Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1175 Underworld Emperor

Now the four young kings, no, the five young kings have expressed goodwill to Zhao Yang, which is good for the current situation of the human race.

You must know that these guys are growing up quickly, and their opinions have to be given a certain amount of attention even if they are high-level in the clan.

"I'll talk about the elder brother's matter later." Zhao Yang thought about it and refused.

Zhao Yang was just pretending to be injured.

Besides, he is not a young emperor.

In the future, he is destined to become an existence at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm.

Now that I admit that these two are younger brothers, will I take them with me in the future?

Of course, if it was before, Zhao Yang would not have hesitated too much, because these two will become kings in the future without any accidents.But after obtaining hundreds of Primordial Matter, Zhao Yang no longer worried about Lin Caihan and others becoming kings, or even emperors.

There will be several emperors and dozens of kings in Yanhuangzong in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Yang has no intention of accepting these two as younger brothers. He only needs what these two can do for the human race now, that's enough, that's all.

At this moment, the mysterious armor on the young patriarch of the Shanjia tribe was torn apart by the ancient corpse. While screaming, it was bitten off by the ancient corpse in front of him.

Everyone looked at the young patriarch of the Shanjia tribe who kept spurting blood, and felt chills in his heart.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang just now, they might have died at this time.

"Zhao Yang, help." The young head of the Xuanjing clan asked Zhao Yang for help.

"Do you see what Zhao Yangcheng looks like?" Huo Tong glared angrily.

The young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan wanted to cry.

You're fucking fine now, I'm about to get killed, okay?

"Jin Falcon, Cang Shan, don't stand still." The young patriarch of the Black Whale Clan shouted at those two.

As a result, the two chose to ignore it.

They consumed a lot before, and they don't want to get involved again.

Besides, don't forget that there are more than 20 ancient corpses staring at it next to it?Who knows if those ancient corpses will be shot later?

The result can be imagined, not long after the young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan also fell.

At this time, the remaining ancient corpses looked at Zhao Yang and the others with deep eyes, and at the same time that everyone's hearts were raised, those ancient corpses turned around and left, and they returned to the coffin.

Everyone was stunned.

What do you mean?

"Congratulations, you have passed my master's test." At this moment, an old voice resounded between the heaven and the earth.

Everyone showed solemn expressions, did the secret boss finally appear?

"Senior, what happened to these ancient corpses?" Jin Falcon asked in a deep voice.

"These ancient coffins are full of young kings of various periods." The answer of that voice shocked everyone present.

If it does not deceive everyone, it means that there are one hundred and eight kings.

"Why are there so many young kings here?" Cang Shan asked.

"Because my master wants to break the limit, break the limit." The voice said leisurely, "It's a pity that the master still falls short in the end."

"I don't know who is the master of the senior?" Qin Xuan asked solemnly.


The faces of Qin Xuan and others changed wildly.

"Is Emperor Hades famous?"

"What do you think is the peak of the legendary Emperor Realm?" Qin Xuan glanced at Zhao Yang.

In any case, Qin Xuan never thought that this place turned out to be the cave of the legendary Emperor Underworld.

Everyone also realized that things were serious.

"It's a pity that my master died in the end." When the other party said this, a white-haired old man appeared in front of everyone.

It is getting old, but who dares to treat it as a generation without hands?

"By studying my master's handwriting, I found that the master's way is correct, but there are some mistakes." The old man said here, pointing to the one hundred and eight coffins, "the master was looking for the real coffin. The king, and the king, which one is the generation of Yi Yu? Besides, they all have many means, so when the master extracts their origin and wants to take a crucial step, something happens."

Hearing this, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"You said Hades has fallen?" Jin Falcon suddenly thought of something at this moment, "What about the planet Hades?"

"Pluto Planet is now in ruins." The old man said indifferently.

"Could it be that all the young kings on Pluto's planet are here?"


"How are you going to deal with us?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"To be honest, these guys are so weak that they can't even beat the dead young king." The old man looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "I'm really interested in you."


"That's right." The old man nodded and said, "I think as long as I extract your source, I can reach the level of my master back then."

Qin Xuan and the others suddenly became nervous.

"You don't need to be nervous. I made the rules back then. As long as you defeat the ancient corpse, no matter what means you use, then you can leave." The old man looked at Qin Xuan and the others and said, "Okay, now you can leave."

"I'm not leaving." Kong Yao said as tears fell.

"Kong Yao." Qin Xuan gave Kong Yao a hand, but Kong Yao pushed him away.

"Kong Yao, be obedient." Zhao Yang looked at Kong Yao and said, "Get out of here."

"I don't want to go." Kong Yao's tears kept falling.

"You will die." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Death is death, what's the big deal." Kong Yao grabbed Zhao Yang's big hand and said.

"Qin Xuan, take Kong Yao and leave here." After a long silence, Zhao Yang still said.

"Zhao Yang, don't let me go, okay?" Kong Yao looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

Qin Xuan thought about it for a while, and still restrained Kong Yao, "Let's go."

After Qin Xuan's voice fell, a door of nothingness opened.

The young head of the Elephant Clan gave Zhao Yang a complicated look, "Zhao Yang, I'm sorry, I have to leave."

The young patriarch of the Fish and Dragon Clan sighed softly, "I wanted to have a drink with you, but now it looks like I'm going to renege on my promise."

After the two left, Cang Shan said solemnly, "Even though you didn't recognize me, big brother, in my heart, you are still my big brother. Don't worry, I will take care of Yanhuangzong."

"Brother, don't worry, you will always be my big brother, and I will take good care of Yanhuangzong." Cang Shan said sternly.

Immediately the two also left.

At this time, Huo Tong from the Huoli Clan looked at Zhao Yang sadly and said, "I might have to break my promise."

"It's okay, I didn't think of repaying you for saving you." Zhao Yang smiled.

Huo Tong opened his mouth to say something, but finally left.

"Zhao Yang, take care." Qin Xuan sighed lightly.

Even if the disciples of Emperor Hades are not at the peak of the Emperor Realm, they are still big bosses.

The existence of this level is useless even if Qin Lie goes out.

Qin Xuan is also helpless.

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