Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1103 Elemental Forbidden Zone


"There are people in Xianyu who I can't let go of."

"Just put them in your little world."

"I have a way to leave." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, Tian Xing stopped persuading him.

Zhao Yang was talking about Chanjuan.

With the help of the time spar, Chanjuan will have no problem stepping into the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm within ten years.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang believes that it is impossible for the star beast to occupy the fairyland in an instant.

They still have time.

Then Zhao Yang and Gu Tong continued to kill the star beasts here.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

What no one expected was that Zhao Yang stayed here for a year.

"My brother, we should go." Gu Tong no longer wanted to make a move.

During this period of time, he was killing every day, and his mind was about to collapse.

If this is said, no one will believe it?

Who can believe that the emperor of the ancient clan, the guy who kills like hemp, will get tired of killing one day.

But this is the fact.

For a year, Gu Tong killed star beasts every day, and he killed at least 30 star beasts.

"Okay, let's talk about staying here for a year." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Looking at the smile on Zhao Yang's face, Gu Tong really didn't know what to say.

"How many star beasts have you killed in total?"

"More than 460 million." After thinking about it, Zhao Yang gave a number.

Gu Tong's pupils shrank, "My brother, aren't you afraid that your mind will collapse?"

"No." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I will continue to come here after I go back and take a rest."

"Are you trying to improve the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect?" Gu Tong said in surprise.

"This is only one aspect. To be honest, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong have a lot of resources. I mainly want to hone my will." Zhao Yang said seriously.

Gu Tong thought for a while but shook his head, "I'll have to cultivate myself for ten years when I go back, and I won't use weapons within ten years." Now when he thinks of killing people, Gu Tong feels sick.

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Since Lin Caihan opened up the supply of resources, the monks in all realms of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have made great progress.

When Zhao Yang came to Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, he immediately summoned Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren, Jianchen, Xiaomi and Xiaoluo.

"This time I went to the place where the Five Elements Forbidden Zone fought with the star beasts, and I got a lot of star beads there." Zhao Yang said as he waved his hand, beads with a strong bloody smell appeared in the hall.

These beads amounted to more than 400 million.

"What's the use of these beads?" Lin Caihan asked puzzled.

"If a monk at the second level of the quasi-emperor realm refines three star beads of the third level of the quasi-emperor level, his cultivation can be raised to the third level of the quasi-emperor level." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

There are millions of star beads here.

It is conceivable that the strength of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong will be multiplied several times.

"Of course there are not many Star Beads in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but they can also create a master who is in the Quasi-Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang told everyone how to distinguish the level of Star Beads.

"Master, how is the battlefield?" Tang Yiren asked with a smile.

"There's nothing on the battlefield except killing?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I'm going to retreat for the rest of the time."

"Master, are you going to retreat again?" Tang Yiren said reluctantly.

Does she still want to get close to Zhao Yang?

Lin Caihan was about to say something when she suddenly retched.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"Master is so stupid." Tang Yiyi said with a grin.

Zhao Yang immediately thought of something, and he couldn't help looking at Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan nodded slightly towards Zhao Yang.

Lin Caihan understood what Zhao Yang meant.

Zhao Yang's face suddenly showed surprise, "Yiren, your teacher's wife is pregnant, you should worry about the sect's affairs in the future, you know?"

"Master, Master is the quasi-emperor, do you think there will be an accident?" Tang Yiren said angrily.

Zhao Yang slapped his head.

He had forgotten that.

"Anyway, I can't make your teacher tired." Zhao Yang said seriously.

Zhao Yang originally planned to retreat at the first time. After learning that Lin Caihan was married, Zhao Yang stayed with Lin Caihan for half a month, and Zhao Yang did not retreat until Lin Caihan urged her again and again.

Zhao Yang's retreat at this moment is to practice the higher-level Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu.

If Zhao Yang practiced the full version of Nine Suns Xuan Gong before, he probably wouldn't be able to learn it, but now the problem is not so big.

Zhao Yang's potential has reached the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

It took Zhao Yang half a year to practice the full version of the Nine Suns Mysterious Art to a level that matched his own level.

Next, Zhao Yang originally wanted to go to the battlefield, but he thought of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong.

Zhao Yang devoted two months to teaching the monks of Chunyang Sect and Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce respectively.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang also used Huangliang Yimeng to help them realize the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

In this way, Zhao Yang returned to the battlefield again after three months.

When Tianxing saw Zhao Yang, he was in a bad mood.

"What are you doing here?"

"Kill the star beast."

"You only came here after three months of rest?"


"Excellent." Tian Xing stretched out his thumb towards Zhao Yang.

Tian Xing only makes shots occasionally, it is impossible for him to make shots for a long time.

Today, he originally wanted to kill the star beast, but he chose to watch Zhao Yang's attack from the sidelines.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to attract the attention of many experts in the Five Elements restricted area.

"This guy seems to be stronger."

"That's right, in three months, I think his fighting power is much stronger than before."

"I want to know if he had reservations before or did he get a breakthrough in the past three months?"

"Anyway, it's fine if you can't fight against this guy."

Zhao Yang's shot was actually helpful to this line of defense.

Because even the star beasts at the peak of Zhundi couldn't stop Zhao Yang's few moves, and the peak Zhundi on the side of the Five Elements restricted area couldn't do it at all.

What does Zhao Yang say on this front?

Just like the bomb.

As long as he appears in any area, all the monks in that area will be wiped out.

A month or so passed like this, and one day a figure exuding green light came here.

When that person saw the brave Zhao Yang in the field, he was stunned, "Who is this?"

"Zhao Yang, the emperor of the human race." Tian Xing explained.

The one who came here is the emperor's son of the elemental family, and her status among the elements is the same as her own.

After watching for an hour, the girl found that Zhao Yang was still killing, "Doesn't this guy know he's tired?"

"I think this guy has a way to maintain peak combat effectiveness." Tian Xing expressed his guess.

What he didn't know was that Zhao Yang practiced the Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu, and when he reached the state of great accomplishment, the energy would be endless.

"Your line of defense is much better than ours." The girl flickered her eyes and said, "Can you borrow us for a while?"

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