"What if we can't stop the star beast?" Gu Tong asked bitterly after a while.

The gray-haired boy was too lazy to answer his question.

Zhao Yang walked towards the front line.

He saw tens of thousands of formation masters repairing the formation of the first front.

"We have built ten lines of defense one after another over the years, but they were eventually breached by a steady stream of star beasts." The gray-haired boy said at this time, "At this moment, the formation master is repairing the most advanced formation. The line of defense won't last long."

"You don't build more lines of defense?" Gu Tong said.

"We don't have so much manpower and material resources, three lines of defense is the limit." The gray-haired boy said, pointing to the third line of defense, "Once the star beast attacks the third line of defense, it means we have failed."

"What about after failure?"


"Where are you going?"

"Part of the bloodline goes to the outer sky. We can't cut off the bloodline. As for the rest, go to various places in the fairyland to fight side by side with you."

"Have you ever thought about letting the forces in the major restricted areas help in the sniping?" Zhao Yang thought about it and put forward his own idea.

"How many guys do you think are willing to risk their lives to stop them?" The gray-haired boy sneered, "Those guys don't care about their own personal interests, so they won't make a move?"

After speaking, the gray-haired boy rushed to the forefront with the flow of people.

The star beasts could not be allowed to attack the defense line crazily, this required some soldiers to take the initiative to attack.

The gray-haired boy was like a god of war. He carried a shining sword and beheaded star beasts one after another.

"Do you know him?" Zhao Yang asked.

"I heard that he is the strongest Emperor Tianyan in the Five Elements forbidden zone." Gu Tong replied.

"Do you want to make a move?"

"It's rare to come here." Gu Tong nodded.

Zhao Yang and Gu Tong also joined the battle circle.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base has reached the eighth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, but even those who are at the peak of quasi-emperor are not his opponents.

When Zhao Yang killed dozens of star beasts with one sword, he saw the beads left behind by those star beasts after they fell.

"What is this?" Zhao Yang asked a soldier not far away.

"This is a star bead." The soldier replied.

"What's the use of star beads?"

"Three star beads of the quasi-emperor realm of the third heaven can make a quasi-emperor realm of the second heaven advance." The soldier replied, "This is the case in all major realms."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang seems to understand why the strength of the Five Elements forbidden area is so strong?

Gu Tong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Xingzhu, I suddenly have the idea of ​​fighting here for a long time." Gu Tong laughed loudly.

"Me too." Zhao Yang said as he rushed towards the depths.

Zhao Yang felt as if he had entered the land of no one.

Since his cultivation had reached the eighth level of the quasi-emperor realm, Zhao Yang's potential had also naturally reached the seventh level of the emperor's realm.

And after reaching this realm, Zhao Yang's fighting power can be described as terrifying.

"Who is that guy?"

"Almost all the star beasts in his area were beheaded by him."

"Hurry up and take advantage of this time to repair the line of defense."

"That guy is so fierce."

"It seems to be the emperor's son in the first district."

"Is the emperor in the first district so fierce? Why do I feel that he is stronger than our emperor?"

Tian Xing couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang when he heard this.

When he saw Zhao Yang drifting away, he hurriedly shouted, "Don't go too deep, and be careful not to be attacked by the emperor-level powerhouse among the star beasts."

Just as Tian Xing said this, a big withered hand tore the sky and slapped it down in the direction of Zhao Yang.

"Not good." The Emperor of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone was about to make a move after seeing this scene, but found himself locked by a terrifying divine sense.

The Emperor of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone was targeted.

Zhao Yang's crazy killing has attracted the attention of the emperor among the star beasts.

Seeing that those big hands were about to fall on him, Zhao Yang summoned the Four Elephant Beast hastily.

Si Xiang Beast looked at the big hand that was close at hand, and his face turned green.


Is there such a pit master?

Although the Four Elephant Beast has reached the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm under Zhao Yang's training these years, it is not an opponent of the Emperor Realm powerhouse?

Everyone was also stunned.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

Let the four elephants block it?

You know it's of no use at all?

The Four Elephant Beast is only a quasi-emperor existence, how can it withstand the blow of a strong emperor?

Seeing that the pair of big hands were about to fall on Sixiang Beast, the plum blossom imprint on Sixiang Beast's eyebrows appeared, and then a colorful light appeared on its body, covering Zhao Yang and Sixiang Beast.

Immediately, the plum blossoms peeled off and turned into a cage to imprison the star beast of the imperial realm that was shot.

"The next step is up to you." Zhao Yang said to Tiandao in the small world.

The Heavenly Dao of the Small World imprisoned the Star Beast in the Emperor Realm in the Small World immediately.

The star beast in the Emperor Realm is only from the first heaven, and now it is imprisoned by the guardian seal. The Heavenly Dao of the small world still claims to have a way.

But at this moment, Zhao Yang also realized that he couldn't go deep, so after he took the four elephants into the small world, he tore apart the space and returned to the battle line as soon as possible.

The masters of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone glanced at Zhao Yang and stopped paying attention.

No matter how brave Zhao Yang is, how long can he last?

And the star beasts are endless.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang joined the battlefield later, he was like a machine and never knew how to get tired.

He fought for a day and night before returning to the front line to rest.

"Your potential is beyond the fourth heaven, right?" the gray-haired boy came to Zhao Yang and asked.

"Five heavens." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

He can't reach the seventh heaven by himself, can he?

"No wonder I think you are better than me." The gray-haired boy suddenly realized, "I didn't believe it before when the ancestor said you were better than me, but now I believe it."

"Wait, your potential is the fifth heaven of the imperial realm?" Gu Tong seemed to have discovered a new continent.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Zhao Yang looked at the ancient passage.

"Didn't you tell me before that your potential is the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"Do you believe the one who lied to you?" Zhao Yang glanced at Gu Tong.

Gu Tong really didn't know what to say.


You also cheat on this kind of thing?

Do you know that there is a huge difference between the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm and the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm?

"Brother, you will be my brother from now on." Gu Tong looked at Zhao Yang with hot eyes and said, "From now on, if you tell me to go east, I will never dare to go west."

"You think I don't know that you have two hearts for me these years?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly.

"Brother, doesn't that mean you don't know your brilliance?" Gu Tong said shyly.

"Your potential is so high, come with us when the time comes." Tian Xing said softly after a while.

"Go to the outer world?"

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