Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1170 The Evil Spirit

"Now that everyone is here, I'll talk about the rules." At this moment, Qin Lu appeared in the hall.

Everyone saluted Qin Lu one after another.

"The emperor's cave generally has great opportunities, but great opportunities also come with great risks." Qin Lu said in a deep voice, "After you enter the cave, you must unite. Because the risks you face are not only those in the cave, , and the other eight factions.”

After Qin Lu confessed again, she led everyone to the Emperor's Cave.

The Emperor's Cave Mansion is at the junction of the Manxiang Clan and the Yulong Clan.

In fact, this cave was first discovered by the Elephant Clan. Later, the movements of the Elephant Clan attracted the attention of the Ichthyosaur Clan. After the Ichthyosaur Clan found out that it was the emperor's cave, the two sides began to fight.

However, as the scale of the war expanded, news inevitably leaked out.

The cave has been dug out.

A hazy light emanated from the entrance of the cave, but I couldn't see anything in the cave.

At this time, there are already many monks near the cave.

"I don't understand why the Fish Dragon Clan and the Barbarian Elephant Clan affirm that this cave is the cave of an emperor-level powerhouse?" Bai Heng raised his doubts.

"It's very simple, because the king can't get in." Qin Xuan said lightly.

Bai Heng was stunned.

Come to think of it, is this really the case?

The cave that the king cannot enter must be the cave of the emperor.

Of course, it may also be a higher level cave.

"Since the two major forces know that those below the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm can enter, it stands to reason that the two major forces should have succeeded long ago." Kong Yao asked softly.

"According to the gossip, the two forces have damaged many emperors." Qin Xuan said in a low voice, "This is why the deputy palace lord emphasizes the danger."

Everyone was stunned.

It didn't take long for monks to come here one after another.

"It seems that everyone is here." A middle-aged man from the Elephant tribe said after scanning the audience, "What I want to tell you is that it is very dangerous inside, very dangerous, extremely dangerous."

Hearing this, everyone's faces became serious.

If it is not dangerous, he will not repeat it.

"We, the Elephant Clan and the Yulong Clan, organized three batches of emperors to go there, but all the three groups of emperors fell inside except for one who escaped from heavy injuries." said the middle-aged man of the Elephant Clan. Said solemnly.

"What danger is there?" Qin Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"Evil spirits." The middle-aged man replied, "There are hundreds of evil spirits in the cave, and their strength is at the third level of the emperor's realm."


"This number is a bit scary."

"Can we resist?"

"If this is the case, why don't you send more masters from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, the middle-aged man replied, "Evil spirits appear according to the number of you, that is, if one monk goes there, thirty evil spirits will appear. Therefore, the more monks go, the more evil spirits will appear. more souls."

"That is to say, we alone need to deal with thirty evil spirits from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" A man of the Tianniu clan asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, each faction will send six monks. This is our comprehensive consideration." The man paused at this point, "Our disciples of the Elephants and Ichthyosaurs have not even passed the first level. So we don't know what's in the second level."

Everyone was stunned.


what did he say?

You didn't pass the first level?

What are you kidding?

But when they saw the dignified expression of the middle-aged man, their hearts felt heavy.

There's no need for this guy to lie to them about this.

"After you go in, you have to take a defensive posture as soon as possible. Those evil spirits are good at hiding and attacking." The middle-aged man pointed to the cave and said, "I hope you can get more."

After the nine branches of soldiers looked at each other, they walked into the cave one after another.

"Everyone must hold a group after entering." Qin Xuan said in a deep voice, "After entering, everyone listen to my instructions."

The three disciples of Qin Palace didn't say anything, Qingxuan was the Young Palace Master, and they were going to obey orders.

The relationship between Bai Heng and Qin Xuan is also good, so he didn't say anything.

Kong Yao glanced at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Zhao Yang felt that there was no need to overwhelm the host.

After Zhao Yang and others went in, they found that the surrounding area was pitch black, and their sight was severely obstructed.

This kind of obstruction is not only the sight, but also their spiritual sense is also hindered.


At this moment, there was a scream not far away, and a monk had his arm torn off by the evil spirit.

"Be careful." After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he hugged Kong Yao's waist and retreated to the side. At the same time, Zhao Yang punched the evil spirit who was close at hand.

With a bang, the evil spirit was severely injured by Zhao Yang.

After being severely wounded, the evil spirit screamed and went away.

"Thank you." Kong Yao said with lingering fear.

Kong Yao didn't notice the evil spirit approaching just now.

But then Kong Yao realized that she was hugged by Zhao Yang, and her face turned slightly red.

Zhao Yang also realized this, so he quickly let go.

"Everyone be careful." Qin Xuan said hastily.

At this time, a young man of the Comet Clan burst out with fiery radiance, forcibly driving away the surrounding darkness.

At this moment, everyone saw clearly the evil spirits hiding around.


Just as everyone shot, hundreds of evil spirits rushed towards the comet boy.

"Don't use the light source, otherwise it will stimulate them." The young patriarch of the elephant clan said hastily.

But it was too late.

Hundreds of evil spirits frantically rushed towards the six masters of the Comet Clan.




In just a few breaths, three masters were severely injured.

There are really too many evil spirits besieging them.

"Everyone, don't be idle."

"Don't you know the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?"

"Only by killing these evil spirits can we advance to the next level."

The young patriarchs of the Canglong, Huoli, and Xuanjing clans all spoke one after another.

Driven by them, everyone took action one after another, killing one evil spirit after another.

Zhao Yang maintained the level of a king. With the cooperation of him and Qin Xuan, their team killed hundreds of evil spirits in just half an hour.

"Two kings."

"Is the background of the human race so strong?"

"It's not a good thing for us."

The eyes of the masters of the Vajra, Shanjia, and Tianniu tribes had malicious looks in their eyes.

Since the battle, all races have suffered casualties, but nothing happened to the human race. How could they be happy?

The major ethnic groups themselves have conflicts, you say sincere cooperation?Are you kidding me?

But they didn't tear their faces apart.

"Let's move in the direction of the Ichthyosaurs and the Elephants." At this time, Zhao Yang said in the ears of everyone.

"Why?" Bai Heng asked puzzled.

"Do you really believe that the Ichthyosaurs and the Barbarian Elephants have not entered the second floor?" Zhao Yang sneered, "I just noticed that these two tribes have not moved in that direction, and I think they may be the entrance to the second floor behind."

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