"This is a good thing." Zhao Yang explained the purpose of the star beads to Ruoxi, after which Ruoxi made a fuss and wanted to go to the battlefield.

"You'd better not go to the battlefield, and your efficiency is too low." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Let's put it this way, my efficiency is hundreds of times yours."

"Don't look down on people." Ruoxi wrinkled her nose and said.

"I have to support the restricted area of ​​the elements for a while, so don't practice this part of the teacher, after your potential has been raised to the third level of the emperor's realm, if you practice the exercises again, you will get twice the result with half the effort." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Then Zhao Yang left here.

When Zhao Yang came to the battlefield again, he found that the defense line was crumbling again.

"Why are you so scumbags?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Before, your wanton killing caused the star beast to take revenge, but you left again. Do you know how hard we resisted." Ruoshui said with a wry smile, "I'm exhausted."

"You can rest here." Zhao Yang said and plunged into the battlefield again.

He turned into a giant tyrannosaurus and carried out a brutal massacre of the star beast lineage.

That's right.


Every time Zhao Yang made a move, thousands of star beasts were killed.

Wherever he appears, there is a vacuum.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

If Zhao Yang was still hiding in the Five Elements restricted area, then he didn't hide much in the Elemental restricted area.

Since it was exposed at the very beginning, Zhao Yang didn't care.


Zhao Yang stayed in the forbidden zone for a month, and he killed 230 million star beasts.

The star beast's offensive indulgence is no longer ferocious.

It seemed that they also realized that Zhao Yang was an insurmountable moat.

It doesn't matter how much you put in.

"I'll leave for a few days first." After seeing this scene, Zhao Yang found Ruoshui.

"Are you still here?" Ruoshui said with some reluctance.

The appearance of Zhao Yang greatly eased the tension on the front line.

"Come on." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, as long as I'm not in the closed door, you can come to me at any time."

"Really?" Ruoshui's eyes lit up.

"Really." Zhao Yang nodded.

After bidding farewell to the Elemental Clan, Zhao Yang returned to the Sky Palace.

After arriving at the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang gave Ruoxi the blood-stained millions of star beads, "Ruoxi, you watch and distribute the star beads."

"So many star beads?"


"Does this mean that you killed more than 200 million star beasts in one month?"


"Won't your will collapse?" Bi Luo asked in a deep voice.

"I'm just honing my will."

"You must pay attention. You know that many people have gone mad."

"I will be careful."

After Bi Luo followed Zhao Yang to the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang took out the Qiankun formation diagram, "Master, you should practice on this formation diagram."

After Bi Luo sat on the formation map, Zhao Yang took out the time spar again.

"Master, you sprinkle three thousand drops of Zhundi medicine on the formation map." Zhao Yang continued.

Biluo complied.

After staying in the time domain for three years, Bi Luo successfully broke through to the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

After arriving at the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm, Bi Luo found that both her cultivation and comprehension had improved by a stage.

"It won't be so difficult to understand the Phoenix Immortality at this time." Bi Luo said with emotion.

"Master, after you return to the sect, you can polish this realm again. Remember, don't waste time spar." Zhao Yang said seriously, "I will help you improve in a few years."

"It's true that we have to wait a few years. There is a lot to comprehend in the third realm." Bi Luo nodded and said.

After returning to Zongmen, Bi Luo was in deep thought.

Ruoxi came to Biluo's study after finishing dealing with the sect's affairs.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

"Do you want to set foot on the Fifth Heaven of Emperor Realm?"

"Think about it." Ruoxi said without thinking.

"But we don't have that much Quasi-Emperor Medicine Liquid." Bi Luo said softly, "We want to go from the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm to the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm, we need [-] drops of the Quasi-Emperor Medicine Liquid. Fifty-four thousand drops of quasi-diyao liquid are needed."

"So many." Ruoxi was also frightened.

"I don't think even Zhao Yang can easily get out so much Zhundi medicinal liquid." Bi Luo said with certainty, "After all, the Pure Yang Sect and the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce need too many resources."

"The Quasi-Emperor medicinal liquid in our treasury is enough for the two of us alone." Ruoxi said after thinking about it, "Why don't you ascend to the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm first, as for me, we will talk about it in the future."

"If I use those Quasi-Emperor medicinal liquids, our Sky Palace won't be able to function." Bi Luo said with a wry smile.

"How about we go grab it?" Ruoxi asked with twinkling eyes.

"I mean, let's send an elite team to the five-element restricted area or the elemental restricted area. Let's help kill the star beast. I think the restricted area will be very welcome." Biluo said carefully, "At that time, let's exchange the star beast for the quasi-emperor medicinal liquid .”

"That's a good idea." Ruoxi said softly, "Well, let me lead the team there."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety." Bi Luo said in a deep voice.

"Master, don't forget that I have a guardian seal." Ruoxi said with a smile, "So don't worry about my safety."

After Zhao Yang stayed in Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong for a month, he set off for the forbidden zone of elements.

After getting the news, Ruoxi led an army of tens of thousands of people to the restricted area of ​​the element.

The Elemental Forbidden Zone was shocked to learn that the Firmament Palace had come to help.

Are there any volunteers to help these days?

Don't they know how dangerous and powerful the star beast is?

After Ruoxi led an army of [-] to the front of the battlefield, when the disciples of the Sky Palace saw the fearless star beast, many girls' calves were shaking.

"The fighting power of the star beast is so strong."

"Why do I think that fierce beasts are more powerful than us?"

"I think it will be swallowed in minutes." When these girls were discussing with pale faces, a disciple of the forbidden element said, "Actually, the fighting power of fierce beasts is not very strong. The main reason is that star beasts are not afraid of death. They are desperate to die." They will also tear off a piece of your flesh, and their team awareness is extremely strong, often in order to kill an opponent, they will not hesitate to act as bait."

Following the eloquence of that person, Ruoxi and the others knew how dangerous the battlefield was?

"Young Palace Master, I don't want to join the battle." After a while, a girl was about to cry when she said this.

"Young Palace Master, I want to go back."

"Young Palace Master, can I not join the battle?"

Seeing that many girls do not want to participate in the war, Ruoxi finally realized the seriousness of the matter, "Have you ever thought about what will happen if the star beasts rush to our home one day? At that time, you still don't want to participate in the war, are you afraid?"

Some girls lowered their heads.

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