Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1171 Live Auction

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

After listening to their analysis, they felt that what Zhao Yang said made sense.

"Do as Zhao Yang said, remember, keep calm." Qin Xuan said after thinking about it.

While killing the evil spirits, everyone marched in the direction of the Ichthyosaur Clan and the Wild Elephant Clan.

And when Zhao Yang and others were only a few hundred meters away from the two clans, the faces of the masters of the two clans were a little ugly.

"Why did the human race come here?"

"Yes, what should I do?"

"Maybe the human race came here by coincidence, and they will leave here later." The masters of the two races could only comfort themselves in this way, but soon they found that they were wrong, and the human race was moving around in a small area.

Just when they were extremely tangled, a door suddenly appeared behind them.



The masters of the Yulong clan and the barbarian elephant clan walked towards the gate immediately.

Zhao Yang and the others looked at each other and followed closely behind.

It was at this time that the King Kong clan and the other six groups reacted, and they hurried towards the gate, but at this moment, the evil spirits chased and intercepted them like crazy.

"The door is slowly closing."

"No, we have to hurry up."

"Everyone, don't hide it at this time."

It's just that the remaining evil spirits swarmed towards them without the check and balance of the human race, fish dragon race, and barbarian elephant race.

Soon the nearest King Kong clan rushed in, followed by the Huoli clan and the Xuanjing clan.

And after the Canglong clan also entered, the gate was about to close.

"Brothers, I'm sorry." The young patriarch of the Shanjia tribe jumped over the crowd, turned into a ray of light and rushed into the gate.


After the gate closed, the remaining monks showed despair on their faces.

At this time, there are only three monks from the Shanjia tribe and four monks from the Tianniu tribe. Can they fight against the remaining 200 evil spirits?

Second floor!

The young patriarch of the Shanjia clan stepped into the second floor and was shocked by the scene before him just as he was about to curse.

What does it see?

One coffin after another was suspended in front of him.

That's right.


"One hundred and eight coffins." The young patriarch of the King Kong clan said in a deep voice.

"I just want to know why there are one hundred and eight coffins here?" The young patriarch of the Canglong clan looked at the young patriarch of the wild elephant clan and asked.

"I don't know." The young chief of the elephant clan shook his head.

"You don't know at this time, don't you think it's too ridiculous?" Qin Xuan of the human race said coldly.

"We know this entrance, but the only one who survived did not dare to set foot." The young patriarch of the Elephant Clan replied, "At that time, all the evil spirits fell, and he escaped."

Everyone looked at it in amazement, thinking that this guy was talking nonsense.

"Don't you think that person can pass the second level alone?" the young head of the Elephant Clan said indifferently.

Everyone fell silent.

After a while, the coffins shook, and then bursts of corpse gas gushed out from the gaps in the coffins.

"Corpse gas is poisonous." Zhao Yang said hastily.

Zhao Yang wasn't worried about corpse aura, but everyone was.

Everyone stretched out the energy of the body shield to block the corpse energy.

But soon everyone discovered that neither the body protection energy nor the divine sense could completely isolate the corpse aura.

"I'm a little dizzy."

"I'm a little dizzy too."

"Is there any antidote pill?"

"The detoxification pill of Emperor Realm? Who do you think will have it?"

While the monks present were discussing, a jade bottle appeared in Zhao Yang's hand, "I have a detoxification pill in my hand."

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Yang.

"I refined it when I was idle, and used a lot of rare materials." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yang, don't make trouble, hurry up and take it for everyone." Qin Xuan said hastily.

Zhao Yang took out five detoxification pills and handed them to Qin Xuan and others.

"I only have four left now." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "The one with the highest price gets it."

"Give it to me, I want it." The young patriarch of the Yulong clan said immediately.

"Give it to me, brother, you can ask for the price." The young patriarch of the Elephant Clan also hurriedly said.

"Give it to me, how much it is, you can say it." The young patriarch of the King Kong clan said solemnly.

The young patriarchs of the various ethnic groups expressed their willingness to buy the detoxification pill in Zhao Yang's hands.

"Well, let's bid." Zhao Yang took out a detoxification pill as he said, "This detoxification pill starts with three thousand emperor liquids."

Everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

Are you coming to the auction on this occasion?

"Three thousand is too expensive, isn't it?"

"That's right, three thousand emperor liquid is too much."

"Can it be cheaper?"

Just when some guys disliked being expensive, the young patriarch of the King Kong clan said suddenly, "I want it."

"Give Diye first." Zhao Yang looked at the young patriarch of the King Kong clan and said.

The young patriarch of the King Kong clan gave Zhao Yang a jade bottle on the spot.

Zhao Yang inspected it and threw the detoxification pill to him.

The young patriarch of the Vajra Clan hesitated and ate it, and soon the dizziness in his mind dissipated.

"The antidote pill is effective." His eyes lit up.

Hearing that the young patriarchs of the other ethnic groups here regretted it.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't beep.

"Now auction the second detoxification pill." Zhao Yang said with a smile while holding the second detoxification pill.

"I want three thousand."

"Three thousand one hundred."

"Three thousand two hundred."

"Three thousand three hundred."

The price quickly climbed to [-], and was finally obtained by the young patriarch of the Yulong clan.

The competition for the third one became more intense, and it was finally won by the Brute Elephants for [-].

The competition for the fourth piece reached a fever pitch, and this one was won by the young patriarch of the Shanjia tribe at a price of [-].

The young patriarchs of the Huoli clan, Xuanjing clan, and Canglong clan who hadn't got it were suddenly anxious.

"Do you still have it in your hand?" the young patriarch of the Huoli clan asked hurriedly.

"I'll look for it." Zhao Yang found a bottle of detoxification pill after searching for a while, "Don't tell me, there really is."

Seeing that Zhao Yang took out another bottle of detoxification pills, the faces of the King Kong clan and others who had bought before all turned green.

They seriously suspected that Zhao Yang did it on purpose.

"Continuing the auction, the starting price is [-]." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Why five thousand?" The young patriarch of the Huoli clan said speechlessly.

"That's right, wasn't the previous starting price [-]?" The head of the Xuanjing Clan said angrily.

"Five thousand, I want it." The young patriarch of the Canglong clan said hurriedly.

"What do you want? Five thousand and one." The young patriarch of the Huoli clan was anxious.

"Didn't you dislike expensive just now?" The young patriarch of the Canglong clan asked with a smile.

"I didn't say that." The young patriarch of the Huoli clan denied it flatly.

"Five thousand two." The young patriarch of the mysterious whale clan said at this time.

In the end, this detoxification pill was won by the young patriarch of the Canglong Clan at a price of [-].

"Continue the auction, this time the starting price is [-]." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Five thousand six."

"Five thousand seven."

None of these two disliked the high price.

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