Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1127 Save the Sea Clan

"What's going on?" Ao Qing was at a loss.

"Sorry, I have been busy practicing these years and neglected you." Zhao Yang sincerely apologized to Ao Qing.

Ao Qing was stunned.

"I'm not dreaming."

"How could it be a dream?" Zhao Yang said softly.

Ao Qing went to touch Zhao Yang's face.

It's true.

Only then did Ao Qing realize that she was really not dreaming.

After realizing this, Ao Qing hurriedly said, "Hurry up and save our Sea Clan."

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts spread in all directions.


His divine sense turned into a monstrous force of destruction, and all the millions of star beasts in this sea area fell.

After seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

"You... how could you be so powerful?" Ao Qing asked in surprise.

"I have become an emperor."

"You have become an emperor?" Ao Qing's face showed a look of surprise at first, but then it dimmed, "You go."


"I'm just a little sage, I'm not qualified to be your wife at all." Ao Qing said with some low self-esteem.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Give me some time, and I will make you an emperor too."

"Stop teasing me."

"Do you know Xu Huier?"

"I know, the branch president of the Pure Yang Sect."

"Her potential was not even that of a quasi-sage, but now she is already in the imperial realm."


"I'll tell you some things slowly." Zhao Yang took Ao Qing's hand and came to the Dragon King and said, "Long time no see."

"Ao Kuan pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven." The Dragon King said and bowed to Zhao Yang.

"Why haven't we seen each other for so many years?" Zhao Yang asked with a slight smile.

"Rites cannot be discarded." The Dragon King said seriously.

Zhao Yang said nonchalantly, "Should the Hai Clan go to the sky?"

"Can our Sea Clan follow you?" the Dragon King said excitedly.

"Of course." Zhao Yang opened a passage to his own small world as he spoke, "You Sea Clan can go through this passage."

After expressing his gratitude to Zhao Yang, the Dragon King hurriedly greeted the chiefs of the Hai Clan, "Greeting all the clansmen in the entire sea area to leave."

The patriarchs hurriedly gave orders to their subordinates.

"There's no need to be so anxious." Zhao Yang said looking at the hurried appearance of the Dragon King.

"I heard that emperors can't make a move. Just now, you violated the rules when you made a move. I think the star beast's counterattack will be even stronger next time." The Dragon King said solemnly.

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I will help you protect it."

After the words fell, three thousand incarnations appeared beside Zhao Yang, and these three thousand incarnations rushed around the sea area, guarding the sea area firmly.

Zhao Yang's three thousand incarnations all have cultivation bases at the first level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but their combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of the third level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

In addition, the star beasts did not attack mindlessly. For example, after they found that there were no masters in this sea area, they would not send quasi-emperor-level masters.

And Zhao Yang's three thousand incarnations broke this balance, but when the star beasts came to quasi-emperors on a large scale, the time needed in the middle was not a little bit.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

The strong men in this sea area kept telling the monks in every corner of the sea area.

But this sea area is really too big.

After all, it is unrealistic for them to want to take away the entire ethnic group in a short period of time.

"I estimate that [-]% of the groups have not entered the small world." A whale shark said to the Dragon King.

"Go on, use all means to make them leave." The Dragon King said after thinking for a while, "For some stubborn people, just knock them unconscious and take them away."

After another three hours, a large number of star beasts finally arrived here.

They fought fiercely with Zhao Yang's three thousand incarnations on the outskirts of the sea.

After seeing this scene, the Dragon King hurriedly found Zhao Yang, "Heavenly Emperor, we can go."

"Have all the Sea Clan entered the small world?"

"It's almost there. As for the rest, they are either hidden too deep, or they don't want to leave, so I can't control them." The Dragon King said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang glanced at Zhu Ya beside him and said, "Zhu Ya, you go with the masters of their major groups and take away all the Hai Clan hiding in the dark."

"As ordered."

Now Zhu Ya is also the existence of Emperor Realm.

Under the scanning of her divine sense, those guys who thought they were hiding deeper were found out one after another.

"I buried myself under the mass grave, can you all find it?"

"I faked my death, how did you find out?"

"This place is a secret realm at the level of a great sage, how did you see through it?"

As time went by, these experts of the Sea Clan discovered that those guys had various hiding methods.

It's a pity that Zhu Ya saw through all of them.

What they didn't expect was that Zhu Ya actually helped find the 400 million sea people.

"My lord, there is no sea clan in this sea area anymore." Zhu Ya said softly.

"Yeah." Zhao Yang nodded and looked at the Dragon King and the others, "You guys also enter my small world."

After they entered, Zhao Yang put away the three thousand avatars, and then he himself entered his own small world.

This time, the number of sea people who entered the small world reached 4000 million.

These Sea Clans are very disturbed at this time, because there are many Monster Clans around, and some guys are even drooling when they look at them.

After Zhao Yang came here, those monster races saluted Zhao Yang one after another.

"The Sea Clan will be a part of you in the future, and whoever dares to target the Sea Clan in the future, don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Yang scolded.

Now, none of the Monster Race present dared to look at the Sea Race with that kind of eyes.


"Yes." Zhou Qiaoyu hurried over.

With the help of Zhao Yang, Zhou Qiaoyu also set foot in the first layer of the Emperor Realm.

"In the future, you should patrol the Hai Clan side more, so as not to cause problems on the Hai Clan side." Zhao Yang said softly.

The Sea Clan is too weak compared to these Monster Clans, so it is inevitable that these Monster Clans will not attack.

"My lord, I will be stationed here for a long time." Tang Guifang said at this time.

"It's fine, anyway, the Sea Clan can't have any problems." Zhao Yang emphasized again and again.

After Zhao Yang left, Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang brought them to a sea area.

"This sea area is not very big, but it should be enough for you to live in." Zhou Qiaoyu pointed to the sea road in front of him.

This sea has an area of ​​about 30 square kilometers.

It is actually enough for hundreds of millions of sea people.

"We are very satisfied." Dragon King said modestly.

"Since the overall strength of the Yaozu is much stronger than you, I decided to temporarily confine this sea area. I don't know what happened to you?" Zhou Qiaoyu said at this time.

To enclose means to seal this sea area.

Anyone who wants to enter or exit this sea area must obtain Zhou Qiaoyu's approval.

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