Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1098 Two Senior Brothers Zhang Gui

When Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, he saw two familiar figures.

It was Tanlang and Pojun.

"Senior brothers, why are you back at this time?" Zhao Yang greeted with a smile.

"I heard that you flattened the Devil's Cave, so Pojun and I came back to take a look." Tanlang said with a smile.

Isn't the restricted area so easy to level?

Zhao Yang said it was flat.

Exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Are you going to continue leveling the restricted area?" Po Jun grinned.

"The quasi-emperor is dealing with the Abyss family."

"Abyss Clan?" Po Jun's eyes lit up and said, "We were careful when we passed the sea area, but this time we can finally fight it with great fanfare."

"Are the two senior brothers also planning to make a move?" Zhao Yang asked.

"This is a big event for our lineage of guardians, how could the two of us not participate?" Tanlang said sternly.

"If that's the case, wait a few days before fighting against the Abyss Clan." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Why?" Tanlang asked puzzled, "Why do you have to wait for a few days when the two of us are here?"

"If we are going to fight against the Abyss Clan this time, most of the Supremes in the restricted areas will stop them." Zhao Yang said softly, "At that time, I want the two senior brothers to help stop the two Supremes."

Hearing this, Po Jun staggered, "I said little brother, can you stop making trouble? You asked me to intercept Zhundi Peak, senior brother is absolutely fine, even if the number is more, it doesn't matter, but how can I be the opponent of the Supreme?" ?”

Po Jun is still aware of his own strength.

He is not afraid to deal with the Zhundi peak, but let's forget about dealing with the Supreme?

"What if I'm sure that senior brother can also be promoted to Emperor Realm? If it's at the same level, I don't know if senior brother is sure?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You have the emperor's seal in your hand?" Po Jun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Can you help us elevate to the Emperor Realm?" Tan Lang couldn't calm down anymore.

Emperor Realm.

Who doesn't want to step into this realm?

"Yes." Zhao Yang said as he took out the picture of Emperor Qiankun, "Brother Tanlang, you come first."

Greedy Wolf sat on the Qiankun Formation in doubt, and then Zhao Yang took out a thousand drops of Zhundi medicine and poured it on the Qiankun Formation.

"This is Zhundi medicinal liquid, why are you so prodigal?" Po Jun said with some distress.

"One thousand drops of Zhundi medicinal liquid is exchanged for one Supreme, do you want to exchange it?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Change, definitely change. Let alone a thousand drops, even if it is three thousand drops, I will change it."

"But I don't have a thousand drops of Zhundi medicine in my hand."

"I don't have so many in my hand." Po Jun thought for a while and walked outside.

"Brother Pojun, where are you going?"

"I'll grab it."

Zhao Yang quickly grabbed Po Jun, "Am I kidding you? I can still take out a thousand drops of Zhundi medicinal liquid."

Po Jun gave Zhao Yang a helpless look, "You brat."

Three days later, Tanlang's cultivation successfully broke through to the Emperor Realm.

"Junior brother, I have made a breakthrough." Tanlang said excitedly.

Emperor Realm!

This is the realm that Tanlang dreamed of.

"Wait, senior brother, why didn't you break through with Thunder Tribulation?" Po Jun asked suddenly.

Greedy Wolf was also stunned.

"Little brother, it seems that I haven't crossed the tribulation?" Tanlang also suddenly realized.

"Emperor Qiankun doesn't need to cross the tribulation." Zhao Yang said softly.

"If you don't pass the catastrophe, won't your strength be inferior to the normal Supreme?"

"You underestimate the map of Emperor Qiankun, maybe the map of Qiankun came from it?" Zhao Yang pointed to it with his finger.

Seeing this, Tanlang and Pojun were stunned.

"What do you mean by that?" Tanlang asked cautiously.

"A world of a higher level than Immortal Realm." Zhao Yang said succinctly.

Hearing this, the pupils of Tanlang and Pojun shrank.

They were all terrified.

A world higher than Immortal Domain?

This... Zhao Yang is not joking, is he?

"Junior brother, can you tell us about this picture of the Emperor Qiankun?" Tanlang whispered after a while.

"I took the map of the universe from a pagoda." Zhao Yang said softly, "Let me tell you this, as long as you have the resources, there is no problem raising your cultivation to the third heaven of the emperor's realm." of."

"Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Po Jun exclaimed, "Doesn't this mean that you have surpassed Master?"

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Caihan's potential is probably unknown to you, let me tell you. Caihan's potential is the third level of the emperor's realm, but now her potential is already the fifth level of the emperor's realm gone."

"Fifth Heaven of Emperor Realm?" Hearing this number, Po Jun and Tan Lang were startled.

"You mean that Caihan will be able to ascend to the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm in the future?" What did Po Jun suddenly realize?


"If you are the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm, then as long as you have enough resources, you can be promoted to the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang paused and said, "Two senior brothers, do you think this kind of formation may be immortal?" Was it built by monks in the domain?"

"It is rumored that there is an existence beyond the third layer of the emperor's realm in Tianwaitian, but I think no matter how strong Tianwaitian exists, it will not be able to research such a terrifying formation." Tanlang said seriously.

"Yeah, I think the strongest in Tianwaitian is the peak of the emperor's realm, but can those at the peak of the emperor's realm be able to create such an array?" Po Jun said solemnly, "This array has a huge impact. It may be from heaven."

"By the way, just now you said that this formation map came from a pagoda, what does that pagoda mean?" What did Po Jun think of?

"A few days ago, the Time Supreme invited me to go to the depths of Huangquan to find the time spar. After arriving in the depths of Huangquan, I met a demon from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm there. He let me practice for ten days in the [-]th floor of hell. .”

"Eighteen levels of hell?" Po Jun's pupils shrank, "Does this really exist?"

"It's real, you don't know that I'm about to be tortured insane." Zhao Yang sighed softly, "In the end, I was honed into a heart of rock."

"Heart of Rock?" Tanlang was stunned, "You actually developed a heart of rock?"

"You also know the heart of the rock?"

"Master has seen the introduction of the Heart of Rock from the classics. He said that the Heart of Rock is a very high state of mind. Once you have the Heart of Rock, you can see through illusions. Many illusions will not work. gone."

"Do I have a heart of rock?" Po Jun asked after thinking about it.

"Master hasn't condensed it yet, do you think you can condense it?" Tanlang said angrily.

Hearing this, Pojun realized how terrifying the Heart of the Rock is?

"The demon took me to a pagoda, and I got a elixir in front of the pagoda on the first floor. As long as I take this elixir, I can be promoted from the third heaven of the emperor to the fourth heaven of the emperor. .” Zhao Yang said softly.

Hearing this, Po Jun and Tan Lang felt turbulent waves in their hearts.

Is there such a rich reward on the first floor?

"The second layer is a drop of the original blood of the ancient Kui Niu. If you take it, you can step from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm to the fifth heaven, and at the same time you can obtain part of the supernatural powers of the ancient Kui Niu." Zhao Yang continued, "And that statue What the demon wants is this drop of original blood."

"Did you give it?" Po Jun asked hurriedly.

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