"How far can you grow?" Zhao Yang asked after a while.

"Now my strength is roughly equivalent to the third heaven of the emperor's realm, but if I absorb the origin of this living planet, I think my strength can be raised to the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, and maybe even higher." The way of heaven in the small world replied.

"It's just the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Zhao Yang pondered for a moment and then said, "So there aren't any strong beings on this planet of life?"

"The strongest being on this living planet is only from the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm. In other words, this planet will be divided and enslaved by the major forces sooner or later." Tiandao of the small world replied.

"I'll think about it." Zhao Yang said after a while.

Zhao Yang knew very well what the consequences would be after the Small World's Heavenly Dao absorbed the origin of this star?

"There is not much time left for me."

"What do you mean?"

"The awakening of the way of heaven in the small world is a step-by-step process. If it awakens to a certain point, do you think it's me that devours the origin of this small world, or the origin of this small world that devours me?"

"Say more."

After a day passed like this, the existence of the quasi-emperor realm suddenly found that he could enter this living planet.

"This living planet has begun to unblock."

"That's right. Now the quasi-emperor realm can set foot, and it won't be long before the emperor realm can set foot on it."

"Let quasi-emperors go in and grab resources first."

Soon all major forces sent their quasi-emperor masters to the planet of life.

"The natives of this living planet are already preparing for battle. Anyone who sets foot will be ruthlessly slaughtered." Tiandao of the small world said.

When Zhao Yang heard this, he immediately gave up his plan to send out the top master Zhundi, and at this moment, Zhao Yang caught a glimpse of Kong Yao summoning the Zhundi in her small world from the corner of his eye.

"Kong Yao, don't send Emperor Zhun there." Zhao Yang said via voice transmission.

"Why?" Kong Yao asked puzzled.

"The natives of this living planet are already being treated seriously. Anyone who goes there will be ruthlessly slaughtered." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "And you tell the human race that you have made friends with, not to die in vain."

"how do you know?"

"It's not convenient for me to tell you this."

Kong Yao pondered for a moment before sending back the newly summoned Emperor Zhun. At the same time, Kong Yao looked at the young girl beside him and said, "There may be natives on this planet of life. We rashly let Emperor Zhun go there. The only thing is to let them die."

"Miss Kong means...?" A man asked softly.

"I mean wait." Kong Yao said in a deep voice, "there are tens of thousands of quasi-emperors who have entered, but now there is not even one who has come out."

"They are all looking for resources."

"Yeah, this planet is so big, how can it come out in a while?"

"Kong Yao, are you being too cautious?"

Facing everyone's doubts, Kong Yao said in a deep voice, "I have an intuition that this living planet is very dangerous." Hearing what Kong Yao said, everyone's expressions became serious.

Kong Yao is the existence of the second heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Her hunches are generally accurate.

Therefore, for a while, everyone did not send quasi-emperor masters there.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Gradually, some emperors present panicked.

It stands to reason that after such a long time, a quasi-emperor should have returned.

It's a pity that none of the quasi-emperors came back.

"Could it be that they encountered some accident?"

"Probably yes."

"Are there powerful natives on this living planet?"


Seeing that many emperors of the human race here had lingering fears, they looked at Kong Yao gratefully.

If it weren't for Kong Yao just now, they might have suffered heavy losses.

In this way, another month passed, and the emperor and the heaven entered the living planet unimpeded.

"Those who are in the first level of the Emperor Realm can enter."

"Finally can I know what's inside?"

"I'm going to kill those natives."

"I just want the resources on this living planet."

After one after another emperor realm entered the living planet, the human race couldn't hold back anymore.

"How?" Kong Yao sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang.

"This living planet has the existence of the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and these guys go in to deliver food." Zhao Yang said slowly.

"The Emperor Realm Fifth Heaven?" Kong Yao asked involuntarily.

"Everyone who goes in now is killed." Zhao Yang closed his eyes as he said that, "This is the protection of the natives in that small world."

Kong Yao pondered for a while and said to everyone, "If you believe me, wait patiently."

"Kong Yao, there shouldn't be anything wrong after the emperor enters, right?" a young man asked softly.

"Did you see one come back?" Kong Yao asked back.

"But how long have they been in?"

"So I asked you to wait a little longer." Kong Yao said lightly, "Could it be that you think that the resources of this living planet will be gone after a while?"

As Kong Yao's voice fell, some human races fell silent, but some still decided to go.

Of course not many went there.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

"It's over, Zhang Tianhai is probably dead." A girl said with red eyes.

"Why are you so sure?" A man beside her asked puzzled.

"Because before Zhang Tianhai left, we agreed that we must come back within an hour, no matter what happened?" The girl said with tears streaming down her face, "But now three hours have passed."

Everyone was silent.

It seemed that Zhang Tianhai was probably dead.

"I think it will take a while to go to the third heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang looked at Sixiang Beast, who had transformed into a young man beside him, and said, "You help me protect the Dharma, I am going to retreat."

"Of course." The Four Elephant Beast said hastily.

The previous four-elephant beast was very rebellious, but now he is as honest as a quail.

It knows how tyrannical and terrifying Zhao Yang is, and it is definitely not something he can provoke.

Immediately, Zhao Yang used Huangliang Yimeng to practice quietly.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

When a month passed, everyone found that only those from the first level of the Emperor Realm could enter, while those from the second level of the Emperor Realm were still not able to enter.

"what's the situation?"

"Why can't people from the second level of the Emperor Realm still enter?"

"I think this planet of life will be unsealed step by step. Sooner or later, the second heaven of the emperor's realm will be able to enter, but the time will definitely not be a month."

"What I want to ask is what will be the consequences of entering the Second Heaven of the Emperor Realm now?"

"I want to know too."

"Why don't we go in after the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm can enter."

"Just wait, I won't wait anyway, I will go in when Er Chongtian can go in."

It's just that what everyone didn't expect was that another month passed and the second-level emperors still couldn't enter. Under such circumstances, some first-level emperors couldn't help but went to this living planet.

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