Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1109: Seriously Damaged

Seeing that the patriarch couldn't make sense, Gu Tong had no choice but to take an army of 30 to the restricted area of ​​the ancient mine.

With the participation of the major restricted areas one after another, the pressure on the three major restricted areas has eased a lot.

"Why didn't we think of asking the restricted area for help?"

"Aren't we worried that the restricted area will not help?"

"We think of him too dirty, don't you see that he is very enthusiastic?"

When the three major restricted areas were communicating, the major restricted areas suddenly discovered that what they got was not proportional to what they gave.

In other words, what they are doing is losing money.

"We felled a clansman of the quasi-emperor realm third level, and finally killed two quasi-emperor realm three-level star beasts. The problem is that we need three quasi-emperor realm three-level star beads to create a quasi-emperor realm star beast." People from the Three Heavens?"

"I really want to know what's the point of us fighting here?"

"I also want to know."

"I think we should get out."

With the passage of time, not to mention the major restricted areas, the complaints from Xianting became more and more loud.


Isn't Xianting's combat effectiveness comparable to the major restricted areas?

"Third princess, I can't go on." A commander said with blood all over his body, "Mine has been damaged by two-thirds."

"The rest are the strong ones." Huang Qingchan said indifferently, "Also tell you that the soldiers under your command, as long as they survive, they will all be given merit."

Huang Qingchan's encouragement played a role.

But after half a month, even Huang Qingchan was a little scared by the number presented by the first general.

"The 100 million soldiers we brought now have 20 left, do we want to continue?" the first general said in a deep voice, "I noticed that we won't be able to train the 80 soldiers after getting the star beads." .”

"Did you find that Xianting's combat power is too weak?" Huang Qingchan said solemnly after a while.

"There is also a problem with the cooperation of the officers and men of the Immortal Court." The first general nodded and said.

"I want to train here, what do you think?"

"Training?" The first general thought for a while before saying, "It's not impossible to train soldiers, but we promise to control casualties."

From this point of view, the third princess still has some skills.

This is also normal.

You can say that the third princess is jealous of the virtuous and capable, you can say that she has a small belly, but if you say that she has no skills, then you will wrong her.

And when Xianting was preparing to train troops, the major restricted areas noticed the movement of Xianting.

"Xianting is training soldiers?"

"It seems to be, otherwise it would be impossible to rotate so frequently?"

"Do we need training too?"

"The restricted area has indeed lacked combat over the years."

"I think we also need to pull out the soldiers of the clan to practice."

What surprised the three major restricted areas was that the major restricted areas that were originally planned to withdraw did not withdraw at this time.

The restricted area is also here to train troops.

Zhao Yang really didn't know what to say after seeing this scene.


Are you all so untrained?

But that's also a good thing.

Because this can greatly slow down the time for the star beast to break through the seal.

Lin Caihan's guess is correct.

With the addition of the major restricted areas and fairy courts, there are more star beads on the market.

The monks who bought the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Sky Palace at a high price before don't regret it too much.

return the goods?


make trouble?

Who dares?

"Does the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce still sell star beads?" Zhao Yang asked when he returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce that day.

"It's no longer worth selling." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "We've already earned 20 drops of Zhundi Yaoye during this time."

"So much?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"This kind of thing is too profitable." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "Now the price of star beads is dropping every day."

"The price of star beads should drop for a while." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Because the major restricted areas and fairy courts will not leave in a short time, I think it will take at least three to five years."

"Then let's sweep the star beads on the market when they are ready to withdraw." Lin Caihan said softly.

"What?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"At that time, the price of star beads was the lowest, and no force will continue to sell them, so the price of star beads will rise." Lin Caihan said confidently, "Don't worry, it will be no problem to make another wave at that time." of."

Lin Caihan is a business genius.

But in Xianyu, a place that focuses on practice, Lin Caihan's business talent has been brought into greater play.

These guys in Xianyu don't understand market saturation at all, let alone economics.

"In this way, your potential can be raised to the sixth heaven of the emperor realm." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Before that, Lin Caihan only raised her potential to the fifth level of the Emperor Realm.

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded.

Just do it.

After Lin Caihan stayed on the Qiankun Emperor Map for a period of time, her background stepped from the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm to the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm.

And the Quasi-Emperor medicinal liquid consumed was also terrifying.

Eighty-one thousand drops of Zhundi medicine liquid.

Do you know that there are not so many Zhundi medicinal liquids in the restricted area?

If it wasn't for this wave of Lingzhu, Lin Caihan would not dare to extravagantly ascend to the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, okay?

Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan after putting away the map of Qiankun Emperor and said, "Next, I'm going to continue to the battlefield, and continue to harvest before everyone leaves."

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded.

In addition to their own power, the underworld and other restricted areas also have some puppet forces.

And these forces were also pulled over by them for training.

A year has passed.

The three major restricted areas found that the number of people dispatched by the ancients and other major restricted areas began to decrease.

And by the second year, almost all the soldiers were withdrawn from the major restricted areas.

Only the Immortal Court, the Sky Palace, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and the Chunyang Sect remained here.

And half a year later, Xianting also left.

Xianting can't afford it either.

In fact, Cang Qiong Palace couldn't hold on for a long time. If it wasn't for the help of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyang Sect, Cang Qiong Palace wouldn't be able to hold on to this level at all.

"We should leave too." This day Ruoxi found Zhao Yang.

"Why did you go back?"

"Sky Palace lost 16 disciples in two years." Ruoxi sighed softly, "This is still with the help of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong, otherwise the number of fallen would definitely be more than this."

"Furthermore, our presence here will also affect the performance of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong." Ruoxi continued.

"Leave if you want to leave." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang didn't stop him.

The combat power of Sky Palace cannot be compared with Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong.

This is also normal.

During this time, apart from fighting, Zhao Yang was also cultivating disciples of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong.

For example, Zhao Yang will use Huangliang Yimeng to allow a thousand disciples to enter the state of enlightenment, and Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong have enjoyed this benefit to as many as millions.

As for the state of enlightenment that some middle and high-level people have entered, it is not once or twice, which is why the monks of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong are so powerful.

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