Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1108 For Star Beads

After these [-] soldiers fought here for three days, they will be replaced by the next batch of [-] soldiers.

Zhao Yang regards this place as a training ground.

The result is that there is not much pressure on the restricted area of ​​the elements, and the haze that has shrouded their hearts since then has been swept away. They even feel that it will not be a problem to persist for a hundred years.

Tian Xing came here today.

When he saw that Zhao Yang had brought one hundred thousand soldiers from the Pure Yang Sect to join the battle, he suddenly became ill.

"Brother Zhao, you can't help Ruoshui like this just because Ruoshui is a woman." Tian Xing said angrily.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Did you know that after you left, the pressure on our defense line increased again?"

"That's it, actually you..." Zhao Yanggang was interrupted by Ruoxi when he said this, "Since the pressure in the five-element restricted area is so great, husband, you might as well go over there and help."

Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi suspiciously.

"If you let other forces participate, how can we sell the star beads?" Ruoxi said via voice transmission.

"Sell money?"

"You don't know that rare things are valuable, right?" Ruoxi blinked at Zhao Yang and said, "I believe that now the major restricted areas don't know about the Lingzhu, if the major restricted areas know about the Lingzhu After the incident, do you think the major restricted areas can not send experts to come here?"

"I seem to understand something?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"In the early stage, we could make a fortune by relying on Lingzhu, maybe you don't know how expensive Lingzhu is outside?" Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Your Sky Palace has been selling spirit beads?"


"You don't have to worry about being an enemy."

"First, we sell our Lingzhu to all ethnic groups, and the sales land is very scattered; second, which ethnic group dares to provoke the human race now? Third, Master and I also want to save some Quasi-Emperor Medicine Liquid."

"Preserve Zhundi medicinal liquid?"

"In the future, Master and I want to set foot on the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm. You don't know how much quasi-emperor medicinal liquid is needed for the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"How much have you earned during this time?"

"I've earned [-] drops of Zhundi medicine." Ruoxi said hehe.

"I have to ask Caihan to sell the star beads when I go back." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"So, this matter cannot involve other forces."

"I understand." Zhao Yang nodded.

Then Zhao Yang looked at Tianxingdao, "How about I send [-] soldiers to your Five Elements restricted area later?"

"That's right." Tian Xing laughed.

Zhao Yang did what he said.

He asked Tang Yiren to lead the team in person, and then asked Tai Chang to follow.

Zhao Yang was worried about an accident.

As for why Chanjuan was not allowed to follow, it was because Chanjuan was breaking through the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Zhao Yang doesn't want to disturb Chanjuan.

"What happened to the restricted area of ​​the ancient mine?" What did Zhao Yang suddenly think of?

"The situation in the restricted area of ​​the ancient mine is not optimistic." Tian Xing said after thinking about it.

"In this way, your two major restricted areas will help the ancient mine restricted area one or two times, so you can't let the ancient mine restricted area collapse, right?"

"It's no problem for us to assist the restricted area of ​​the ancient mine, but the premise is that you have to assist us." Ruoshui said in a deep voice.

"No problem, I won't leave in a short time." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

After the two parties reached an agreement, the Five Elements Forbidden Zone and the Elemental Forbidden Zone respectively sent a team to assist the Ancient Mine Forbidden Zone.

With the passage of time, the number of monks from Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong also increased from 30 to [-].

Of course, the increase in the number inevitably resulted in casualties.

And this was within Zhao Yang's expectations.

As long as there is a battle, it is impossible to avoid casualties.

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce!

"Have you sold the star beads?" Zhao Yang asked Lin Caihan.

"I've been selling all this time." Lin Caihan said softly, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just asking, who did you sell to?"

"A group that is not very friendly to the human race?"


"How expensive the star beads are in the early stage, they will be so cheap in the later stage." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "Nowadays, the major forces don't know where the star beads come from. Once those forces find out, we don't want to buy them again." monopolize the business."

"How much Zhundi medicine liquid have you earned during this time?"

"Forty-eight thousand drops." Lin Caihan smiled slightly.

The star beads that Lin Caihan took out were actually only a small part, and most of the star beads were used by the monks of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Besides, Zhao Yang has a steady stream of star beads every day, so she doesn't need to worry about not having enough star beads.

"You said that since the Dao of Heaven wants to destroy us, why does the star beast have star beads in its body?" Lin Caihan said puzzled.

"Heaven will not kill you when you do things, it will always leave you a chance." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "As for whether you can grasp it, it depends on your luck." At this point, Zhao Yang changed the subject, "Your belly seems to be half a year old, why is it still not big?"

"I asked, and some have been for several years."

"several years?"

"It's not like there are decades."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

As time went by, there were more and more star beads on the market, and Xianting was the first to notice the star beads.

After investigation, Xianting found that the sellers of the star beads were the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Sky Palace.

After many inquiries, Xianting discovered that the star beads came from the star beasts gushing out from the cracks in the depths of the sky.

Immortal Emperor immediately decided to send the army of Xianting to help after going to the Five Elements restricted area to observe the battle scene.

The arrival of the Xianting army greatly eased the difficult situation in the Five Elements restricted area.

It's just that the Xianting army was quickly met with Waterloo.

The bloodthirsty of the star beast shocked the Immortal Court Army, and the Immortal Court Army lost tens of thousands of soldiers on the first day.

Fortunately, there were not so many casualties on the second day, but they also reached an astonishing [-].

This made the Five Elements Forbidden Zone realize that not all the soldiers of any clan are as powerful as the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect.

The secrecy of Xianting is far inferior to that of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Chunyangzong, or even Sky Palace.

Not long after the star beads were sold here in Xianting, all the restricted areas knew about the star beads.

"Gu Tong, you immediately lead an army of 30 to the restricted area of ​​the ancient mine." The patriarch of the Gu clan summoned Gu Tong and gave him an order.

"Patriarch, I think it's better not to go." What the Patriarch of the Gu Clan didn't expect was that Gu Tong would say these words.

"Why?" The patriarch of the ancient clan looked at the ancient passage in puzzlement.

"I have fought with star beasts, and they are very powerful. I don't know how many of the 30 soldiers I can bring back in the end?" Gu Tong said in a deep voice, "Let's put it this way, this is destined to be a loss-making business."

"If it's a loss-making business, why are there so many star beads on the market? Don't you think Xianting will also make a loss-making business?" The Patriarch of the Gu Clan snorted coldly.

"It's hard to get off the tiger in Xianting right now." Gu Tong said softly.

"Go as soon as I tell you, why are there so many nonsense?" The patriarch of the ancient clan said angrily, "You don't know how precious star beads are? With star beads, we can develop faster, right?"

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