Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1173 Strong Repression

However, Qin Xuan was a young king after all, so he calmed down quickly.

"Qin Ming, Qin Mei, you two deal with one, Bai Heng and Kong Yao deal with one, and Zhao Yang and we each deal with two." Qin Xuan said solemnly.

Kong Yao looked at Zhao Yang nervously.

Young king.

Doesn't she think that she and Bai Heng can stop each other by joining forces?

"Three breaths." Zhao Yang stretched out three fingers towards Kong Yao, "As long as you and Bai Heng persist in three breaths, I can finish the opponent."

Kong Yao's pupils shrank.

three breaths?

What are you kidding?

Bai Heng was also stunned.

You must know that these two are king-level existences?

How dare you say such a thing?


The power of heaven and earth turned into a cage to imprison an ancient corpse that was about to rush in front of Zhao Yang.


"This guy's formation can even imprison a king-level?"

"He's too strong."

Just when everyone was astonished, Zhao Yang rushed towards an ancient corpse.


The two collided fiercely in mid-air.

What everyone didn't expect was that the ancient corpse staggered back, and one of his arms was turned into powder in the collision just now.


The audience was in an uproar.

You must know that it is at the level of a young king.

How could Zhao Yang severely injure the opponent with one blow?

Qin Xuan's heart was pounding. Before, Qin Xuan felt that today's crisis could not be resolved, but now he realized that it might be possible to survive.

"Come again." Saying that, Zhao Yang rushed towards the ancient corpse again.


Zhao Yang punched again.

What Zhao Yang used at this time was only the simple version of Jiuyang Xuangong.

But that's enough.

Who made Zhao Yang's origin too strong?

Seeing the ancient corpse whose entire body was turned into dust, the hearts of everyone present slowed down by a beat.

The strength is terrifying!

At this moment, Zhao Yang's big hand moved towards the ancient corpse that was fighting Kong Yao and Bai Heng, and no one expected that the ancient corpse was forcibly detained by Zhao Yang in front of him like a chicken.

Both Kong Yao and Bai Heng were shocked.

Just now, the two of them used peak methods when they came up, but even so, they were still retreating steadily.

The two of them felt that they couldn't hold on to a few tricks.

But Zhao Yang forcibly detained their life-and-death enemy, the ancient corpse, in an instant.


Zhao Yang seriously injured the ancient corpse with one punch, and killed the ancient corpse with two punches.

"Zhao Yang, come and help us." Qin Ming shouted towards Zhao Yang.

"Kong Yao, Bai Heng, you two go help." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Kong Yao and Bai Heng just woke up like a dream. With the help of the two, Qin Ming and Qin Mei finally relaxed a little.

"Get out of here." Zhao Yang once again used the hand to hold the moon and detained an ancient corpse that surrounded Qin Xuan in front of him.

After killing it with two punches, Zhao Yang appeared behind the ancient corpse facing Qin Xuan in a flash.

With one punch, half of the ancient corpse's body collapsed.

Immediately, he rushed towards the ancient corpse where the four of Kong Yao were fighting, and after finishing this ancient corpse, he rushed towards the ancient corpse trapped by the formation.

What made Qin Xuan embarrassed after taking care of this ancient corpse was that he hadn't even taken care of the ancient corpse that was severely injured by Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, rest now, I can take care of this ancient corpse." Qin Xuan said hastily.

From Qin Xuan's point of view, the reason why Zhao Yang's successive attacks resulted in such a big result was largely due to the use of peak methods.

He felt that Zhao Yang's energy should be almost consumed at this time.

Zhao Yang glanced at the ancient corpse suppressed by Qin Xuan, but did not continue to attack.

In fact, Zhao Yang really didn't consume much.

Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu can provide Zhao Yang with a steady stream of energy, even if Zhao Yang is using a simple version at this time, it can't really achieve an endless supply, but a battle at this level is not fierce anyway.

"Okay." Zhao Yang was not polite.

He doesn't want to keep too much strength.

And taking advantage of this rare time, Kong Yao and others desperately recovered their cultivation.

Kong Yao came to Zhao Yang's side and said, "Are you okay?" Kong Yao was worried that Zhao Yang used taboo methods.

"It's okay, don't worry." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Seeing Zhao Yang's breath as usual, Kong Yao was slightly relieved.


At this moment, there was a scream from a distance, but it was a girl from the Xuanwhal clan who was torn apart by the ancient corpse, and blood flowed all over the ground.

And the girl's death was just the beginning, and soon one after another monks were killed by the ancient corpses.

After Qin Xuan got rid of the ancient corpses, he found that all the seven major ethnic groups had been killed except their young patriarchs, but there were still 27 ancient corpses here.

The young patriarchs of the other seven major ethnic groups let alone deal with their respective ancient corpses, and they are still being attacked by the ancient corpses and retreat steadily?

"Zhao Yang, please help." The young patriarch of the Yulong clan shouted anxiously.

"Zhao Yang, as long as you help, our Elephant Clan will owe you a favor in the future." The young head of the Elephant Clan also said.

"Zhao Yang, I, the Vajra Clan, have always been on good terms with your Human Race, please help out because of the good relationship between the two clans." The eyes of the young Patriarch of the Vajra Clan were full of prayer.

"Zhao Yang, as long as you help, I will marry you." The young patriarch of the Huoli clan is a beautiful girl, she gritted her teeth and said these words.

"Zhao Yang, our Black Whale Clan and your human race are inextricably linked, you can't just ignore death." The young patriarch of the Black Whale Clan said sternly to Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, as long as you help me through this crisis, if you encounter any troubles in the future, you can just speak up." The young patriarch of the Canglong clan said solemnly.

"Zhao Yang, we Shanjia tribe will give you whatever you need." The young patriarch of the Shanjia tribe obviously felt that his energy was low when he said this.

At this time, Kong Yao sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "Our human race has a pretty good relationship with the Canglong clan and the King Kong clan, our relationship with the Huoli clan, the Manxiang clan, and the Yulong clan is average, and our relationship with the Shanjia clan and the Xuanjing clan What's wrong?"

"Zhao Yang, don't act rashly." Qin Xuan said through voice transmission at this time, "There are still a lot of ancient corpses here, and no one knows whether these ancient corpses will make a move? To be cautious, we should preserve our strength."

Those ancient corpses that were killing the rest of the monks stood there quietly without saying a word, just looking at everyone with a pair of deep eyes.

"It doesn't matter." What Qin Xuan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang would say these words.

When Qin Xuan was about to say something, there was a scream in the distance, but it was the young patriarch of the Huoli clan who was pierced through her skin by the nails of the ancient corpse, and the toxin spread towards her limbs and bones. .

Her face suddenly turned dark, and she could tell from her appearance that she had been deeply poisoned.

But at this time Zhao Yang appeared beside her like lightning, he blocked the waist of the young patriarch of the Huoli Clan with one hand, and punched the rushing ancient corpse with the other hand.

The domineering pure yang power turned into a scorching sun, knocking the ancient corpse back hundreds of meters.

"How?" Zhao Yang looked at the woman in his arms and asked.

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