Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1138 I have forgotten

The blond boy looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously, then nodded and said, "It just so happens that I'm done training, let's go."

"Thank you, Mr. Jin." When Zhao Yang, the third princess, and the blond boy passed by the Sword King, the Sword King said softly.

"Sword King, I'm not talking about you. If you want to get a bounty, you can, but you have to see who he is?" , do you feel that your future achievements will be weaker than yours?"

The sword king's pupils shrank.

The third princess held Zhao Yang behind her with a sword.

She was worried that the sword king would kill him.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet my master." The blond boy said immediately.

"Wait." Zhao Yang shook his head at this moment.

"What?" Zhao Yang looked at Sword King and said while the blond boy was in a daze, "I won't kill you today, but our beams have been formed, and one day I will kill your head."

"Are you threatening me?" A cold light flashed in Sword King's eyes.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to look at him anymore.

The blond boy summoned a tiger that was filled with golden light.

"Let's go." The blond boy said with a smile.

Zhao Yang and the third princess jumped onto the tiger.

"The tiger of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm." The third princess said to Zhao Yang via voice transmission, "Is the background of the imperial power so deep?"

"To be honest, I don't know anything about how powerful the imperial power is." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Immediately, Zhao Yang closed his eyes, comprehending the Immortal Emperor Sutra.

The third princess guarded Zhao Yang's side without saying a word.

Jin Wuchang sat lazily on the Decepticon, he was also happy and relaxed, but his eyes looked at Zhao Yang from time to time, he really wanted to know what relationship Zhao Yang had with the ancestor?

Half a day later, the Decepticons descended on a vast living planet.

Jin Wuchang brought Zhao Yang and others all the way to the ancestral court of the Yang Clan.

"Yang Clan?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Don't you know?" Jin Wuchang looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment and said.

"You are also from the Yang Clan?" Zhao Yang stared at Jin Wuchang and asked.


Zhao Yang's heart sank.

So Chun Yangzi is not a human anymore?


Chun Yangzi is the ancestor of the Yang Clan, and also the existence with the highest cultivation level, he has practiced in the forbidden area all year round.

After Jin Wuchang reported, he was allowed to meet with Chun Yangzi.

"Old Ancestor, there is a person outside who claims to be Zhao Yang wants to see you." Jin Wuchang looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said respectfully.

Chun Yangzi is very handsome, even in middle age, she is still personable.

Hearing this, Chunyangzi was startled, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Let him in."

Not long after, Zhao Yang walked in accompanied by Jin Wuchang.

Zhao Yang had never seen Chun Yangzi before, so he actually didn't feel much about it.

But Bi Luo in his small world was moved to tears.

"It's him, it's him, it's him." Bi Luo looked at Chun Yangzi trembling all over.

She never expected to see Chunyangzi again in this life.

"How should I call you?" Zhao Yang said after a while.

"My homeland is just a small part of my life." Chun Yangzi said lightly.

"You don't admit the past?"

"That memory is dispensable to me." Chun Yangzi looked at Zhao Yang and said, "So you understand?"

"Then what about Biluo?"

"I said, that memory is dispensable to me."

Biluo in the small world had an incredible look on her face, she didn't expect that Chunyangzi, the affection she valued so much, didn't care.

"Do you know how many years I have existed in my homeland?" Chunyangzi asked slowly.

"Thousands of years."

"In these years, in order to reach the peak of the emperor's realm, a ray of my soul will be reincarnated every thousand years." Chunyangzi said leisurely, "Sometimes I will be reincarnated as an ordinary person, and sometimes I will be reincarnated as an ant. Sometimes they will be reincarnated and become the pride of heaven.”

"And so far I have been reincarnated and practiced for eighty lives." Chun Yangzi paused at this point, "Do I have to be responsible for every life?"

"Besides, those experiences are just the experiences of my soul."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

Chun Yangzi has already explained it very clearly, but he can't find any reason?

"But you are the only one who found me these years." Chun Yangzi said again, "In this way, I can make an exception and let you join the Yang Clan?"

"I am a human race." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

"The Yang Clan is the royal family, and it is also the top force in Tianwaitian." Chun Yangzi said lightly, "After you miss this opportunity, you may never have such an opportunity again."

"I still refuse." Zhao Yang said here that his divine sense communicated with Bi Luo in the small world, "Master, do you want to come out and meet?"

After a while, Bi Luo replied, "It's gone, since he already doesn't recognize me, why should I show up again?" After a pause, Bi Luo continued, "Zhao Yang, let's go."

Bi Luo knew that Zhao Yang was very proud in his heart, and it was absolutely impossible for him to join other ethnic groups.

So Biluo didn't persuade Zhao Yang to stay here.

"Farewell." Zhao Yang saluted Chun Yangzi, then turned and left.

"Old Ancestor, Zhao Yang's potential is the Eighth Layer of Emperor Realm." Jin Wuchang said hastily at this time.

"The Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Chunyangzi was startled, but then shook his head and said, "So what about the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm? Let alone whether he can reach it, so what if he can?"

Chun Yangzi is very lonely.

He has reached the peak in the eighth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and he is only one step away from the peak of the Emperor Realm.

He didn't believe that Zhao Yang would be his opponent in the future.

His opponents are only those three.

Jin Wuchang sighed softly, he turned around and caught up with Zhao Yang.

"Brother Zhao, do you want to sit with me?" Jin Wuchang invited.

"Forget it, don't stay here anymore." Zhao Yang refused.

"Zhao Yang is from his homeland?"


"Brother Zhao, have you ever heard of King Hui?"

"Is Comet any different?"

"There is a great power of the race on Planet Huiwang, Brother Zhao might as well go and have a look."

Zhao Yang's heart moved, "Brother Jin, is it convenient for me to tell me about the Tianwai Tianhuman race?"

"I believe you also know that there are three emperor-level life planets in Tianwaitian, and one of the emperor-level life planets belongs to your human race, and Qin Zu is in charge of the emperor-level life planet."

"Then I will go directly to Emperor Star controlled by Qin Zu."

"The three emperor-level planets are all sealed."


"Yes, but no one knows why it was sealed?" Jin Wuchang nodded and said, "And there are no strong human races in the eighth realm, so you can only go to Huiwangxing."

"Who is the master of the human race on Huetus?"

"Qin Lie."

"How's his reputation?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

Is there still less stabbing by the same ethnic group these days?

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