yang, please help." The young king of the Canglong tribe asked Zhao Yang for help again.

Zhao Yang let go of Huo Tong's waist, and then patted the ancient corpse with his big hand.

The ancient corpse fell towards the distance under Zhao Yang's domineering blow, and its body was slightly deformed.

So terrifying.

Zhao Yang then turned into a Kunpeng and threw himself in the direction of the ancient corpse.

After three punches, the ancient corpse turned into ashes.

After pondering for a while, he rushed towards the ancient corpse that was confronting the young king of the Vajra Clan. After three punches, the ancient corpse was also turned into ashes.

"Thank you." The young king of the Vajra Clan looked at Zhao Yang with gratitude in his eyes.

Can he not be grateful?

It is very sure that it is not the opponent of this ancient corpse, and it is [-]% sure to perish if it continues to fight.

"Zhao Yang, please help." The young king of the Yulong clan sent another distress signal to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Sorry, the energy in my body has been exhausted." When he said this, everyone noticed that Zhao Yang's face was as pale as paper.

The young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan showed sorrow on his face.

It can also see that Zhao Yang is at the end of his battle.

"Qin Xuan, Huo Tong, can you help?" At this time, the young man of the Elephant Clan begged.

It was said that neither Qin Xuan nor Huo Tong moved.

Both of them consumed a lot just now, and in this situation, who can't save some strength?


At this moment, the young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan screamed. One of his arms was torn off by the ancient corpse, and blood dripped all over the ground.

The ancient corpse is like a shadow.

And just when the ancient corpse punched the young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan again, the young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan showed despair on his face.

It knew it couldn't survive.

But what it didn't expect was that a stalwart figure suddenly appeared in front of it.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

The fist of the ancient corpse bombarded Zhao Yang's heart, and monstrous poisonous gas rushed into his body frantically.

"Zhao Yang." The young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan was moved.

It didn't expect Zhao Yang to risk his life to save him.

You must know that Zhao Yang is a young emperor, and he is destined to become an existence in the eighth heaven of the emperor realm in the future.

Now, for the sake of a stranger like itself, it forcibly resisted the ancient corpse's punch.

"Zhao Yang." Qin Xuan exclaimed.

Kong Yao's expression also changed drastically.

Then Kong Yao flew over.

But in the middle of the journey, the ancient corpse staggered back.

If the ancient corpse had any thoughts, he would definitely want to scold his mother at this time.

Because the force of the nine yangs surging like a tide shook its body, its internal organs felt like it was suffering at this time.


Zhao Yang roared.

The qi and blood in his body soared to the sky, Zhao Yang's beard and hair were all stretched out, and his body was undulating like the sea.

He punched towards the ancient corpse not far away.

The ancient corpse was directly turned into ashes under the burning of the power of the nine suns.

At the same time when everyone showed inconceivable expressions, Zhao Yang rushed towards the ancient corpse confronting the young king of the Elephant tribe. After killing the ancient corpse with three strikes, five divisions and two strikes, the energy on his body receded like a tide.

At the same time, his body was even more crumbling.

Kong Yao hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhao Yang.

Kong Yao was taken aback when he saw that Zhao Yang's breath fluctuated very weakly, "What's wrong with you?"

"I used the taboo technique, and now the source of life is damaged." Zhao Yang said extremely weakly, "It's okay, just rest for a while."

Everyone looked at Zhao Yang's appearance and thought it was probably true.

Because no matter how strong an Emperor Realm Eighth Layer is, it is impossible to kill so many ancient corpses in a row?

Besides, who would have thought that Zhao Yang's potential had reached the peak of Emperor Realm?

"Why are you so stupid?" Kong Yao said, crying, "You are a young emperor, you have a bright future in the future."

Zhao Yang was silent.

"Zhao Yang, what do you want me to say about you?" Qin Xuan said angrily, "You burn the source of life for the fish-dragon clan and the wild elephant clan. Do you know that these two clans are similar to my human clan?"

The young king of the Ichthyosaur Clan showed shame when he heard this, "On behalf of the Ichthydragon Clan, I would like to apologize to the Human Race. From now on, the Ichthydragon Clan and the Human Race will be friends for generations."

"As long as I am alive, the human race and the elephant race are allies." The young king of the elephant race said.

"The Canglong clan has been on good terms with the human race for generations, Zhao Yang, I'm going to put my words here today, and if you encounter any trouble in the future, please say hello." The young king of the Canglong clan said solemnly.

"Zhao Yang, you will be my brother from now on, no, you will be my big brother from now on." The young king of the Vajra Clan said sternly.

The young king of the Canglong Clan was stunned when he heard this, "Jin Falcon, why are you so shameless?"

It was thinking, why didn't I think about worshiping the elder brother just now?

"You don't understand." Jin Falcon pretended to be inscrutable and said.

"Cangshan pays homage to elder brother." The young king of the Canglong tribe knelt down on the ground with a plop and saluted Zhao Yang.

Qin Xuan was stunned.

In any case, he never expected that the two young kings of the Canglong clan and the King Kong clan would recognize Zhao Yang as their elder brother.

"These two are very calculating." Qin Mei said leisurely.

"What do you mean?" Qin Ming asked puzzled.

"There is no emperor on Huiwangxing. Even if Zhao Yang's original source is damaged now, he may become the emperor in the future. Taking a step back, even if Zhao Yang can't become the emperor, there is no problem in becoming the top king, right? These two have had a relationship with Zhao Yang early on, do you think Zhao Yang can just sit back and ignore them when they encounter danger in the future?" Qin Mei said with a sneer.

Qin Ming thought about it and found out that this is really the truth.

"Before Zhao Yang became the king, this was a mutually beneficial thing." Qin Xuan said seriously after pondering for a while.

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