Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1101 Origin of Star Beast

"The Bone Race killed the Immortal Court disciple, this matter cannot be let go."

"Give me some face, let's let this matter go, how about it?" The gray-robed old man really wanted to say that without your control, how could this matter have evolved to such a state?

"The Bone Race must push horizontally today." After a while, the Immortal Emperor said solemnly.

"Then stop here, okay?" the old man in gray robe said after thinking about it.

He also saw that if the Immortal Emperor was stopped, more serious conflicts would probably occur.

The fairy emperor's eyes flickered.

He is a little unwilling.

How many resources did you get by only pushing a restricted area horizontally?

"It's not just my intention to come this time." The gray-robed old man said seriously.

How could the Immortal Emperor fail to recognize that this was a threat?

However, he didn't have much confidence in defeating the gray-robed old man in front of him, so he took advantage of the situation and said, "Okay, after pushing the Bone Race horizontally, we'll stop here."

"Thank you, on behalf of the common people of the Immortal Territory, thank you." The gray-robed old man said seriously.

The Immortal Emperor frowned, "What do you mean?"

"We will soon be unable to stop the star beast. Once the line is torn, we can only rely on you." The gray-robed old man said in a deep voice.

"Star beast?"

"Back then, the line was torn apart, and a star beast escaped. Heavenly Court led the crowd to attack, and finally the whole army was wiped out." When the gray-robed old man said this, the faces of all the monks in the audience changed.

The news is really astonishing.

The Heavenly Court actually perished because of the Star Beast!

"How long can you hold back?" asked the Supreme of the Titan family.

"The longest is a hundred years, and the shortest is ten years." The words of the old man in gray robe shocked all the monks in the audience.

No one thought that the situation would be so severe?

When the news reached the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Lin Caihan discussed with Tang Yiren and other high-level sect leaders and decided to invest in monks at all stages in the next ten years.

There can no longer be any distinctions.

Once the star beasts descend in the future, only top experts are not enough.

"It just so happens that we got a lot of resources from the forbidden zone this time." Tang Yiren said softly, "Buying time for the future will increase the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce several times."

"Ten years later, we will be only a thin line away from the emperor's realm." Lin Caihan said leisurely.

Lin Caihan was very happy.

She was glad that the gray-robed old man and the others fought for ten more years.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce today, it simply cannot stop the wolf-like star beast?

"Next, everyone must take action. In the next ten years, we will increase the strength of the sect at all costs." Lin Caihan glanced around the audience and said, "The resources of the sect are open without limit."

Zhao Yang left the customs two months later.

At this time, his cultivation has reached the eighth level of quasi-emperor realm.

After he heard about the Star Beast, Zhao Yang first stayed in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce for a month, during which Zhao Yang helped Lin Caihan and the others to gather the guardian seal again.

At this time, even the guardian seals of the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven would not be able to hurt them in the slightest.

Then Zhao Yang set off for the Five Elements Forbidden Zone.

"Why did you go to the Five Elements Forbidden Zone after you said it well?" Gu Tong said a little puzzled.

"Don't you want to learn more about the star beast?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I'm ready to run away." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that Gu Tong would say these words.

"Run? Where can you go?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Unless you can go to the sky?"

"I really want to go to the sky? It's a pity that I don't have that strength." Gu Tong said helplessly.

"So let's find out."

Under the leadership of Gu Tong, the two of them took a few days in the bronze chariot to reach the Five Elements Forbidden Zone.

"Heavenly Court Zhao Yang."

"Gutong of the ancient clan."

The two revealed their identities to the guardians of the five-element forbidden zone. Not long after, a gray-haired boy came to the door.

"I don't know what's the reason for the two of you to come to my Five Elements restricted area?" The gray-haired boy asked directly.

Gu Tong was stunned.

He wanted to say that this guy's EQ was too low.

How about a few words of pleasantries, don't you?

"We want to know about the star beasts." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Star beast? Yes." The gray-haired boy nodded and said, "I'm about to go to the front line, why don't you two go with me."

"Okay." Zhao Yang responded.

Not long after the gray-haired boy left, Zhao Yang saw a crack in the depths of the sky, and from that crack, beasts filled with starlight poured out one after another.

Those star beasts bravely charged again and again towards the defense line constructed by the Five Elements restricted area.

"There are so many masters in the five-element restricted zone." Gu Tong was shocked when he saw the densely packed soldiers.

Gu Tong's current cultivation base has also reached the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and it is precisely because of this that he discovered that there are so many masters in the Five Elements Forbidden Zone.

"I have seen no less than thirty of the Zhundi Eighth Heaven." Gu Tong swallowed dryly.

There are only 22 statues of the ancient Zhundi Bachongtian, okay?

"There are [-] quasi-emperors and eighth heavens in the forbidden zone of the five elements." The gray-haired boy said at this time.

Zhao Yang was also shocked by this number.

"How many peak quasi-emperors are there?" Zhao Yang asked subconsciously.

"There are 36 Zhundi at the peak." The red-haired boy didn't seem to care about leaking information about the clan.

"How many statues do you have in the Emperor Realm?" Gu Tong rolled his eyes and asked.

"There is one statue from the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm, two statues from the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, four statues from the second heaven of the Emperor Realm, and nine statues from the first heaven of the Emperor Realm." The gray-haired boy said lightly.

Gu Tong's eyeballs almost popped out in shock.

He has always thought that there are three or four emperor-level powerhouses in the Five Elements restricted area?Who would have thought that there are nine gods in the first heaven of Guangdi Realm.

He can only use the four words of madness to describe it.

Zhao Yang was also surprised by the strength of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone. Only then did he realize that Xianting was not enough to look at in front of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone.

"You guys are so powerful, can't you stop the star beast?" After a while, Gu Tong suddenly thought of something.

He was thinking that if such a tyrannical existence as the Five Elements restricted area could not be stopped, then could these restricted areas be blocked?

It's not possible at all, is it?

"We've lost one-third of our power over the years." The gray-haired boy said leisurely while looking into the distance, "while the star beast's offensive power is constantly increasing."

"Enhancement?" Gu Tong was stunned when he heard this, "Why? I see that the star beasts are losing every point, how could their strength be increasing?"

"Do you know the origin of the star beast?"

"What?" Gu Tong shook his head.

"The star beast is actually a product of the heavens."

"You won't tell me that Tiandao wants to kill us?"


Gu Tong couldn't help but gasped, "I'm a bit messed up."

"The way of heaven in Xianyu has not been perfect, even now, it is still not very perfect." The gray-haired boy said young, "In order to delay his life, Xianyu began to attack the creatures in Xianyu."

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