Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1107 Unfavorable in the first battle

"Whoever is willing to join the war will follow me." Ruoxi then changed the subject.

Ruoxi is going to fight.

She wants to set an example for the disciples of Sky Palace.

Soon one girl after another followed behind Ruoxi, but a third of the girls still did not move.

Their feet seemed to take root.

Can't move.

What they don't know is that Ruoxi is also very nervous at this moment.

But she has to.

She is the Young Mistress of the Firmament Palace, if she is cowarded, the Firmament Palace will be over.


When she came to the battlefield, Ruoxi turned into a phoenix and flew towards the star beast in front.

A large number of star beasts died under the flames of the phoenix.

"120 and six." Ruoxi counted with surprise on her face.

But then she saw more and more star beasts rushing towards her.

And the disciples of Cang Qiong Palace were also encouraged one by one when they saw their young palace master killing people there.

The appearance of Phoenix immediately attracted Zhao Yang's attention.

"Why is Ruoxi here?" Zhao Yang frowned.

Then Zhao Yang summoned Taiqing, Shangqing and Yuqing.

"As long as it doesn't involve life and death, you can just watch from the side." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Sanqing took the order to leave.

After all, Ruoxi's side still didn't have much combat experience, and after only three breaths, casualties appeared on her side.

A girl was impaled in the body, and a girl had her arm bitten off.

After Ruoxi took the two girls into the small world, he led the disciples of the Sky Palace to form a battle formation.

As a result, the battle array was smashed to pieces by the fierce beasts before it showed its power.

Seeing a girl about to be swallowed by a star beast, Taiqing secretly used his ice eyes to freeze the star beast.

"Everyone stay together, keep the outside world together, and don't be scattered by the star beast." Ruoxi organized the disciples of the Sky Palace to stop them while rescuing the scattered disciples of the Sky Palace.

About half an hour later, six thousand disciples finally gathered together.

But there are [-] disciples who wear colors on their bodies.

"Everyone, the star beasts aren't that scary?" Ruoxi pointed at the corpses on the ground and said, "Did you see that? We killed these star beasts."

Ruoxi's words inspired many disciples of Sky Palace.

"Young Palace Master, someone is secretly helping us." Ruoqing said softly, "Just now when I was almost killed by a peak beast, that beast was frozen."

"Is it frozen?" Ruoxi was startled.

"Yeah, haven't you noticed that none of our disciples from the Sky Palace have fallen?"

"It seems to be true." Speaking of this, Ruoxi looked in Zhao Yang's direction and said, "Could it be that your husband helped?"

"It's possible." Ruoqing nodded.

"I'll ask after the end." Ruoxi said in a deep voice.

After fighting hard for another half an hour, there are less than two thousand people on Ruoxi's side who are still fighting.

"Retreat." Ruoxi immediately gave the order to retreat.

As a result, the star beast also saw Ruoxi's intention to retreat, so it frantically blocked it.

After seeing this situation, Taiqing had no choice but to show up to help open the way.

Because by this time there is no way to hide anymore.

With the help of Taiqing, Ruoxi and others finally returned to the line of defense.

The remaining [-] disciples sat on the ground without any image.

"We came back alive."

"If it weren't for the secret protection of masters, we would have died long ago, okay?"

"I don't know if others will die or not, but I'm definitely over. I was scattered just now, and at the same time, twelve star beasts rushed towards me, but they exploded in an instant."

"Yeah, it sounds dangerous."

"Actually, have you discovered that fierce beasts are not that scary?"

"I will go to the battlefield again after recovering to the peak."

Listening to these girls discuss the more than 3000 girls who have not been on the battlefield before is very ashamed.

Some girls decided to go to the battlefield next time, some girls were still hesitating, and of course some were frightened by the blood.

"Ruoxi, why did you bring the disciples from Sky Palace here?" Zhao Yang came here after finishing the battle.

"I came here for the star beads before, but now I find that the disciples of the Sky Palace need to come here." Ruoxi said in a deep voice, "Look, some of these guys even peed their pants in fright. What will you do when the beast invades?"

Seeing this, Zhao Yang was stunned.

She didn't expect Ruoxi to have such insights.

"I suddenly felt that what you said made sense."


"I'm going to bring the disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzi here to train."

"It's going to kill people."

"Casualties are inevitable. Of course, there must be masters watching in the early stage." Zhao Yang said this and left towards the distance.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

Half a day later, Zhao Yang arrived here with one hundred thousand soldiers from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

For the safety of the [-] soldiers, Zhao Yang brought half of the quasi-emperors with him.

"Your task is to be responsible for their safety." Zhao Yang told the quasi-emperors and sent the [-] soldiers to the battlefield.

The disciples of the Sky Palace stood on the edge of the battlefield to watch their battle.

The disciples of the Sky Palace thought that the disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce would be like them, but what they didn't expect was that the disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce had a certain degree of advance and retreat. After the initial panic, they quickly stabilized the situation.

They advance and retreat for the first time.

They turned into battle formations one by one, constantly dividing the star beasts that rushed over.


"The combat literacy of the monks of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is too high, right?"

"If I didn't know that President Lin couldn't cheat, I would suspect that they had been here before."

"Have you noticed that their attack formation is very clever?"

"I heard that Zhao Yang is the number one expert in the formation of the younger generation."

"You only noticed the formations, didn't you notice their combat effectiveness?"

"Their combat power is stronger than ours, to be precise, at least one level stronger."

"How long has the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce been established, and how has it developed to this stage?"

What many disciples of Sky Palace don't know is that many disciples of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have been trained by Huangliang Yimeng.

Everyone is on the same starting line.

But I have ten years more practice time than you for no reason, what can you do to catch up?

Not to mention that my resources are better than yours, my exercises are better than yours, and my teacher is better than yours.

The disciples of Sky Palace found it incredible, but this is the truth.

An hour later, the 6000 soldiers returned to the defense line to rest. The disciples of the Sky Palace noticed that [-] people from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce had been injured, and the remaining [-] monks still maintained some combat effectiveness.

What do you mean?

That is, people can rise up and fight again at any time.

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