"Can I get in touch?"

"It's okay to contact a few, but if you want to find all of them, it's simply impossible."

"Money is not a problem." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"It's not entirely a matter of money. To be honest, some slaves will use it to refine medicine." The man said frankly, "There are also some who buy slaves to feed their spirit beasts."

"The relationship you have started now has connected everyone you can." Zhao Yang said as he handed the man a jade bottle and said, "There are 20 drops of quasi-diye in the jade bottle. This is the deposit."

The man's eyes lit up when he saw this, he rubbed his hands together and said, "You know, I sold them before, and if I buy them back now, the price must be higher than before."

"I said, money is not a problem, of course you can't go too far."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." The man promised.

"Go get in touch, I'll wait for you here."

After the man left, Ruoshui cried and thanked Zhao Yang.

"We are good friends who once fought side by side, so there is no need to say thank you." Zhao Yang summoned Ruoshui and the others into his own small world.

Zhao Yang first helped them heal their injuries, and then asked Zhu Ya to change their clothes.

It was already half an hour after the tossing was finished.

Ruoshui's face was still a little pale, but her spirit was much better than before.

After another half an hour, the man brought more than 300 men and women to the slave field.

"Brother, that's all I've got so far." The man said softly, "But I said hello to some guys, and it shouldn't take long for more to come."

"I'm waiting for good news from you."

Lin Caihan also learned about this at this time.

After the man left, Lin Caihan said directly, "This guy is just a person in charge of the slave market. Why can't I go directly to the patriarch of the Demon Cow Clan? I think the effect will be better if he comes forward."

"It's true." Zhao Yang asked Xiong Yan for the address of the Demon Bull Clan after he settled the more than 300 men.

The ancestral home of the Demon Cow Clan.

After Zhao Yang came to the ancestral court of the Demon Cow Clan, he expressed that he wanted to see the head of the Demon Cow Clan.

The guard at the door said with a sneer, "You are only the first level of the Emperor Realm, what qualifications do you have to meet our patriarch?"

Zhao Yang called out the three princesses.

"Kill in."

The third princess rushed forward without hesitation, holding the battle sword.


The two guards were killed by the third princess before they had time to react.

"Who is so bold? Dare to act wildly on the Demon Cow Clan?" A voice of shock and anger sounded from the depths of the ancestral courtyard.

The eyes of the three princesses were like starbursts, breaking through layers of space and falling into the depths of the ancestral courtyard.

An astonishing cold light bloomed in the eyes of a figure in the depths of the ancestral courtyard, "Is a person from the fifth level of the emperor's realm wanton in front of me?" As the words fell, the terrifying aura turned into an astonishing fluctuation and moved towards the direction of the third princess Pushed sideways.

The third princess gave a loud shout, and a phoenix appeared behind her, and the figure of the phoenix reached thousands of feet.

The phoenix kept vibrating its wings, providing infinite energy to the three princesses.

A breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

The third princess staggered back after holding on for three breaths.

There is a gap between the two sides, and it is very rare for the three princesses to be able to contend head-on.

"Surrender to my demon cow clan, I can forgive you from dying." An extremely overbearing voice sounded from the depths of the ancestral courtyard.

It's just that when a pitch-black warship appeared behind the third princess, the one deep in the ancestral courtyard was stunned.

It smelled a strong crisis on that battleship.

"The main gun is locked." At this time, the weapon spirit of the battleship replied.

"Launch." Zhao Yang said indifferently.


The battleship fired a shell.

The cannonball tore through the sky and fell hard on the opponent.

The ancestral court of the demon cow exploded directly, and the ancestor of the demon cow clan was severely injured. One of its horns was broken, one arm was gone, and blood was flowing from its mouth and nose.

And when the main cannon was fully charged again, the magic bull said quickly, "There is something to say, something to say, something to say."

It scares.

It's in a very bad state at this time, let alone another shot, even the third princess can kill it, okay?

"You have a slave farm under your command." Zhao Yang appeared on the battleship, he said calmly with his hands behind his back.


"Did this slave farm trade a group of elemental clansmen a few days ago?"


"The elemental lineage is my friend." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Almost all the elemental family have been sold."

"I want you to buy back all the elements."

"It is definitely unrealistic to buy all of them back, because some of them have changed hands several times."

"It's okay, I'll give you time." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "Your demon cow clan has a total of 230 million. In this way, for every monk you buy from the element clan, I will give you ten clan members back." .”

Hearing here, the ancestor of the demon cow clan said with a mournful face, "There were several million elements sent to Qichen Star in the past, but now there are 100 million alive, which is not bad."

"Everyone has to pay the price for their actions." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I'll give you three months to redeem people. If you don't count enough by then, don't blame me for being rude."

"I need some high-level officials from the sect to help." The ancestor of the demon cow clan said after a while.

"I'll give you one hundred places."

Soon the patriarch of the demonic cow clan selected one hundred places, and just as he was about to leave with the one hundred places, Zhao Yang detained the fifty clansmen chosen by the patriarch of the demonic cow, "You Choose fifty more."

The face of the ancestor of the demon cow clan showed panic.

You must know that these one hundred people are either the high-level officials of the Demon Cow Clan, or the future of the Demon Cow Clan.

But Zhao Yang deducted half of it.

Then it has to be taken seriously.

The ancestor of the demon cow clan had no choice but to choose 25 more important ones, but to his surprise, Zhao Yang deducted [-] more from them.

The ancestor of the demon cow clan almost went crazy.


Has it been so amazing?

It had no choice but to choose another twenty tribesmen and left unwillingly.

"From now on, you must stay here honestly." Zhao Yang said that all the secondary guns of the battleship appeared.

At the same time, Zhao Yang called out Biluo, Taichang and other powerful emperors to inspect the surroundings.

The soldiers of the demon cow clan looked at the large number of strong men in the imperial realm and trembled in fear.

And what happened to the Demon Cow Clan quickly spread throughout Qichen Star, and many masters went to the ancestral home of the Demon Cow Clan in a short while.

But when those guys felt the fluctuations of the battleship's bloom, their expressions became dignified.

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