Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1130 Pulling the Tiger Flag

Seeing Jarvis' fearful expression, Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Chunyangzi is now stronger than the Peacock King?

Jarvis has seen Chunyangzi once, so he knows that Chunyangzi's aura is very similar to Zhao Yang's aura, and both of them are from the human race, so he might not believe that the two are not related.

"This is my robbery this time, and I give it all to you." Jarvis was silent for a while and threw a Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts scanned, he found that besides 26 drops of imperial liquid and [-] drops of quasi-imperial liquid, there were also many medicinal materials and materials in the Qiankun bag.

But Zhao Yang casually threw the universe bag on the ground, "Are you begging for these things?"

Jarvis's mouth twitched.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he took out something and handed it to Zhao Yang, "What do you think now?"

After scanning Zhao Yang's spiritual sense, he found that there were [-] drops of imperial liquid in the Qiankun bag, "I said you are a big thief anyway, and you only have these things on you?"

"Most of the resources robbed each time will be handed over to the Peacock King. Besides, I still have a group of younger brothers to support, so there are really not many." Jarvis said with a sad face.

"Forget it, let's go." Zhao Yang waved his hand.

Jarvis hurriedly turned the direction of the battleship and fled away.

After a while, Zhao Yang returned Xiong Yan's universe bag to him.

"Are you really Chunyangzi's disciple?"

"I'm indeed Chunyangzi's disciple, but I don't know if it's that person." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"What do you mean?"

"My master is also called Chunyangzi, and he looks the same as Tianwaitian's, but the master in my memory died in battle 9000 years ago." Zhao Yang said succinctly.

After thinking for a while, Xiong Yan said, "The name and appearance are the same, it can't be such a coincidence, I think you can go and have a look."

"What is Chunyangzi doing now?"

"Chun Yangzi is currently on Yanghuang Star, you can go and have a look at it then." Xiong Yan said softly.

"Royal star?"

"That's right, Chunyangzi is now the existence of the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Xiong Yan nodded.

"Let's go to Qichen Star first." Zhao Yang didn't know much about Tianwaitian now, so he thought that after learning about Qichen Star, he would go to Yanghuangxing.

Venus star.

After arriving at Qichen Star, Zhao Yang discovered that the laws of heaven on Qichen Star were more perfect than those in Immortal Domain.

"How did these living planets form?"

"I heard that these living planets were formed after a continent was broken." Xiong Yan explained, "Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the laws of heaven here are so perfect?"

Zhao Yang was silent.

"You feel that the rules of heaven here are perfect. If you go to King Star, Emperor Star and Emperor Star, you will find that it is more suitable for cultivation." Xiong Yan led Zhao Yang to walk in the mountain stream.

Zhao Yang discovered that there are many medicinal materials in the mountain stream, and some medicinal materials are very precious in the fairyland, but they can be seen everywhere here.

Not long after, the three came to a city.

This city looks very prosperous, in addition to selling all kinds of goods, there are even slave trades.

"Is the slave trade popular here?"


Zhao Yang lost interest after taking a look.

He has no interest in slaves.

But just when Zhao Yang was about to turn around, a familiar figure appeared in Zhao Yang's eyes.

"Ruoshui." Zhao Yang said in surprise.

In any case, Zhao Yang never expected to meet Ruoshui here. The difference is that Ruoshui is now shackled and curled up in a dog cage.

"Ruoshui." Zhao Yang walked towards Ruoshui's cage.

"What are you doing?" A bull head pushed Zhao Yang with a whip, "What are you doing?"

"We came to see the slaves." Xiong Yan stepped forward and scolded.

After seeing that it was Xiong Yan, the bull head said with a smile on his face, "It turns out that there is the patriarch of the Xiong family, please."

Zhao Yang squatted down, looked at Ruoshui, "Ruoshui."

Ruoshui's eyes gradually had a hint of color, and it took a while for her to see clearly who it was in front of her.

"Zhao Yang." Ruoshui cried and tears fell.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"We wandered in the fairyland after we left the fairyland, but we encountered the interstellar thief Jarvis on the way. Jarvis killed the patriarch and some masters in the clan, and then sold us girls here." Ruoshui said Up to here, the eyes are full of deep hatred.

"Open the cage." Zhao Yang said with a sullen face when he heard this.

"You have to spend money." The bullhead said with a smile.

"Open it if you tell me, I'll give you how much it costs." Xiong Yan said angrily.

Why are you so blind?

The bull head opened the cage, Zhao Yang went in and hugged Ruoshui.

Ruoshui's muscles and bones were all broken.

"How much?" Zhao Yang asked with a serious face.

"Sixty drops of imperial liquid." Niutou said with a smile.

Zhao Yang threw a jade bottle to Niutou, then looked at Ruoshui in his arms and said, "Is there anyone alive in your Elemental Clan?"

"There should be more here." Ruoshui said after thinking about it.

"Bring me all of her family." Zhao Yang looked at the bull head and said.

"Wait a minute." The bull head said and left.

"The slave trade in this place belongs to the demonic cow clan. This clan has the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm as its commander. Don't be impulsive." Xiong Yan said in a low voice.

"What will happen if I kill the Demon Cow Clan?" Zhao Yang asked after a moment of pondering.

Xiong Yan's eyes almost popped out when he heard this, "Are you sure you have this strength?"


"Are you really going to move?"

"I'll talk about it later." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Not long after that bull head came here with a dozen girls.

"That's all I can find."

These young girls were sallow and emaciated, with blood all over their bodies. It was obvious that they had been beaten.

"Unlock the chains on them." Zhao Yang looked at the bull head and said.

"I can open it only after you pay."

"how much is it?"

"These girls are all at the quasi-emperor level, you only need to pay [-] quasi-diye liquid."

Zhao Yang threw a jade bottle to the bull head.

Niutou checked the shackles of these girls one by one.

The girls rushed to Ruo Shui's side and cried bitterly.

Ruoshui was heartbroken seeing them.

In any case, Ruoshui never imagined that the elemental family would fall to this point.

"Where's the person in charge here?"

"I'll yell right now," said the bull head.

After a while, a taller man came here.

"Guest, what can you do with me?"

"I want monks from their group." Zhao Yang pointed at Ruoshui.

"I have an impression of this ethnic group." The man thought for a while and said, "When it first entered the slave market, it reached millions, but later it was bought by many slave owners."

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