"Everyone, come to the small world of the battleship." Zhao Yang led everyone into the small world of the battleship.

There is a forbidden zone in the small world of battleships.

This restricted area is the place where Zhao Yang and other high-level people practice.

Zhao Yang took out the map of Emperor Qiankun and asked the three princesses to practice on it.

"It's fine if you reach the second level of the emperor's realm, you can break through after a while." Zhao Yang said at this time, "Master, it's too often, you two will also start to break through to the fifth level of the emperor's realm later."

These two cultivation bases have been stuck in the fourth heaven of the emperor realm?

"What about the sword king?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

This is a tricky question.

"In addition to a volume of scriptures, I also got a Bagua mirror." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "This Bagua mirror can severely damage the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, and can compete against the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan and the others became happy.

They have been depressed all this time.

They are worried about the sword king outside.

But with this gossip mirror, what else do you need to worry about?

In the deep time domain, it didn't take long for the three princesses' cultivation to break through to the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm. After reaching this step, the three princesses got up and gave Bi Luo the Qiankun Emperor Map.

"You continue to practice in the time domain and comprehend the technique of the immortal phoenix art." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The Immortal Phoenix is ​​definitely a cultivation method of the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm, and the three princesses still cannot fully exert the power of this cultivation method in this realm.

Therefore, Zhao Yang did not teach the Three Princesses Immortal Sutra.

Outside the gossip furnace.

When the sword king saw Zhao Yang and others disappearing, his face darkened.

"Are they going to consume me?" Sword King said sharply.

After pondering for a while, the Sword King turned and left.

However, an old man appeared on the spot, with a powerful aura flowing from his body, he was clearly an existence of the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

"The sword king has left, now is a good opportunity to escape."

"Good opportunity? Maybe you don't know that the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm can distort time?"

"Distort time?"

"The powerhouses of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm have already touched the concept of time. This is why the existence of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm is called great power?"

"Let's put it this way, no matter how strong the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm is, it cannot be the existence of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm."

"The tracking technique of the seventh layer of the emperor's realm is unparalleled in the world. Fortunately, those guys escaped to the gossip furnace, otherwise it would be useless even if they fled to the ends of the earth."

And Zhu Ya has been monitoring everything that happened outside.

"Young Master, the Sword King has left."


"The Sword King left behind a strong man from the fourth level of the emperor's realm. I think he probably went to invite the strong man from the sixth level of the emperor's realm."

Zhao Yang glanced at the third princess and said, "I don't think there are many problems with the fighting power of the third princess against a sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"I can make continuous breakthroughs." Wuchang said at this time, "I think the sixth level of the emperor's realm is enough, and I have never thought about the higher realm."

"There is no need to do that." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Since the Bagua Mirror can severely injure the sword king of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, I think it will be no problem to also severely damage a sword king of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

In less than a quarter of an hour, the sword king brought an old man here.

"Sword King, don't worry, I will definitely catch those bastards for you." The old man said something to the Sword King and jumped into the gossip furnace.

After arriving at the Eight Diagrams Furnace, his spiritual thoughts overwhelmingly shrouded in the direction where Zhao Yang disappeared.

Soon he found the hidden battleship.

"Come out for me." His divine sense ruthlessly crushed towards the battleship.

But at the next moment, the sound of a phoenix cry resounded through the entire gossip furnace, and then a huge phoenix swooped towards the old man.

The old man's face suddenly became pale.

He was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

What about the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm that was agreed upon?

What kind of Emperor Realm Fifth Heaven is this?

But after the two sides fought, the old man found that he was not the opponent of the third princess.

This is also normal.

The supernatural powers practiced by the three princesses are those of the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm.

The exercises greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the three princesses.

After the two sides fought fiercely with more than ten moves, the old man fled towards the outside of the gossip furnace in a panic.

"Sword King, that woman is too strong, I am not her match." After saying this, the old man cupped his hands at the Sword King, "Farewell."

The Sword King looked at the third princess with burning eyes and said, "You are very good, you can be my woman."

The third princess was furious, she felt humiliated, "You deserve it too?"

The sword king was stunned.


Don't you deserve it?

You must know that in Tianwaitian, you are all powerful existences?

Why is it not worthy?

"Sword King, why do you want to chase us down?" Zhao Yang asked after walking out of the small world of the battleship.

"The Peacock King issued an arrest warrant in Tianwaitian, and I happened to catch your breath." The Sword King looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Wanted order?"

"So he was wanted by the Peacock King?"

"Being wanted by Da Neng, I'm doomed for the rest of my life."

"It's over? I'm afraid you don't know how amazing and talented this person is? As long as this person says a word, I don't know how many powerful people are willing to take him in, and even the existence of the boss level will hand over to him."

Zhao Yang said indifferently at this time, "Sword King, if you leave now, I don't need to worry about the past."

"You don't care?" Sword King seemed to have heard the best joke in the world, "What are you?"

"I gave you a chance, since you don't cherish it, forget it." Zhao Yang said as he took out the Bagua Mirror given by the Bagua Furnace.

When Zhao Yang activated the Eight Diagrams Mirror, the Eight Diagrams Mirror burst out with a radiance that would destroy the world.

This ray of brilliance, like the light of the beginning, shrouded the Sword King's body.

The sword king was pierced through in an instant, and blood flowed out desperately.

He knelt on the ground on one knee with a look of horror on his face.

"You...you..." The Sword King looked at Zhao Yang who was holding a gossip mirror in the distance, and his heart was covered with a haze.


Because he saw that the gossip mirror once again gathered terrifying energy.

"Brother Daoist, the Sword King has some connections with the ancestors of my clan, why don't you spare the Sword King for my sake?" At this time, the blond boy said in a low voice.

Zhao Yang glanced at the blond boy and asked, "Do we know each other?"

"Let me introduce myself, the ancestor of our clan is Chunyangzi." The blond boy grinned with his white teeth showing.

"Chunyangzi?" Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

"What's wrong?" The blond boy was startled, "Do you think I'm impersonating?"

"Where is the ancestor of your clan at this time?"

"Retreat at Yanghuang Star."

"Can you take me there?"


"I may have a relationship with your ancestor." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

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