Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1128 A Dragon Corpse

"It couldn't be better." The Dragon King said hurriedly.

The Dragon King has only reached the first level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm by chance in these years, and Hu Duan and others are all existences at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Where is he an opponent?

"In the future, I will be stationed here for a long time. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time." Tang Guifang said at this time.

Tang Guifang is now the existence of the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, only a thin line away from the Emperor Realm.

Battleship control room.

Ao Qing stood in the control room and looked at everything in front of him, his eyes filled with shock.

Through other people's discussion, she knew that this battleship belonged to the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

And the more than 20 people present are all powerful in the imperial realm.

"Everyone, we are leaving Immortal Realm." Zhao Yang said at this time.

Everyone's breathing became tense immediately.


The battleship tore a huge rift.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are cracks deep in the cracks.

Like layers of skin, what the battleship tore at this time was the deepest part.

And those who want to do this must at least have the cultivation base of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm.

I don't know how long it took, and everyone suddenly found themselves in an extremely dark world.

Through the transparent glass they can see everything around them.

There seemed to be nothing but darkness.

Of course it's not right to say that.

Because not far away is a continent exuding dazzling luster.

That continent stretches for an unknown number of kilometers.

"Immortal Domain."

"We have left the fairyland."

"Are we in space right now?"

"I have a feeling of loneliness."

"I don't know if we can survive in the outside world?"

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang asked the battleship to open a door, and Zhao Yang came outside the battleship.

Lin Caihan and others also came out one after another.

Ao Qing hesitated for a moment and still didn't come out.

She knows her own strength, so don't follow her out to cause trouble at this time.

"There is no energy of any kind in the universe."

"It's empty, there's nothing here."

"I didn't expect Tianwaitian, which many monks yearn for, to look like this?"

"I want to know where all the cultivators from Heaven and Beyond are?"

Everyone stood in the universe for a while and then returned to the war room.

They just can't bear the feeling of loneliness.

"Battleship, turn on the life search mode, and move forward." Zhao Yang ordered to the battleship.

After Zhao Yang stayed in the battleship for a long time without finding any trace of life, he brought Ao Qing to his room.

"This is my room, you will live here first." Zhao Yang said softly.

Ao Qing looked around and nodded.

"I will first use the holy source liquid to transform your body, and then use the emperor's blood to further transform you." Zhao Yang took out a time spar, "This is the time spar, you practice in it for a year, And the outside world has only passed one day."

"This is the legendary time spar?" Ao Qing's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this time spar contains three thousand years of time. It won't take long for you to catch up with Xu Huier and the others." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

What no one expected was that in the full search mode of this battleship, no trace of life was found for three days.

This really surprised everyone.

On the fourth day, the battleship suddenly issued an early warning sound.

"Traces of life were detected ahead."

The sound of the battleship caught the attention of Zhao Yang and others.

They came from the rest area to the combat area.

What did they see?

A huge blue dragon lay icy in the universe.

It didn't have any breath on it.

"This blue dragon must at least belong to the third heaven of the Emperor Realm." The third princess came to a conclusion after looking at it.

"This Canglong seems to have been killed by a single sword." Taichang said, staring at Canglong's injury.

"To kill with one sword, the opponent must at least be an existence at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm or even stronger." Zhao Yang said with a frown.

This scene had a huge impact on everyone.

Who would have thought that the existence of the third heaven of the emperor's realm would die if it died.

"Move this dragon corpse away." Lin Caihan said, "There are many valuable things on it."

This is the dragon corpse of the third heaven of the Emperor Realm.

And just as several robots were carrying the dragon corpse, several figures came from a distance.

"Stop." A young man scolded.

There was a look of surprise on everyone's face.

Finally saw the life.

The young man pointed to the dragon corpse and said, "I saw this dragon corpse first."

"The one you saw first was yours?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Young man, this dragon corpse was seen by my grandson Xiong Liu, so it should belong to us." There was an old man in that young man, and that old man looked fearfully at the battleship floating behind Zhao Yang and the others.

"If he saw it, why didn't he take it away?" Zhao Yang asked.

The old man was speechless for a moment.

"Since you can't prove that your grandson saw this dragon corpse first, I'm sorry, this dragon corpse is mine." Zhao Yang said here that the robot carried the dragon corpse into the small world of the battleship.

"Grandpa, they fought off the dragon corpse." Xiong Liu said unwillingly.

"Who told you not to take it away at the beginning?" The old man slammed Xiong Liu on the head.

Xiong Liu was in pain, his face was full of grievances, "Didn't I want to surprise grandpa? Who would have thought that there would be people coming to such a wild place?"

"What a surprise you gave me." The old man said helplessly, "Forget it, let's go."

"Wait." Just as the old man was about to leave with Xiong Liu, Zhao Yang called out to the old man.

The old man looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said, "What do you want to do?"

"To be honest, we came from the Immortal Realm, and we don't know anything about Tianwaitian." Zhao Yang said frankly.

"Homeland? You actually came out of your homeland?" The old man's face showed a look of amazement.

"Is that what you call Xianyu?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"Yes, we call the Immortal Realm our homeland." The old man said with emotion, "Speaking of which, very few monks have come out of their homeland."

"Can you tell us something about Tianwaitian?"

"No problem." The old man said with a smile, "Tianwaitian is actually composed of living planets one after another."

"Life planet?"

"Yes." The old man nodded and said, "Every living planet is very far away, so if you don't have a star map, you will be lost in the universe forever."

As the old man spoke, he detained a wisp of divine sense and tapped it between Zhao Yang's eyebrows.

Zhao Yang had a look of shock on his face after browsing around.

Because according to the scale on the map, Zhao Yang found that the universe is too big.

Zhao Yang passed this map to the battleship, and the battleship analyzed the data immediately, and then quickly located the current location.

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