Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1172 Ancient Corpse

In the end, this detoxification pill was won by the young patriarch of the Huoli clan at a price of [-] taels.

"The starting price for this one is [-]." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Six thousand." The young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan said bitterly.

No one was competing with him at this time.

Because except for the young masters of the top sects like them, the rest of them are not capable of producing so much Diye.

"I can't do it anymore." At this moment, a girl from the Xuanwhal clan collapsed to the ground in pain, clutching her throat.

"The poisoning is deep." Zhao Yang raised the detoxification pill in his hand, "there are only the last six pills left, who wants it?"

"We can't afford it."

"Yes, for the price of six thousand drops of Imperial Liquid, we have the will but are powerless."

"Can it be cheaper?"

Looking at the look of expectation in these guys' eyes, Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "You don't have Diye, you can use resources to pay for it."

"Get the resources?" Everyone was startled.

"Yeah, which resource in your small world is worthless?"

"But if we count now, it's too late."

"Let me make a rough estimate."

"This is the treasury of my small world." At this time, a soldier of the Vajra clan said hastily.

After probing with his divine sense, Zhao Yang said, "The total resources in your small world will not exceed two thousand drops of imperial liquid."

"Is that okay?" the King Kong soldier asked cautiously.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "You can be a little worse, but you can't be too outrageous, right?"

The face of the King Kong soldier suddenly collapsed.

"Look at mine."

"Look at mine."

"There are many resources in my small world."

"I think I might be eligible."

Along with the monks present, they opened up their own small worlds.

They don't care about anything when it comes to life and death.

Zhao Yang made a rough estimate and chose six of the monks, "Okay, there are only six of you."

The six monks quickly packaged the resources in the small world treasury and handed them to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang also kept his promise and gave them the detoxification pill.

After taking Jiedu Pill, they found that the symptoms of poisoning were relieved a lot.

"Please, can you give me one?"

"I don't want to die here."

"I beg you."

Looking at the eager expectations of these guys, Zhao Yang hesitated and said, "I'm really sorry, I really don't have any detoxification pills on me."

The eyes of those guys dimmed suddenly.

"However, I am an alchemist, and my alchemy spirit also has the effect of detoxification." Zhao Yang changed his voice, "In terms of effect, it may not be as good as the detoxification pill, but it is not much worse."

Hearing the light of hope re-gathered in the eyes of the remaining monks here.

"Hurry up and give it to me." The girl who was deeply poisoned before said hurriedly.

"Give me the resources in your small world." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The girl managed to gather a ray of spiritual power, and packed the energy in the small world to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang detained a qi of alchemy, and when the qi of alchemy entered her body, she felt that the raging poisonous qi was suppressed, and at the same time, the qi of alchemy was still dispelling the invading poisonous qi.

"Thank you." The girl expressed her gratitude to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang said disapprovingly, "We trade fairly."

"Those resources are just belongings, how can they compare with my life?" The girl shook her head.

"I want it too, and I will give you all the resources of my small world."

"Give it to me, I can't hold it anymore."

"Hurry up, I'm going to die."

The remaining monks became anxious at this time.

After Zhao Yang collected the resources in their small world, he gave them a spirit of alchemy respectively.

But what made Zhao Yang unhappy was that those guys looked at him with resentful eyes.

"Money is something outside the body, don't you even understand this truth?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

It's a pity that Zhao Yang's words didn't have any effect. On the contrary, they still despise Zhao Yang in their hearts.

That is all the resources of the small world.

It's all up to you now.

In the end, you still sing high-profile?

The way Qin Xuan and other human experts looked at Zhao Yang also changed.

Under such a critical situation, who would have thought that he was in business?

At this moment, the coffin boards shook even more violently, and the corpse aura from the corpse became more intense.

But the monks present either got the detoxification pill or Zhao Yang's alchemy, so none of them fell down yet.

"I have a bad premonition." Kong Yao looked at the coffin and said with trepidation.

"Don't leave me during the battle." Zhao Yang said softly, "I will keep you safe."

Seeing Zhao Yang's confident appearance, Kong Yao nodded slightly.

And as the corpse gas here became thicker and thicker, those with a little bit of digital background couldn't hold on any longer, and were eroded by the poisonous gas and turned into a pool of blood.

At the same time when everyone's faces showed uneasiness, the coffin board suddenly flew up, and then there were bursts of heavy panting sounds from the coffin.

Everyone had a creepy feeling.

what's the situation?


When everyone heard the roaring sound from the coffin, their scalps felt numb, and then 33 figures filled with terror came out of the coffin.

These figures were wearing black chain armor, and their bodies were filled with a strong monstrous corpse aura.

Their eyes were cold and heartless, and they walked towards Zhao Yang and the others step by step.

"We have 33 monks, so 33 corpses have come out?" The young patriarch of the Vajra Clan was startled.

"Does it mean that each of us has to deal with one?" The young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan saw a figure rushing towards him when he said this.

"Kill." It punched towards the figure.

The opponent also punched.

And when the two punches met in mid-air, what he didn't expect was a terrifying counter-shock force that made him retreat several steps in a row.

Looking down, the tiger's mouth was torn and blood flowed.

"Hasn't the young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan fight against ancient corpses?"

"how is this possible?"

"The young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan is a young king."

"If these ancient corpses are all at the level of young kings, will we still have a way to survive?"

Just when everyone was guessing, a scream rang out, but it was a soldier of the Elephant Clan who was torn apart by an ancient corpse.

And after this one was torn apart, a soldier of the Ichthyosaur Clan was also torn apart.


"These ancient corpses are young kings."

"This is the rhythm of killing everything."

At this time, even Qin Xuan's face showed despair.

If it is one, Qin Xuan is confident that he can contend, but if he faces two, he will be powerless.

But at this moment, there were six ancient corpses rushing towards them.

"This is how to do?"

"It's over."

"We can't compete at all."

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