Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1139 Zhao Yang Helps

"Qin Lie has a straightforward personality, and he often fights against injustices for the human race, so Qin Lie's reputation in the human race is very good, but of course it is not so good in other races." Jin Wuchang said with a smile, "You can go with confidence. "

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said seriously.

If Jin Wuchang hadn't told him about this, Zhao Yang really didn't know where to go?

After leaving the Yang Clan, Zhao Yang and the third princess headed towards King Hui.

As a result, when they were approaching Huiwangxing, they encountered a merchant group. This merchant group was on a warship of the second heaven of the Emperor Realm. Coincidentally, this merchant group belonged to the human race.

When Zhao Yang and the third princess approached, an old man scolded in a deep voice, "Please reveal your identity, otherwise we will take action."

Zhao Yang and the third princess stopped.

"We are from our homeland, and we want to go to King Hui to meet Senior Qin Lie." Zhao Yang thought for a while before revealing his identity.

"Homeland?" The old man was startled, and then looked at a girl standing at the bow of the ship.

The girl is bright and charming, with an alluring appearance. Hearing this, she said with a smile, "Whether it is from the homeland or not, it is the blood of my human race." After a pause, she continued, "It happens that we are also going to Huiwangxing. You come with us."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang nodded.

As a result, when Zhao Yang was about to get close to the girl, he was stopped by a young man.

"Just stand here."

Zhao Yang noticed the unkind look on the young man's face.

"Kong Hao, step back." The girl frowned.

Hearing this, Kong Hao stepped back unwillingly.

"Are there a lot of warships in the imperial realm like Tianwaitian?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"It's okay." The girl said, "Generally speaking, for interstellar travel or commercial activities, you need this kind of emperor-level warship, otherwise it would be too boring."

"Are there any battleships of this imperial realm for sale?"

"Yes." The girl nodded and said, "There are Emperor Realm battleships for sale on Huiwang Planet, but the strongest battleship on Huiwang Planet is the third heaven of Emperor Realm."

"Do you know how much a battleship at the Emperor's level costs?" Kong Hao muttered at this moment.

"I don't know how much it will cost?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"A battleship at the first level of the Emperor's Realm needs [-] drops of Emperor Liquid, a battleship at the second level of the Emperor's Realm needs two thousand drops of Emperor's Liquid, and a battleship at the third level of the Emperor's Realm needs [-] drops of Emperor's Liquid." Kong Hao added here. One sentence, "Can you afford it?"

Zhao Yang would like to say that there are tens of thousands of drops of Emperor Liquid in my small world?

"What about higher-level warships?"

"The warships of a higher level have to go to the Emperor Star." Kong Yao said softly.

"Does the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven need eight thousand drops of Emperor Liquid?"

"That's right, those in the fourth level of the Emperor's Realm need [-] drops of Emperor Liquid, and those in the fifth level of the Emperor's Realm need [-] drops of Emperor's Liquid."

"What about the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"The warships of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm are not for sale, and only the emperor-level forces can have them."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was stunned.

If this is the case, why does the sword king dare to attack himself?

"Which faction sells the battleship?"

"Great power level forces."

"Can I buy materials and refine it myself?"

Hearing this, Kong Yao looked at Zhao Yang with curiosity, "Do you know how to refine battleships?"

"My wife is quite proficient in Qi Dao, but she doesn't understand Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang explained.

"Senior Qin Lie established a sect on Huiwangxing. The sect includes weapon refining, alchemy and formation. If your wife is proficient in tool art, you might as well go to the weapon refining department. You can get very good training from the sect there. to cultivate."

"Do I need to join Senior Qin Lie's sect?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"No, there are no restrictions on the sect established by senior Qin Lie, as long as you are of human blood, you can go to learn **** skills, and there are no restrictions?" Zhao Yang was surprised.

"That's right, senior Qin Lie has such a broad mind." Kong Yao nodded and said, "Perhaps because of this, the human race can become one of the best existences on Huetus."

"Learning exercises for free, and refining tools for free?" the third princess asked at this time.

"Cultivation techniques are free, but refining is not." Kong Yao shook his head and said, "If your level of refining reaches a certain standard, then Zongmen will provide you with refining materials to help you improve your refining skills." The strength of the weapon. And when you practice to a certain stage, you need to complete the mission of the sect, and offset the cost of your previous weapon refining."

"For example, the sect will receive orders for the magic weapon of the emperor's realm and the battleship of the emperor's realm. You need to successfully refine the magic weapon and the battleship."

"Of course, if you don't want to refine it, that's okay. You can leave smoothly after you settle the cost of the materials for the previous refining device."

Following Kong Yao's eloquence, Zhao Yang and the third princess felt that Qin Lie's sect was very humane.

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, a black warship quietly appeared not far away.

"not good."

"This is the battleship of the Scorpion Clan."

"When did the battleship of the Scorpion Clan come behind us?"

When the soldiers of the Kong family changed their colors one by one, Kong Yao quickly ordered the battleship to speed up and gallop in the direction of Huetus.

"Miss, I'm afraid it's too late." The old man said worriedly.

The old man had already seen the configuration on the Scorpion warship.

It is definitely not something that his side can stop.

"If it's too late, let's fight to the death." Kong Yao said after a moment of silence.

"Miss, there are two masters of the fifth level of the Emperor Realm on the opponent's battleship, we are powerless to resist." The old man said bitterly.

He can handle it with just one.

But he can't handle two respects.

The moment the old man's voice fell, a figure of the fifth level of the emperor's realm of the scorpion race rushed towards the direction of Kong Yao's warship, and another figure of the fifth level of the emperor's level rushed towards the old man.

"Miss Protection." After saying this, the old man greeted the figure rushing towards him.

Gritting his teeth, a statue of the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven on the battleship rushed towards the figure in front of the battleship.

He is very clear that he is not an opponent.

The question is does he have other options?

What he didn't expect was that a figure rushed forward faster than him.


The opponent's Qianqian fingers turned into tens of thousands of palm shadows and landed on the body of the Fifth Heavenly Layer of the Emperor Realm.


The opponent opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The audience was in an uproar.

what's the situation?

You must know that the one from the Scorpion Clan is the existence of the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, how could he be severely injured just by meeting him?

"I will kill him within ten breaths, you go and help hold back the other masters." The third princess glanced at the human race's master of the fourth level of the Emperor Realm, and then turned into an afterimage towards the heavily injured The strong scorpion clan rushed forward.

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