Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1110 Business Talent

Zhao Yang's current potential is the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, Lin Caihan's current potential is the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, Tang Yiren, Mingyue, and Xu Hui'er's current potential is the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, Yuan Jin'er, Leng Qingqiu, and blue crucian carp have the current potential It is the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

The more terrifying their potential, the deeper their understanding of Dao.

They will set aside one or two days every month to open the forum and preach.

May I ask which sect has such a lineup?

Even for a sect as old as the Five Elements Forbidden Zone, the strongest is only the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm, so what about the cultivation techniques of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?

Can it be compared with the peak of the Nine Yang Xuangong Emperor Realm practiced by Zhao Yang?Can it be compared with Lin Caihan and other female cultivators who practiced immortal phoenixes in the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm?

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan to teach them such high-level exercises, but they have been broadened their horizons by such high-level exercises.

This is the reason for comprehending by analogy.

In addition, Zhao Yang destroyed some holy places and restricted areas in recent years. The exercises in the holy places and restricted areas were rearranged by Zhao Yang. He absorbed the essence of those exercises and created more powerful exercises.

Normally speaking, it would take at least thousands of years to do this.

But who made Zhao Yang have a dream of Huangliang?

In fact, he spent thousands of years back and forth in Huangliang Yimeng.

Therefore, even though the qualifications of the monks from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Pure Yang Sect are lower, they are still the latecomers.

But now, after being tempered by iron and blood, the combat effectiveness of the monks of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong has been further improved.

"You don't want to leave too, do you?" At this time, Ruoshui came over and said with a sad face.

With the help of so many forces in the past two years, their pressure has been greatly relieved.

But if the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong also left, the pressure on them would be even greater.

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong will definitely leave, but not now." Zhao Yang said softly.

There are also many monks who have lost Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong in recent years.

But the growth of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong is obvious to all.

"Tell us before you leave, otherwise we won't be able to take measures." Ruoshui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"I will tell you one month in advance." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

And just as the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the monks of the Pure Yang Sect continued to fight here, a large number of star beads appeared on the market, and the appearance of a large number of star beads directly caused the price of star beads to continue to plummet.

At this time, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce continued to purchase these star beads through various channels.

In just half a month, one hundred thousand drops of Zhundi medicine liquid was consumed.

"President, the Zhundi medicinal liquid in the Zongmen treasury is gone." Tanlang said in a deep voice.

Tanlang has been the person in charge of the treasury of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce headquarters since he became emperor.

"I remember that there seems to be more than 20 Zhundi medicinal liquid in the treasury?" Tang Yiren was stunned after hearing this.

"I used more than 7 drops a while ago." Lin Caihan looked at Tanlang and said, "How many more at this time?"

"There are still 3 drops." Tanlang said a number.

"Leave [-] drops of Zhundi Spirit Liquid for emergency, and take out the rest to buy star beads." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

"Just keep [-] drops?" Tan Lang's expression changed involuntarily.

Seeing that all the quasi-di spiritual liquid has been used to buy star beads for so many years, Tanlang's heart is bleeding.

He subconsciously felt that Lin Caihan would lose everything.

"Just three months is enough." Tang Yiren said at this time.

"Why?" Jian Chen asked puzzled.

"The major restricted areas are now unable to hold on to leave, and they have also obtained a large number of star beads. Many of the star beads on the market are from the major restricted areas." Tang Yiren explained, "In other words, no one will Will sell star beads again."

"But the market is already saturated." Tanlang expressed his opinion.

"First, the market is saturated just because you think it's saturated. In fact, too many monks haven't bought star beads. I noticed that there are still some guys who are waiting for star beads to continue to fall: second, star beads are mainly in the first District circulation, and the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth districts all have our markets." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Hearing this, Tanlang pondered for a while and said, "Even if your guess is correct, why are you sure that three months is enough?"

"Because at that time I will let the intelligence personnel release the news, saying that the three major restricted areas will soon be unable to stop the star beasts in the sky. In this case, do you think the emperor's medicine is more important or life is more important?" Lin Caihan looked at Tanlang glance.

Greedy Wolf was stunned.

Then he smiled wryly, "It seems that I am very suitable to be the person in charge of the treasury, and I shouldn't be involved in the affairs of the sect."

From Lin Caihan's analysis, Tan Lang can imagine what crazy actions the cultivator will make to protect himself after the news spreads?

And Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has rumored that there are a large number of star beads, do you think those guys can't be tempted?

In the following time, Lin Caihan spent all the [-] Zhundi medicine liquid in the treasury, and then took out her and Tang Yiren's small treasury to buy star beads.

After more than half a month passed like this, the price of star beads finally did not drop as much as before.

As a result, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce publicly sold several batches of star beads on a large scale. Tang Yiren, the branch president of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, even said that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has enough star beads, and will sell them every three days.

Although the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has not entered the first district, who doesn't know the entire fairyland of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?

The behavior of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce caused the price of Star Beads, which had just stabilized, to fall again.

And the downward trend is even faster than before.

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce got 3000 million star beads this time."

"3000 million? That's already the old calendar. The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will throw out 1000 million star beads every three days."

"Oh my god, wouldn't the star beads be worthless by then?"

"That's right, I sold the star beads in my hands before the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce launched them on a large scale."

All the major forces were frightened by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce's generous spending.

Therefore, they scrambled to reduce the price to sell the excess star beads in their hands.

"President, will we really sell 1000 million star beads every day?" Jian Chen asked.

"One million is enough." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.


"Don't you understand fictitious transactions? Find one of our people, make large-scale purchases, and let the world know." Lin Caihan said lightly, "The more we hype, the lower the price of star beads on the market will be. .”

"Fictitious transaction?" Jian Chen was a little confused.

Jian Chen didn't expect to be able to play like this?

"We only need to pay 100 million star beads every three days, but we can sweep up to tens of millions of star beads in the market, and more importantly, we also earn the difference from it." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

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