Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1135 Breaking the Limit

"I can feel that this place is helpful to me." The third princess looked around and said in a deep voice.

"I have this feeling too." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I want to go to the depths of the Eight Diagrams Stove, only that kind of place can help me." The third princess pointed to the depths of the Eight Diagrams Stove.

At this time they are on the periphery of the gossip furnace.

"Go ahead."

After the three princesses went to the depths, Zhao Yang summoned Lin Caihan and other emperor-level powerhouses.

The emperors present all showed bewildered expressions after seeing more than 20 emperors appearing beside Zhao Yang.

"what's the situation?"

"Is this guy the heir of some great power?"

"Yeah, otherwise, how can he explain that there are so many emperors around him?"

While those guys were discussing, Zhao Yang looked at Taichang and said humanely, "It's a rare opportunity for you to choose a venue that suits you."

Taichang waited for people to leave one after another.

From here, we can see the strength of everyone.

Lin Caihan has traveled the farthest among the many masters of the first level of the imperial realm.

This made Ruoshui's eyes reveal an incredible look.

Only then did she realize that the background of Tianting was beyond her imagination.

But when she saw that Tang Yiren, Xu Huier, Mingyue, and Ruoxi also surpassed her, she became a little uneasy.

Ruoshui's potential is at the fourth level of the Emperor Realm, otherwise she wouldn't be able to become the son of the element lineage?

"Patriarch, is Heaven's foundation so strong?" A young man stood beside Ruoshui, his eyes filled with shock.

It is also the emperor of the Elemental Clan and was rescued by Zhao Yang from the Demon Cow Clan.

The boy's potential is at the second level of the Emperor Realm, but whether it is Leng Qingqiu, Blue Crucian Carp, or even Zhu Ya, they are far beyond him.

In fact, it is not only the elemental family that is mentally collapsed at this time?

Wuyan and Wuliang are no better at this time?

Wuyan and Wuliang have always felt that they can occupy a pretty good position in the heaven.

But now they suddenly realized that the high-level people in the Heavenly Court had gone farther than them, and only the four from the Heavenly Court Training Ground and the three from the Tai Sui line were on par with them.

As for the rest, even old guys like Jian Chen have traveled farther than them.

What they didn't know was that Jian Chen's potential was already in the third heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Since Lin Caihan obtained millions of Zhundiye, the top management of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the top management of Chunyang Sect have raised their potential to the upper limit one after another.

"Heavenly Court has definitely mastered the method to increase the upper limit." Wu Yan said to Wuliang via sound transmission.

"We just need to do what we should do." Wuliang said lightly.

"what's up?"



"As for the matter of raising the upper limit, don't mention it in the future. This is the biggest secret of Heavenly Court. We can't explore it, you know?" Wuliang warned.

"I see." Wu Yan froze.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang walked towards the depths of the Eight Diagrams Furnace.


two steps.

Three steps!

When Zhao Yang walked more than 600 steps, many of the masters present were moved.

"More than 600 steps, this guy's potential is so high?"

"If it's less than seven hundred steps, it's useless, okay? You should know that the person outside is the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm."

"In fact, what can I do if I reach seven hundred steps? Will I stay here for the rest of my life?"

"I heard that there is a master who has been here for hundreds of years."

"I know the one you mentioned, but he was killed in the end."

"what's the situation?"

"That person has been dormant here for hundreds of years, and later that mighty man got impatient, so he paid a lot of money to hire three existences from the sixth level of the emperor's realm, and killed that person in the gossip furnace."

Zhao Yang paused when he heard this.

The battleship is in a serious state of damage at this time, and it is impossible to repair it in a short time.

And the cultivation base of the three princesses is only the fifth level of the emperor's realm, and there is still a distance from the sixth level of the emperor's realm.

"Should the third princess be promoted at this time?" Zhao Yang thought.

But then Zhao Yang shook his head.

The main reason for the third princess is that if she gets something here, she will be able to go further in the future. Zhao Yang can't let the third princess break through hastily because of safety concerns.

"I hope the sword king can bear his temper." Zhao Yang murmured.

If the sword king wants to find the existence of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, then he will have to use that talisman when the time comes.

And once it is used, the sword king will definitely die.

Then Zhao Yang left this matter behind and walked towards a further distance.

Zhao Yang found that the further he went forward, the more terrifying the smelting power of the gossip furnace would be.



Zhao Yang rides Juechen.

He surpassed many monks smelted in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, and when Zhao Yang walked to the 780th step, he saw a handsome young man.

The young man has golden hair, and a fierce power blooms between his brows.

He glanced at Zhao Yang, with surprise in his eyes.

Obviously he didn't expect that there would be an existence that could keep pace with him.

The young man has reached his limit at this time, and he can no longer move forward.

"who are you?"

Zhao Yang glanced at the boy and said, "Zhao Yang."

"never heard of that."

Zhao Yang didn't answer, but walked forward firmly.

"You have reached your limit, keep going, if your foundation is affected, it will not be worth the loss." The young man said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang ignored the other party and walked forward firmly.


790 one!

790 Two!

Seeing Zhao Yang getting closer to the threshold of [-], the boy's expression became serious.

"Is this guy able to walk?"

790 THREE!

790 four!

At this time, the smelting power of the Bagua Furnace rushed towards him frantically.

Zhao Yang moved forward very hard, but his steps were very steady.

"This kind of torture, this kind of test, what is it?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

He had broken through the eighteen layers of hell back then, and then he had been tempered in purgatory.

790 eight!

790 nine!

When Zhao Yang was about to take that step, that smelting power soared more than twice in an instant.

The skin on Zhao Yang's face was cracked by the smelting force.

The blood was evaporated as soon as it gushed out.

And when Zhao Yang's step fell, his flesh and blood melted in large chunks as if he had gone through endless years.

Eight hundred and one!

Eight hundred and two.

What the young man didn't expect was that Zhao Yang was still walking forward after reaching this point.

"You're crazy," the boy yelled.

This can no longer be described as desperate, okay?

From the young man's point of view, Zhao Yang's behavior is courting death, okay?

Eight hundred and three!

Eight hundred and four!

Eight hundred and five!

While Zhao Yang's skin was peeling off, new skin also grew out.

Gradually the two almost reached a consensus.

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