Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1129 The Big Thief

"Now we have detected 120 living planets." The old man said softly, "There are three stars known as Emperor Stars, and they are the old monsters of the Ninth Heaven of Emperor Realm, and the three living planets are completely controlled by them. "

"Nine stars are known as the emperor star, and they are the big bosses of the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm. Generally speaking, they are controlled by three big bosses."

"The 27 stars are known as king stars, and they are controlled by the powers of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm. Half of them are jointly controlled by nine powers."

"The rest are 81 Chenxing. The forces on Chenxing are very complicated, and there are all kinds of forces, big and small."

While the old man was narrating, Zhao Yang was also observing the life planet marked on the map.

"Looking at the map, you should be living in Qichen Star." Zhao Yang asked.


"How big is Venus Star?"

"These life planets are all about the same, roughly equivalent to the first area of ​​the homeland."

Zhao Yang showed a look of astonishment.

District [-]?

The territory of the first district is very large.

"I really want to know why there are so many monks in Tianwaitian?" Lin Caihan asked the doubts in his heart.

"The fairyland has a very long history, from the ancient times to the ancient times, from the ancient times to the modern times." The old man said with a smile, "Many emperors have come out in these years, and every emperor who left the fairyland Who doesn't bring hundreds of millions of monks with them at that time."

"As time goes by, Tianwaitian will become more and more prosperous."

"Are the resources in Tianwaitian more abundant than Immortal Territory?"

"Sure, otherwise how can we support the emperor to practice all the way to the peak?"

"Aren't these living planets fighting with each other?"

"Fighting is the eternal theme." The old man said with emotion, "For example, we have the Xiong family, who have been fighting with jackals for many years."

"Can you take us to Qichen Star?"

"No inconvenience."

Lin Caihan and the girls returned to the battleship, then Zhao Yang put away the battleship, and followed the old man and Xiong Liu towards Qichen Star.

"Can the holy land in the universe live?"

"If you want to survive in the universe, you must at least be in the emperor's realm. The holy realm cannot survive in the universe." Just as the old man said this, he saw a warship roaring towards him from a distance.

The battleship has a huge flagpole with a skull logo on it.

"Grandpa, that's the warship of the interstellar bandit Jarvis." Xiong Liu pointed at the warship and shouted excitedly.

"Interstellar Bandit?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Bandit?"

"It can be understood in this way." The old man nodded and said, "These guys are doing all kinds of evil."

"But I see why your grandson is so happy?" Zhao Yang said puzzled.

"This kid has always wanted to be a thief like Jarvis." The old man said helplessly.

"Is Jarvis strong?"

"Jarvis is a bandit from the fourth heaven of the imperial realm. Speaking of which, this guy's strength is not very good, but his battleship is from the fifth heaven, so there are not many who dare to provoke him." The old man just said this I saw the battleship rushing towards them.

"Run." The old man pulled his grandson and was about to run.

As a result, before he ran very far, the space in front of him was shattered by a bomb.

The old man stopped involuntarily.

He didn't expect that he had already hidden himself, but he was still discovered by Jarvis.

"Where are you going?" At this moment, a man wearing a big hat came to the bow of the ship and looked at the old man with a smile on his face.

The old man bowed to Jarvis and said, "Xiong Yan has seen the legendary thief Jarvis."

Jarvis was very useful to the old man's kneeling and licking.

He nodded slightly, but still smiled and said, "You still have to pay."

"I didn't bring much with me when I came out this time?" the old man said with a mournful face.

"Three of you, one hundred drops of Imperial Liquid each." Jarvis said with a smile.

"One hundred drops of Diye?" The old man was about to cry when he heard this number, "I am only the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, where can I get so much Diye?"

"Xiong Yan, I gave you a chance, but it seems you don't cherish it." Jarvis said with a cold expression, "Then you can be my slave."

Xiong Yan's face changed involuntarily, "I only have a hundred drops of Imperial Liquid on my body, can I get the rest with something?"

"It's fine if you said so earlier." Jarvis said with a smile.

Xiong Yan gave Jarvis all the precious things in his small world.

Jarvis made some calculations in his mind and said, "Your resources are only a hundred drops of imperial liquid."

Xiong Yan really wanted to say hello to Jarvis's family.

Can those things sell at least 200 drops of Teiye in the market?

How come this guy's mouth is only worth a hundred drops of imperial liquid.

After Zhao Yang saw Xiong Yan's face, he knew that Jarvis was a scam.

"Xiong Yan, it looks like your precious grandson has to stay and be my slave." Jarvis is very smart, he won't let Zhao Yang stay, he wants to keep Xiong Liu.

Because in this way, resources can be extracted from Xiong Yan for a long time.

"Let me stay." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"Do you have a share here?" Jarvis' face darkened, and he yelled at Zhao Yang.

But then a look of shock appeared on his face.

What did he see?

A huge warship appeared behind Zhao Yang.

The main gun has been fully charged, and it is firmly locked on his battleship.

"What did you just say?" Zhao Yang asked, digging his ears.

"This time it was a misunderstanding." Jarvis said with a sullen face, then he turned and waved, "Let's go."


The battleship behind Zhao Yang fired a cannon towards Jarvis's battleship.

And Jarvis's battleship didn't even have time to react.

Seeing that the fort was destroyed and the battleship was damaged, Jarvis's face was full of shock and anger, " you know who I am?"

"Aren't you just a robber?" Zhao Yang said lazily, "Why? I think your status is quite noble?"

"Do you know why no one dared to provoke me for so many years?" Jarvis looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said, "Standing behind me is the Peacock King on Uranus."

"Peacock King?" Zhao Yang couldn't help looking at Xiong Yan.

"The Peacock King is a powerful man in the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm." Xiong Yan trembled when he mentioned the Peacock King.

"How do you know that there is no strong person behind me?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Who is behind you?" Jarvis asked subconsciously.

"Chunyangzi." Zhao Yang snorted coldly.

"Chunyangzi?" Jarvis' face changed involuntarily, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"Nonsense?" Zhao Yang said as he began to activate the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, and then the exuberant pure Yang power pervaded the surrounding area.

After seeing this scene, Jarvis showed fear in his eyes.

"you you……."

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