Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1126 Dragon Princess

The spirit of the battleship reported to Zhao Yang after making some statistics.

"Master, this time we have earned a total of 290 seven drops of imperial liquid and [-] drops of quasi-imperial liquid." The spirit of the battleship said softly, "I counted the various resources and found that those resources are worth [-] yuan. Drip the imperial liquid."

"not bad."

"Master, when will we fight again?"

"Don't worry, there will be more opportunities like this in the future." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

In this way, another half month passed, and after the Sky Palace couldn't hold on, they withdrew their troops and came to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"Master." Zhao Yang went to greet her.

"Zhao Yang, Sky Palace will follow you from now on." Bi Luo said with a smile.

"I will give Cang Qiong Palace great authority. From now on, Cang Qiong Palace will still be managed by you, my wife."

"Don't do it." Bi Luo waved her hands again and again when she heard this, "The Sky Palace can't be special."

"Master, it's the same for the Heavenly Court lineage and the Taisui lineage." Zhao Yang said softly.

"That's fine." Bi Luo finally agreed.

"Let the disciples of Sky Palace go to the small world of battleships?"

"The small world of the battleship of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm?" Bi Luo asked with burning eyes.

Apparently Bi Luo had also heard the news.


Under the leadership of Biluo, 3000 million monks went to the small world of the battleship, and Biluo only left 200 million soldiers outside the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"1000 million square kilometers." Biluo said with emotion after strolling around, "I was worried about crowding, but now I don't have to worry about it."

All the area of ​​this world can be used.

Therefore, the territory appears to be very broad.

"Theoretically, one billion monks are fine." Zhao Yang nodded.

"When are you planning to go to Tianwaitian?" Bi Luo asked.

Biluo asked this mainly because she wanted to find Chunyangzi.

"The star beast has not yet formed a real siege trend, I plan to talk about it in a few months." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.


After leaving this place, Zhao Yang found the three princesses.

"How is your understanding of the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"


"I'll give you a month to continue to comprehend, and then proceed to raise your cultivation level to the fifth heaven."

"Ah." The third princess was shocked.

Fifth Heaven!

This is something that the three princesses never thought of before.

Zhao Yang found Taichang when the third princess used the time spar to practice.

"I'll give you a month to fully comprehend the realm of the Third Heaven of the Emperor's Realm, and then I will help you upgrade to the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm in a month's time." Zhao Yang said softly.

After arriving in Tianwaitian, Zhao Yang felt that it was necessary to improve the strength of his subordinates.

Too often said yes excitedly.

As time went by, more and more star beasts besieged the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

A month later, the star beasts besieging the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce reached tens of millions.

"It's really entered the stage of stalemate." Lin Caihan sighed softly.

"Persist for half a month and retreat completely." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice after observing for a while.

In the following time, the Star Beast's attack became more and more fierce, and the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce also resolutely resisted.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Gradually, the casualties of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong also began to increase.

After half a month of the agreed period, Zhao Yang ordered the army to start heading to the small world of the battleship.

Soon there were millions of soldiers left on the second line of defense.

This is because the first front line has been breached by star beasts.

"Withdraw to the third front." Zhao Yang ordered.

Take the initiative to retreat.

After the millions of soldiers retreated to the third front, the star beast retreated frantically to the formation on the second front.

"Enter the small world in an orderly manner." Zhao Yang said lightly.

When 99 monks entered the small world of the battleship, the remaining [-] soldiers withdrew to the fourth line of defense.

A few hours later, the star beast rushed to the third line of defense.

The remaining [-] soldiers directly detonated the bombs on the third line of defense.

Suddenly millions of star beasts fell on the spot.

There is even a vacuum in the field.

Quite a few strong men at the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun rushed to pick up the star beads on the ground.

These star beads are all resources.

Can't be wasted.

In fact, why did Zhao Yang continue to fight before leaving Xianyu?To a large extent, it is because he wants to engage in some resources.

The energy contained in the star beads can also be used.

"All withdraw to the battleship." Zhao Yang ordered at this time.

The remaining [-] monks quickly entered the battleship.

Zhao Yang also came to the combat control room of the battleship at this time.

At this time, the senior officials of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, the senior officials of the Pure Yang Sect, the senior officials of the Heavenly Court, the senior officials of the Tai Sui lineage, and the senior officials of the Sky Palace all gathered here.

"It's time for us to leave here." Zhao Yang said softly.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed nostalgia.

At this moment, Zhu Ya suddenly thought of something, "My lord, you seem to have forgotten something?"


"Ao Qing, Princess of the Dragon Clan."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

If Zhu Ya didn't remind him, he would really have forgotten this.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang drove the battleship towards a sea area in his memory.

At this time, this sea area has been surrounded by star beasts, and countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals are fighting with star beasts.

But it can be seen that the shrimp soldiers and crabs will obviously not be opponents.

At this moment, Ao Qing's whole body was covered with blood, and her chest was even stabbed with a sword. Is the blood still gurgling?

"You were asked to go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce a long time ago, but you just didn't want to go, so that's it." The Dragon King said bitterly.

"Patriarch, Zhao Yang is already a heavenly emperor, and his cultivation has reached the peak of quasi-emperor, and what about me? It's just a loud voice." Ao Qing said with a look of sadness on his beautiful face, " How do you think I am worthy of him?"

"Her wife, Lin Caihan, is a prodigy in the business world, and single-handedly created the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce into a huge chamber of commerce that affects the fairyland. Comparing me to Lin Caihan is like comparing Haoyue to Yinghuo."

"You child, how do you know that he doesn't want you?" Dragon King said with a wry smile.

Ao Qing clenched the battle sword in her hand and said nothing.

She wanted to say that if Zhao Yang had her in his heart, how could he not come to her all these years?

Zhao Yang must have forgotten her long ago, right?

"Be careful." Suddenly the Dragon King saw a feathered arrow shooting towards Ao Qing's heart.

It was too late for Ao Qing to see clearly.

The feathered arrow pierced her heart mercilessly, and Ao Qing's body fell back weakly.

Her eyes dimmed.

When she was dying, she felt that she was lying in a warm chest.

It's Zhao Yang.


The corner of Ao Qing's mouth revealed a bit of bitterness.

She reached out to caress Zhao Yang's face, "I never thought I would see you again before I die, even in this way."

"You won't die." As Zhao Yang said, a ray of alchemy Qi poured into Ao Qing's body.

Ao Qing's vitality that was about to dissipate gathered again.

Her eyes also gradually took on color.

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