Zhao Yang, this is pure nonsense.

Even if Qin Lu came, he never thought of letting her go.

He used this as an excuse, and the other was to save Qin Lu's face.

"How dare you?" The Patriarch of the Su family said angrily.

"The Yanhuang Sect has come all the way from the homeland, is there anything that you dare not?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "The ethnic groups that we have wiped out in these years, if not a hundred, there may be eighty."

"Are you threatening me?" Su Family Patriarch stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"So what if you threaten you?" Zhao Yang sneered, "By the way, your Su family has humiliated Wuliang for a month, and we will treat the third elder of the Su family and Su Tianhao equally."

"You..." The eyes of the third elder of the Su family turned red.

"Third princess." Zhao Yang called out to the third princess.

"Your subordinate is here." The third princess saluted respectfully.

"I'll give you a mission. From today onwards, you will wander around the borders of the Su family. As long as you see the emperors of the Su family, you will kill them one by one." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"As ordered."

The head of the Su family changed color.

"You... Palace Master Qin, don't you care?" The Patriarch of the Su family looked at Qin Lu.

Qin Lu was also a little angry, "Your Su family provoked this matter, and now you look like a victim, Patriarch of the Su family, I really want to know why you are so thick-skinned?"

The head of the Su family was stunned.

He didn't expect Palace Master Qin to say such a thing?

"Zhao Yang, it's the Su family's fault this time, but it's not easy for us to take root in Huiwangxing. Can you take a step back from your side?" After a while, Qin Lu looked at Zhao Yang and said softly.

"I have two conditions."

"You said."

"First, the third elder of the Su family and Su Tianhao originally needed to be detained for a thousand years, but Palace Master Qin has spoken, so they will be detained for 800 years."

"No problem." Qin Lu said after thinking about it.

The Patriarch of the Su Family became anxious immediately, "Palace Master Qin, you cannot agree to this request."

"Okay, then you come to negotiate." Qin Lu said lightly.

The Su family opened their mouths, but in the end they didn't say anything.

"Secondly, if the Su family dares to make some small moves against Yanhuangzong in the future, then Yanhuangzong will retaliate tenfold."

"No problem." Qin Lu looked at the Patriarch of the Su family, "What do you think?"

"We can agree to the second condition, but we cannot agree to the first condition." Patriarch Su said after being silent for a while.

"Patriarch Su, you seem to have forgotten two things." Zhao Yang said loudly, "First, your Su family provoked this matter, shouldn't your Su family be punished? You Su family is strong, if it is not for the face of Palace Master Qin, the army of Yan Huangzong has already descended on your Su family."

"Even if you can swallow our Su family, you will still be injured." The Patriarch of the Su family said with cold eyes.

"It doesn't matter, Yanhuangzong won't care about this." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The head of the Su family didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, that's the decision." Qin Lu said with a final word, "Patriarch Su, Yanhuangzong will release people after eight hundred years, and your Su family must not target Yanhuangzong again, otherwise you, the patriarch, will not do it." .”

Patriarch Su's pupils shrank.

What does Qin Lu mean?

She wants to meddle in the internal affairs of the Su family?


After Qin Lu and the others left, Zhao Yang looked around and said, "Yanhuangzong still maintains a vigilant posture."

"As ordered."

Then Zhao Yang continued to build the formation.

Formation cannot be established overnight.

And in the process of Zhao Yang building the formation, more and more Yanhuangzong soldiers got the guardian seal.

In this way, half a year passed steadily, and a piece of news came over on this day.

"A new planet of life has appeared outside the sky."

Zhao Yang was startled, "Why did it appear suddenly?"

There are quite a few cultivators of Tianwaitian, and it stands to reason that they would have discovered it long ago.

"I don't know, but many forces have gone there." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "But there is a protective cover on that planet of life, and no emperor has set foot yet."

"The formation is almost established now." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I just want to go and have a look."

"be careful."

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang said and handed Lin Caihan a gossip mirror, "You take this gossip mirror."

"how about you?"

"Now, as long as I don't meet the existence of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, I can fight against it." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, don't I still have that talisman?"

After leaving Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang summoned the Four Elephant Beast.

Today's Four Elephant Beast also has the cultivation base of the third heaven of the emperor's realm.

After Zhao Yang told the Sixiang beast the location, the Sixiang beast rushed towards the distance.

The discovery of a new planet of life shocked the entire universe, and many emperors rushed to it at once.

When Zhao Yang came to the living planet, he saw thousands of emperors.

But the strongest of these emperors is only the sixth heaven of the emperor realm.

This is also normal.

Those who are in the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm are called great powers, and they will not easily appear in this world.

Zhao Yang glanced around, and soon saw a familiar figure.

Kong Yao.

At this time, Kong Yao was surrounded by stars like the moon, many young girls were complimenting Kong Yao.

Zhao Yang didn't greet Kong Yao, but hid his breath.

"What's going on with this living planet?"

"There are powerful people who speculate that this planet of life is not yet born, and we need to wait."

"How did I hear that people who are predestined cannot enter this planet of life?"

"The level of this living planet cannot be judged yet, but a living planet has suddenly appeared over the years. I don't think the major forces will let it go easily?"

"At present, the king-level forces and the emperor-level forces have not stepped in. I think we still have a chance."

"I believe you said that the emperor-level forces did not intervene, but I don't believe that you said that the king-level forces did not intervene. Do you really think that the king-level forces have no chess pieces?"

Zhao Yang is very low-key.

He has been listening to the discussions of the emperor present.

At this time, Tiandao of his small world suddenly said, "This planet of life has some origins with me."

"Is it related to you?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"To be precise, this planet is also a fragment." Tiandao of the small world said, "Of course the fragments of this planet are much larger than mine."

"Can you go in?"

"No." Tiandao of the small world replied, "This planet of life has not yet been opened."

"Then when will it be turned on?"


"Is there life on this living planet?"

"Yes, and not a lot." Tiandao of the small world replied, "There is something you need to decide at the moment."

"You said."

"If I absorb the origin of this planet, I can grow further, but the future of the creatures on this planet of life is worrying."

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