

Three statues.

After thousands of emperors entered, unfortunately none of them came out.

This made the monks who didn't go in feel awe-inspiring.

They were vaguely aware of the unexpected dangers of this living planet.

Now no one dares to go in.

Fortunately, one month later, the second heaven of the Emperor Realm was finally able to enter.

In order to prevent accidents, the emperors present walked into this planet together with more than 300 people from the second heaven of the emperor realm.

It's a pity that none of these emperors came back.

It didn't take long for more than 300 emperors to enter one after another, but still no one came back.

At this time, everyone's hearts sank.

"The natives here are too strong, right?"

"It just doesn't give us a way out."

"I think those who enter the third heaven of the emperor's realm will most likely also fall."

It was at this time that Zhao Yang ended his practice for this period of time.

"I estimate that it will take at least half a year for those who want to enter the third heaven of the emperor's realm." Sixiang Beast said softly.

"It seems that I also have to prepare." Zhao Yang walked into his own small world as he said.

The Heavenly Dao of the Small World has said that this life planet has the existence of the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and Zhao Yang is confident that he can compete with or even defeat the existence of this level.

The problem is that after Zhao Yang enters, he may face a large army.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Yang went in single-handedly to seek death.

Therefore, Zhao Yang needs to create a few arrays during this period of time.

Now that Zhao Yang's formation method has been integrated after a long period of practice, he is confident that even if the formation method he arranges is from the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, he will not be able to break it easily.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to use the materials in his hands to create the first array.

In fact, the formation plate still needs a lot of formation materials.

However, Zhao Yang found another way, greatly reducing the array materials used, and correspondingly greatly increasing the array runes.

"The array materials in hand can refine two more array disks." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

To refine the formation of the fifth heaven, the materials needed for the formation must not be adequate.

"It seems that we still need to obtain some high-level resources." Zhao Yang murmured.

After Zhao Yang finished refining these two arrays, he began to practice silently.

Sixiang Beast's guess is wrong.

It thought that after half a year, the third heaven of the emperor's realm would be able to enter, but everyone had to wait nine months for the third heaven of the emperor's realm to enter.

"Nine months."

"In that case, won't it take two years and seven months to enter the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"It will take eight years and one month to enter the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"Then it will take 24 years to enter the Sixth Heaven of Emperor Realm?"

When everyone realizes this, everyone is bad.

At this moment, Zhao Yang came out of the small world, "Go into the small world."

"I want to fight side by side with you." Sixiang Beast said with burning eyes.

"You don't have this ability yet." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Sixiang Beast's face suddenly collapsed.

"Do you want to go in?" Kong Yao said via voice transmission from a distance.


"I want to go in too?"

"There is the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm in this living planet. I think you should wait until the strong ones from the Fifth Heaven can come in." Zhao Yang said softly, "To be honest, I have no ability to take care of you."

"You also said that this planet has the existence of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm? Is there no danger if you go there?"

"I am sure to protect myself." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"Then be careful." Kong Yao looked in Zhao Yang's direction and said.

When the monks present realized that the third heaven of the emperor's realm could enter, a group of the third heaven of the emperor's realm were ready to move.

"This planet of life either has weirdness or powerful natives."

"That's right, so we have to join forces."

"We will join forces to kill in later."

Soon hundreds of monks from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm gathered, including Zhao Yang of course.

Zhao Yang's appearance also changed at this time, he turned into an uncle, and he rushed towards the living planet with the crowd.




The moment everyone set foot on this planet, they felt that the passage behind them was suddenly closed.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are there so many strong men in front of us?"

"Are we the turtle in the urn?"

Hundreds of powerhouses from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm were all shocked.

Dozens of people rushed towards the passage at the first time, only to find that the passage was so strong that they couldn't penetrate it at all.

"Don't waste your efforts." At this moment, a cold voice resounded in the audience, "Since you have come here, don't even think about going back."

Everyone looked at the one who spoke.

The whole body of the person who spoke was exuding a dazzling blood-colored radiance.

"What ethnic group are you?" asked an old man from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

"We are creatures born in this world." The man exuding blood glow said, "We know your intentions. You are here for the resources of this world, and of course you are here to enslave us."

"This is just your unilateral conjecture. How do you know we think this way?" The old man quickly denied.

Of course you have to deny this kind of thing, okay?



"We searched their memories, so we know exactly what you want to do." The blood-red man pointed to tens of thousands of soldiers not far away.

These soldiers include quasi-emperor realm masters, as well as strong men from the first and second heavens of the emperor realm.

But at this moment, their eyes were empty, as if they were enslaved.

"What's the matter with them?" A middle-aged man asked sharply.

"They were enslaved by us. In other words, they are our slaves."

"Slave? How dare you?"

"Soon you will become my slaves too." Speaking of which, the blood-red man pointed at Zhao Yang and the others, "Kill."

Hundreds of existences from the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm rushed over in a swarm.

Zhao Yang looked at a figure that rushed in front of him in an instant, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

The other party's breath is very evil.

It gave Zhao Yang a very uncomfortable feeling.


After Zhao Yang killed the Emperor Realm Third Heaven with one punch, he ran towards the distance.

In the end, before he ran very far, he was intercepted by a third heaven of the emperor's realm.

"Where to run?"

Zhao Yang glanced at the other party, then suddenly accelerated his speed.


Zhao Yang violently smashed the creature into pieces.

"Good guy."

"This one is too fierce, isn't he?"

"Who is he?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, just run away like a jerk."

The main native on this star also noticed Zhao Yang.

Therefore, a statue of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm tore apart the space and blocked Zhao Yang's way.

"Looking for death." When Zhao Yang said this, he waved his fist and blasted towards the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven.

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