"What are you still standing there for?" Another elder of the Scorpion Clan, who was at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm, shouted loudly, "As long as Kong Yao is caught, they will have to catch him without a fight."

Hearing this, the rest of the masters of the Scorpion clan rushed towards the masters of the Kong family.

The Scorpion Clan was well prepared to deal with Kong Yao's business group, so the masters on Kong Yao's side were suppressed from the very beginning.

Kong Hao stood beside Kong Yao anxiously, "Miss, I will protect you."

"Kong Hao, you don't have to worry about me." Kong Yao said in a deep voice while holding the sword, "Go and help."

"I am your waiter, and my duty is..." Kong Hao just said that the two figures rushed towards Kong Yao.

An anxious look appeared on Kong Hao's face, he couldn't help but looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Can you help me?"

"It should be like this." Zhao Yang rushed towards a figure at this point.

Nine Yang Fist!

Zhao Yang waved his fist and blasted out a domineering punch.

This punch was like a star explosion, and the brilliance directly evaporated the scorpion clan's Emperor Realm Second Heaven.

Seeing this scene, Kong Hao was stunned, Kong Yao was also stunned, and many experts present were also stunned.

This punch is really too bright and too dazzling.

"Damn it, you actually killed my disciple?" At this moment, a middle-aged man in the third level of the Emperor Realm rushed towards Zhao Yang with red eyes.

And the middle-aged human race who blocked it before let out a cry.

He didn't expect that he would let his opponent go by a single negligence.

"Three Heavens of Emperor Realm." A sneer appeared from the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.


As Zhao Yang's voice fell, he punched again.

The fist intent submerged the existence of the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm like a tide. Everyone saw the third heaven of the Emperor Realm struggling in the tide, but it was turned into ashes without struggling twice.

"what's the situation?"

"No one in the third heaven of the Emperor Realm can stop his blow."

"Is this guy from the Second Heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"This guy definitely looks like a king."

"Yes, only kings can fight across ranks."

Kong Yao's beautiful eyes showed shock, obviously she didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so powerful?

Kong Hao didn't know what to say at this time.

He had always looked down on Zhao Yang before, who would have thought that he had the appearance of a king.

"Kill this kid."

"This young king must not be allowed to rise."

"Whatever it takes."

When Zhao Yang showed the king's posture, the senior officials of the Scorpion clan suddenly realized Zhao Yang's threat.

Looking at the existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor realm rushing towards him, Zhao Yang really wanted to kill him, but considering that he had already exposed the appearance of the king, he should stop exposing the appearance of the emperor.

Therefore, when the Emperor Realm Fourth Heavenly Layer was about to rush in front of him, Bi Luo made a move.

When Biluo walked out of Zhao Yang's small world, she directly transformed into a phoenix.

The phoenix swooped towards the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm carrying the flames of destruction.

The fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm was severely injured on the spot, and then it got up and fled desperately towards the distance, but how can its speed compare with that of the Phoenix?

Black flames wrapped its whole body, and it didn't take long for it to turn into a mass of ashes.

After seeing this scene, the Scorpion Clan was shocked from top to bottom.

"The existence of the five heavens of the emperor's realm."

"What's the origin of this kid? It's nothing more than having the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm with unknown origins around him. How come a fifth heaven of the emperor's realm popped out of his small world?"

"Why are you still discussing these things now? Why don't you run away?"

It's just that at this time, the scorpion tribe wanted to escape, but the masters on the human side tried their best not to let them go.


At this moment, the Emperor Realm Sixth Heavenly Layer was killed by the Three Princesses.

At this time, the rest of the Scorpions broke down.

"I surrender."

"I surrender."

"I surrender."

There is no way for these scorpions to surrender.

One from the sixth heaven of the imperial realm, and one from the fifth heaven of the imperial realm, they will continue to fight, and it will be a matter of time before they finish playing.

It is better to surrender early.

The third princess glanced at Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang said flatly, "Hand over all the resources on your body, and I can spare you from dying."

Those scorpion tribes looked at me and I looked at you, but they still honestly handed over the resources in the small world one by one.

"Open your small world, we need to check it out." Zhao Yang continued.

The scorpion clan felt aggrieved at this moment, but what else could they do?You can only accept the inspection honestly.

Under the strong divine sense of the three princesses, any hiding was futile.

After the three princesses swept away the resources of their small world, Zhao Yang said to the three princesses, Bi Luo and the emperor of the Kong family, "Kill them all."

The emperor of the Kong family was surprised.

Kill them all?

Didn't you accept the surrender of the scorpions?

When they were stunned, the three princesses and Bi Luo sent killers to kill the fifth emperor and the fourth emperor directly.

"You don't keep your word." The emperor of the scorpion clan changed his face.

"We have already surrendered, why do you still want to kill us?" Another emperor roared.

Biluo and the third princess didn't respond, they just ruthlessly killed one emperor after another.

"Run." The remaining emperors fled in a hurry.

It's just that at this time they no longer have the ability to escape.

The emperor of the Kong family blocked their way, coupled with the absolute advantage in numbers, so where can they escape?

"After beheading so many Scorpion Clans this time, we have formed an alliance with Liang Zi of the Scorpion Clan." Kong Hao said worriedly.

"The Scorpion Clan doesn't care about making trouble with your Kong family, what do you care about?" Zhao Yang glanced at Kong Hao.

"There are two of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm of the Scorpion Clan." Kong Hao said angrily.

"We are the ones who started the scorpion clan, please let us solve it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Kong Yao glared at Kong Hao and said, "Do you have a say here?"


"They have their knives on our necks, do we still want to kill them?" Kong Yao said coldly, "If the Scorpions want to fight, they will fight."

"We got involved in this matter. If the Scorpion Clan targets you, we will not stand idly by." Zhao Yang asked the third princess to throw the corpses of the Scorpion Clan into the small world as nourishment.

These are all strong men in the imperial realm.

There is a terrifying essence in their flesh and blood.

If things go on like this, rare medicinal herbs and materials will be born in the small world.

"You need to give half of the resources of the Scorpion Clan you got this time." Kong Hao said at this time.

Zhao Yang was startled.

"Shut up." Kong Yao said angrily.

"Can't I tell the truth?" Kong Hao said aggrievedly.

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhao and the others today, we would either be imprisoned or already dead." Kong Yao looked at Kong Hao coldly and said, "I thought you were just jealous before, but I didn't expect you to even have a basic view of the overall situation." No, after returning to Kong's house, don't follow me anymore."

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