Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1133 Pushing the Yuan Family Horizontally

"One-fifth of the soldiers of the Yuan family have fallen."

"My Yuan family and you do not share the sky."


The quasi-emperor powerhouse of the Yuan family rushed towards the battleship immediately.

"Two emperors of the fifth level of the emperor's realm, one of which was severely damaged. Two of the emperor's fourth level of heaven, three of the third level of the emperor's realm, five of the second level of the emperor's realm, and eight of the first level of the emperor's realm." The three princesses looked at each other. Surprised by this scene.

She didn't expect the Yuan family to have such a strong background?

"Can the main gun still shoot?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The main gun can do three rounds in a row, and the auxiliary gun can do ten rounds in a row." Qi Ling of the battleship replied.

"Where's the one from the Yuan family who is in the sixth level of the Emperor Realm?"

"Blown to death."

"He was killed?" Zhao Yang was a little confused.

How did he get killed?

"The sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm of the Yuan family should have entered a state of death just now, and the shell that could severely damage the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm happened to fall beside it." The weapon spirit of the battleship replied, "Because it He didn't take any protection, so he was killed on the spot."

Everyone was astonished.

Who would have thought that the sixth heaven of the Yuan family's imperial realm would be blown to death?

"Start the second round of the main artillery attack." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "The target is the one who was severely injured at the fifth level of the emperor's realm, and the two of the fourth level of the emperor's realm."

"At the same time, launch the attack of the first secondary artillery." Zhao Yang continued, "Aiming at the first layer of the emperor's realm and the second layer of the emperor's realm."

Following Zhao Yang's voice, the main gun fired nine shells.

The emperor-level powerhouses of the Yuan family blocked it one after another while being awe-inspiring.

As a result, half of the body of the fifth-level emperor was blown to pieces, and the two fourth-level emperors were also severely injured on the spot. One of them lost its fighting power on the spot, and the three third-level emperors The sky was killed directly, and the three emperors and two heavens were also killed.

That is to say, at this time, among the powerful emperors of the Yuan family lineage, there is still a fifth-tier emperor with complete combat power, another fifth-tier emperor with some combat power, and a fourth-tier emperor with some combat power. The ones on the first floor, the two emperors on the second floor, the eight emperors on the first floor.

Just as Yuan's family was palpitating, nine shells from the first type of secondary artillery also fell.

They are mainly aimed at the eight first-tier emperors and one second-tier emperor.

As a result, two of the eight emperors at the first level of the emperor's realm died, six of them were seriously injured, and the one at the second level of the emperor's realm was also injured.

Look at the rest of the Emperor Realm powerhouses, and I look at you, and they all see anxiety in each other's eyes.

If there is another wave of this battleship, they will be over.

"Kill." At this moment, a streak of horses pierced the sky, but it was the third princess who rushed out of the battleship with a sword in hand.

The sword intent like a tide killed the one on the fifth floor of the Emperor Realm who still had some combat power, and then the three princesses rushed towards the one on the fifth floor of the Emperor Realm who had a complete battle.

Taichang rushed towards the one on the fourth floor of the Emperor Realm who still had some fighting.

Bi Luo rushed towards the second layer of the Emperor Realm with complete combat power.

Lin Caihan, Xu Huier, and Mingyue rushed towards the [-]nd Heaven of Emperor Realm that was hit hard.

As for Tang Yiren, Leng Qingqiu, Blue Crucian Carp, Yuan Jin'er, Ruoxi, and Wuliang, they rushed towards the six first-tier heavenly beings who were severely injured.

Four emperors including Xiaomi, Jianchen, Xiaoluo, Wuyan, and Long Xingyun from Tianting, three emperors from the Taisui lineage, and Ruoshui surrounded the Yuan family.

They were constantly killing the quasi-emperor of the Yuan family.

The Yuan family's Emperor Realm fifth level looked at the falling Yuan family and hurriedly shouted, "Wait, can I know where our Yuan family has offended you?"

"Is there any such thing as a monk of your Yuan family holding the elemental lineage?" The third princess asked in a deep voice.

The emperor of the Yuan family was stunned.

He didn't expect it to be because of this incident.

"Our Yuan family didn't say no to it." He said angrily.

"Then what about people?" The third princess asked coldly.

The emperor of the Yuan family pointed in one direction and said, "The monks of the element lineage are all there."

Ruoshui rushed over immediately.

Soon Ruoshui appeared in front of everyone with [-] elemental monks.

"Why is there only 3000 people?" Zhao Yang asked coldly.

"That's all we have in our hands." The emperor said with some embarrassment.

"The five thousand have been used as nourishment." At this time, an old man from the element lineage said painfully.

Zhao Yang glanced at Ruoshui.

Ruoshui suppressed his anger and brought the three thousand monks into the battleship.

"There is no need for the Yuan Family to exist anymore." Zhao Yang gave an order to the battleship at this point, "Activate the second type of secondary artillery, and the third type of secondary artillery."

Following Zhao Yang's voice, the [-] shells of the second type of secondary artillery fell on the ancestral home of the Yuan family.

The violent explosion almost dyed the whole world red.

Just as the Yuan family was crying and fighting for the ground, the third type of [-] shells fell again.

"You..." The Emperor Realm expert pointed at Zhao Yang angrily, "Do you know who is standing behind our Yuan family?"

"Turn on the main cannon, it's time to end the battle." Zhao Yang said here that the souls of the emperors of the Yuan Clan were terrified.

Because the nine shells of the main cannon can seriously injure even those in the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

The third princess and the others got rid of the emperor of the Yuan family immediately.


Three of the nine cannonballs were locked on the fifth level of the emperor, one was locked on the fourth level of the emperor, one was locked on the second level of the emperor, and four were locked on the fourth level of the emperor. Heavenly.

As a result, except for the fifth-level emperor and the two first-level emperors who were still alive, all the rest died.

And this Emperor Realm Fifth Heavenly Layer doesn't have much fighting power anymore.

Three cannonballs that could severely injure the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm exploded beside it one after another.

It didn't want to hide.

"Third Princess, kill him as soon as possible, Taichang and Master's Wife will assist." Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and the others when he said this, "Give me the two emperors who respect Chuang, and you all push the Yuan family as soon as possible." gone."

After the words fell, Zhao Yang's Alchemy Qi turned into three figures and rushed towards the two emperors who respected creation.

More than 20 emperors shot together, no matter how strong the Yuan family's background was, they did not block it for even half an hour.

Immediately, Zhao Yang summoned an army of 100 million.

"Clean the battlefield within an hour." Zhao Yang said lightly.

While the one million troops were sweeping the battlefield, Zhu Ya asked softly, "My lord, are you worried about the existence of the Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven?"

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "At present we don't have this level of existence, so it's better to avoid the edge for now." It is true that Zhao Yang has the trump card in his hand to compete against the Emperor Realm Nine Heavens, but can that trump card If you use it, you don't use it.

After all, there is only one hole card.

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