Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1136 The Eight Trigrams Mirror

The audience was in an uproar.

"This guy actually broke into this point?"

"Within eight hundred."

"This is too scary. If there are no accidents in the future, I will become the existence of the emperor."

"The Sword King is in trouble now."

"Yeah, if this guy stays here to practice, it's absolutely no problem to surpass the Sword King."

While these guys were discussing, the blond boy glanced at the audience and said, "No one should report to the Sword King, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The words of the blond boy made the monks present shudder.

The blond boy's cultivation base is not high, but behind him stands a big man, which they can't afford to provoke.

"Finally broke through." Zhao Yang murmured.

Zhao Yang's potential was almost at the eighth level of the Emperor Realm, but he was stuck.

Now Zhao Yang has finally taken this difficult step with the help of the smelting power of the gossip furnace.

Don't think that there is only a small difference between the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm and the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm. In fact, the difference between these two small realms is much larger than imagined.

"Eighth Heaven of Emperor Realm." Ruoshui's eyeballs in the distance almost popped out.

No matter what, she never thought that Zhao Yang would be so amazed?

Wu Yan and Wu Liang looked at each other, seeing horror in each other's eyes.

They finally understood why the Heavenly Court did not buy people's hearts like the Immortal Court when the star beasts invaded?

do you need?

Zhao Yang will be able to suppress the entire fairyland by himself in the future.

Where is it necessary to buy people's hearts?




When Zhao Yang reached this point, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take a step forward.

So Zhao Yang stopped and practiced quietly here.

The power of smelting enveloped him overwhelmingly, tempering his body, tempering his soul, and improving his background.

This is a rare great fortune.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Zhao Yang's cultivation has gradually risen to the second level of the Emperor Realm.

After reaching the Second Heaven of Emperor Realm, Zhao Yang felt that he was at least three times stronger than before.

He stood up and walked on.

830 one!

830 Two!

But Zhao Yang stopped at 840.

Can't get in anymore.

Zhao Yang stopped here to practice for a period of time, and found that his progress was not as good as before.

This made him realize that there was not much point in continuing to practice.

At this time, an ancient scripture suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This passage of scriptures is magnificent, and each character blooms with eternal brilliance, shining in Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Yang opened his eyes.

Indestructible Emperor Sutra!

This scripture is the scripture of the eighth heaven of the imperial realm.

Today, Zhao Yang practiced the Seal of the Eight Desolations before, which has been somewhat looked down upon, and the Indestructible Emperor Sutra is just suitable for Zhao Yang's current state.

Just when Zhao Yang got up, the gossip furnace suddenly shook violently, and then a golden light appeared from the deepest part of the gossip furnace, entering Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The golden radiance was so fast that no one present could see it clearly.

"What?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Soon he saw a gossip mirror in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"What is this gossip mirror?" Just when Zhao Yang was in doubt, a wave of fluctuations gushed out from the gossip mirror.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

This gossip mirror is a life-saving thing given to him by the gossip furnace.

"The gossip mirror can be used three times, which can severely damage the existence of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, and can counter the existence of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"Since it can counteract the existence of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, why can it only severely damage the existence of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

The gossip mirror conveyed another ray of mental fluctuations to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang understood immediately.

The reason why the gossip mirror is like this is that Zhao Yang does not want to rely too much on the gossip mirror, so the gossip mirror deliberately limits a part of its power.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said sincerely.

Zhao Yang is already very grateful.

Then Zhao Yang asked the battleship in the small world, "How is your repair?"

"The damage to the battleship is serious this time, and it will take at least a year." The spirit of the battleship replied.

"Are there enough materials?"

"It wasn't enough originally, because some materials were scarce, but this time I got a lot of materials from the Yuan family, and found all the materials used for repair." The spirit of the battleship replied.

"That's good." Zhao Yang then came to the periphery.

Lin Caihan and others have already finished their practice.

It can be said that Zhao Yang is the one who has practiced for the longest time.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

Zhao Yang noticed that Lin Caihan, Mingyue and others from the first level of the emperor's realm had been promoted to the second level of the emperor's realm.

This is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough.

However, Taichang and Biluo's cultivation is still in the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm, and the cultivation of the third princess is still in the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm.

"Husband, I got a volume of scriptures." Mingyue said softly.

"Husband, I got a talisman that can compete against the third heaven of the emperor's realm." Blue crucian carp said softly.

"Husband, I got a piece of refining material from the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Yuan Jin'er said with a smile.

"Husband, I got a plant of Emperor Yao." Fairy Mingyue said with a smile.

Mingyue and the others were all rewarded by the Eight Diagrams Furnace.

However, the levels of these rewards are not very high.

"I got a piece of soul jade." Lin Caihan said softly, "As long as you record your soul breath on the soul jade, even if you fall, you can keep a strand of your soul that will never die."

Hearing this, everyone was moved.

In this way, soul jade can be called a treasure.

"I got a battle sword from the Fifth Heavenly Layer of the Emperor Realm." The third princess said with some annoyance.

The cultivation base of the third princess is also in the fifth level of the emperor's realm, so giving her a battle sword of the fifth level of the emperor's realm can only be said to be like adding wings to a tiger.

But the three princesses feel that they have gained a lot in the gossip furnace this time, and they can use the Qiankun Emperor Map to raise their cultivation base to a higher level. sword.

"My lord, what about you?" Zhu Ya looked at Zhao Yang with her beautiful eyes and asked.

"A volume of the scriptures of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang said.

"Eighth Heaven of Emperor Realm?" Zhu Ya and the others were shocked when they heard this.

In addition, they knew that Zhao Yang practiced Jiuyang Xuangong, but except for Lin Caihan, no one knew that the true level of Jiuyang Xuangong was the peak of Emperor Realm.

They always thought that Jiuyang Xuangong belonged to the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, which is why they were very happy when they heard that Zhao Yang had obtained a volume of scriptures about the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm.

"Heavenly Emperor, I think I can break through to the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm." The third princess said in a deep voice at this time, "I am worried that the sword kings from outside will send masters here."

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