Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1132 Heading to the Yuan Family

"The battleship of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"A battleship of this level doesn't even have a king star?"

"Behind this person is definitely an unimaginable boss."

"The Demon Cow Clan kicked the iron plate this time."

There are many existences of the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm on Qichen Planet, but after seeing Zhao Yang's battleship, none of those guys dared to come to test it.

After seeing this scene, Ruoshui was moved to kneel down to Zhao Yang again.

"Ruoshui, if you continue to behave like this, I will leave you alone." Zhao Yang said angrily.

Ruoshui's eyes were full of tears, "I just don't know how to thank you?"

"We are friends, you don't need to be like this." Zhao Yang said softly, "Furthermore, your element lineage has fought alone for the Immortal Realm for so long, and you have paid enough, how can I do nothing? "

Ruo Shui choked up.

She thought that the elemental family would be completely extinct this time, so she was in despair in the cage during this time.

Who would have thought that in another village, Zhao Yang would have saved their elemental family.

In the following time, batch after batch of elemental monks were sent to the ancestral court of the demon cow.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

On this day, the ancestors of the demon cow clan sent another group of monks from the element clan.

"Give us another three days." The ancestor of the demon cow clan looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously, "At that time, there are about [-] monks from the element clan who can send them."

"You just sent 63." Zhao Yang said with a frown.

"We have used many relationships during this time, but we can't find many of them at all." The ancestor of the demon cow clan said with a wry smile.

"How can there be more than 300 million elements?"

"Some were refined into medicine, some were used as food, and some were buried in the ground."

"Why bury it in the ground?"

"As fertilizer."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Is Tianwaitian so insane?

"By the way, Fan Chenxing's Yuan Clan has 8000 monks from the Element Clan. I want to buy them from the Yuan Clan at a high price, but the Yuan Clan just doesn't want to." The ancestor of the Demon Cow Clan suddenly thought of something.

"You charged a high price, why didn't the Yuan family sell it?" Zhao Yang said suspiciously.

"Our Demon Cow Clan doesn't deal with the Yuan Clan. Even if we offer ten times the price, the Yuan Clan is still unmoved. They even say nothing, just to make our Demon Cow Clan feel unlucky."

"Except for the Yuan family?"

"No, we really tried our best." The ancestor of the Demon Cow Clan almost swore.

"In this way, I will set off for the Yuan family in three days." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I will also investigate this matter, and if I find out that you lied to me, I will uproot your family."

"Don't dare." The ancestor of the demon cow clan said hurriedly.

Three days later, the masters of the Demonic Cow Clan sent [-] soldiers of the Elemental Clan.

"Give me some hard work." Zhao Yang looked at the ancestor of the demon cow clan at this time.

"Hard work?" The ancestor of the demon cow clan was startled.

"If we find out that the Yuan family doesn't cooperate this time, do you think there is still a need for the Yuan family to exist?" Zhao Yang looked at the ancestor of the demon cow clan and said, "You said that I will help your demon cow clan get rid of an enemy. Is some labor too much?"

"Not too much." The ancestor of the demon cow clan said and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts scanned and found that there were a thousand drops of imperial liquid in the Qiankun bag.

"Where's a thousand drops of imperial liquid for beggars?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"It's really not that I'm stingy, but that I paid several times the price to redeem these slaves during this period of time. To be honest, our demon cow clan is about to go bankrupt."

Seeing the appearance of the ancestor of the demonic cow clan, Zhao Yang thought for a while and turned back to the battleship.

"Let's go to Yuan's house." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The battleship instantly turned on the manic mode, pierced through the boundless void with a whoosh, and roared in the direction of the Yuan family.

Of course, turning on the manic mode will consume a lot of Diye. The problem is that Zhao Yang blackmailed Jarvis for more than 4000 drops of Diye before, and this time he extorted a thousand drops of Diye from the ancestor of the Demon Bull Clan. Zhao Yang He didn't care about the consumption of Diye at all.

A few hours later, the battleship landed on Fanchenxing.

The warship randomly detained several Fanchenxing monks, and Zhao Yang asked these monks some questions.

"How is the reputation of the Yuan family on Fanchenxing?"

"The Yuan family has a bad reputation on Fanchenxing, because the Yuan family monopolizes the northeast of Fanchenxing, and any monks who set foot in the northeastern region, unless they have a great background, will be buried in the ground as fertilizer. "

"Relying on the power of the Seventh Heaven of Emperor Realm behind them, the Yuan family has been doing mischief on Fanchen Star these years. We can't wait to put the Yuan family down."

"The Yuan family is too strong, we cannot compete with it."

After these monks finished speaking, Zhao Yang also knew what kind of existence the Yuan family was.

After the battleship sent these monks out, the battleship roared and appeared above the Yuan family.

"Our task today is to destroy the Yuan family." Zhao Yang looked at the crowd and said.

In order to get rid of the Yuan family, Zhao Yang called the three princesses from the fifth heaven of the imperial realm, Taichang and Bi Luo from the fourth heaven of the imperial realm, Lin Caihan, Xu Huier, Mingyue, Leng Qingqiu from the first heaven of the imperial realm, etc. into the war room .

The more than 20 emperor-level powerhouses present all looked extremely dignified.

This is a great force in the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

If they had never imagined it before.

Wuliang and Wuyan are extremely excited at this time.

Want to quell the power of the Sixth Heaven of Emperor Realm?

"The battleship is in full-scale bombing mode." The main gun fired when Zhao Yang finished speaking.

Nine shells that could severely damage the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm roared and fell towards the ancestral home of the Yuan family.

Seeing that the nine shells were about to fall on the Yuan family's ancestral family, the formation of the Yuan family's ancestral family was activated.

A hazy light surrounded the entire Yuan family's ancestral family.

But this formation still failed to stop the nine shells.

Because the level of this formation is the third heaven of the emperor's realm.

After tearing apart the defensive formation, the nine shells landed in the ancestral home of the Yuan family one by one.

It caused a huge explosion.

From a distance, it looked like nine mushroom clouds, and it was unknown how many monks were killed or injured in a short while.


"Who is attacking our Yuan family's ancestral family?"

"Do you want to die?"

A series of powerful auras appeared in the ancestral home of the Yuan family.

But what responded to them was ninety cannonballs that could seriously damage the first layer of the emperor's realm. These cannonballs fell towards different directions of the Yuan family's ancestral home.

"Looking for death." The Emperor Realm powerhouse of the Yuan family's ancestral family was enraged.

They all shot to intercept.

However, one of these shells was too many, and the other was fast. Thirty shells still landed in the Yuan family's ancestral home.

For a while

The first type of secondary artillery, ten forts, appeared.


Ninety cannonballs that could severely damage the emperor's realm roared and fell towards the ancestral home of the Yuan family.

Seeing the rising small mushrooms one by one, the eyeballs of the Yunyuan family's powerful emperors turned red.

The number of soldiers lost in the two rounds of bombardment of the Yuan family reached millions.

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