Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1099 Going to the Abyss

"If I don't give it, do you think that guy might let me leave safely?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "The third floor is the map of Emperor Qiankun."

"What about the fourth floor?"

"There is a battleship on the fourth floor."

"Battleship?" Tanlang and Pojun looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"A warship of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang continued, "Even the emperor of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm can severely damage or even kill him."

Tanlang and Pojun were shocked.

A battleship from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm?

If you get this battleship, who do you have to be afraid of?

"Where is that battleship? Let me see it quickly." Po Jun said excitedly.

"Actually, I failed when I challenged the third level." Zhao Yang said leisurely, "If I didn't have some means to save my life, I wouldn't even be able to get this picture of Emperor Qiankun."

"What kind of test are these three levels?" Tanlang asked calmly.

"The first level is the destruction of eighteen weapons for three hours in a row. The pain is real. As long as your will can't hold on, you will die in it; the second level is the poisonous mist. The poisonous mist will make your whole body Itching, in the end my flesh and blood were scratched, and I even cut out my eyes, the problem is that the assessment time for the second level is five hours."

Hearing this, Po Jun and Tan Lang both shuddered.

Picking out his own two eyeballs, one can imagine the pain Zhao Yang went through?

"The third test is the ecstasy nail, and my memory has been dissipated bit by bit, and I don't remember anything at the end." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile, "I still don't know how to solve that test? Because I don’t even remember that I came to the pagoda for the assessment?”

Po Jun thought for a while and found that he couldn't crack it.

"So how dare I challenge the fourth level?" Zhao Yang said with emotion.

"The fourth level is really not suitable for you to challenge. I don't think you should go until you reach the emperor's realm." Tanlang pondered for a while and said seriously.

"I think so too. I will definitely not go there without experiencing the baptism of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang nodded.

"How many floors does that pagoda have?" Tanlang asked softly.

"Seven floors."

"There are such heavy treasures on the fourth floor. I don't know what kind of earth-shattering treasures are on the remaining floors?" Greedy Wolf sighed.

"I really want to see it." Po Jun said with burning eyes.

"If you want to die, go ahead." Tanlang said bluntly, "With your will, the second level is enough."

"Brother, at least you save some face for me." Po Jun said angrily.

"It's better than you losing your life." Tanlang said and pushed Po Jun, "Hurry up and practice, try to break through to the emperor's realm, and then push the Abyss Clan in one fell swoop."

When Po Jun was sitting on the map of Emperor Qiankun practicing, Zhao Yang took out a thousand drops of Zhundi medicine and sprinkled it on it.

"Senior Brother Tanlang, take advantage of this time to stabilize your cultivation." Zhao Yang looked at Tanlang and said.

"it is good."

When Tanlang entered the time domain to stabilize his cultivation, Zhao Yang went to the Tianting training ground.

When Tanlang practiced for three days before, Zhao Yang gave Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce three places for guardian seals, Chunyangzong three places for guardian seals, and Sky Palace three places for guardian seals.

the next three days.

The quota for the first day is for the Tianting training ground, and the quota for the second day is for the Tai Sui lineage.

The quota for the third day will continue to go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Three days later, Po Jun successfully set foot on the First Layer of Emperor Realm.

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to set foot in the Emperor's Realm in this life." Po Jun said with emotion.

"Brother Pojun will consolidate for another day." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Abyss family!

When the Heavenly Court's army conquered the Devil's Nest, all the forbidden areas were well aware of it.

But they didn't want to tear themselves apart with Tianting.


Because it was the Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest who captured the Tangyi people.

In their hearts, do they think that maybe Heaven is simply taking revenge on the Devil's Nest?

The rest of the restricted area will not be attacked.

And after a few days of trembling, they found that neither Tianting nor Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce had taken any action.

This made them feel that maybe Heavenly Court didn't want to risk the disgrace of the world.

Before the Heavenly Court aimed at the Devil's Nest, it was to give a warning to the supreme beings.

It's just that they didn't expect that the army that hadn't arrived in the Heavenly Court in the past few days actually appeared at the gate of the Abyss Clan's ancestral court again.

"What does Heaven want to do?"

"Exactly what do you want to ask Zhao Yang to do?"

"Haven't you discovered that Tianting has an inexplicable relationship with Zhao Yang?"

"I remember what you said. Before, when the Immortal Court was targeting the Sky Palace, the Heavenly Court stood up. Now that the restricted area is targeting the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, the Heavenly Court has stood up again. If it doesn't matter, who would believe it?"

"I just want to know what we should do? Should we just let it go?"

"It was justifiable for Heaven to target Demon's Nest before, but now it is unreasonable to target the Abyss Clan."

"That's right. We need an explanation."

After the major supreme beings reached an agreement, they performed a large space shift and appeared in the ancestral court of the abyss clan.

But what shocked them was that the Supreme of the Abyss Clan was being picked up in the air by a spear.

Blood dripped continuously along the spear.

"Greedy wolf." The Supreme Being of the underworld looked at the figure in surprise and said.

"This guy has stepped into the emperor's realm." The eyes of the supreme beast of the beast line shone with astonishing brilliance.

These supreme beings came here very quickly, but I didn't expect the supreme beings of the abyss clan to be killed.

In fact, it cannot be said that the Supreme of the Abyss Clan is not good, it is really that the lineup of the Heavenly Court is too strong.

The third heaven of the Chanjuan Emperor Realm, the second heaven of the Biluo Emperor Realm, the first heaven of the Greedy Wolf Emperor Realm, and the first heaven of the Pojun Emperor Realm.

The four powerful men besieged the Supreme of the Abyss Clan, and even the Supreme Emperor of the Abyss Clan couldn't resist.

"Are you guys here to start a war with me?" Chanjuan said indifferently, holding the sword in her hand.

"Third Princess, why did your Heavenly Court target the Abyss Clan?" the Supreme of the Vicious Beast lineage said in a deep voice, "You have to give a reason."

"You didn't forget about what you did to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce a few days ago, did you?" Chanjuan said lightly.

"But this matter has nothing to do with your Heavenly Court." The Supreme Lord of the beast line said helplessly.

"It's okay? Do you know who I am?" Zhao Yang walked out from the crowd.

"Aren't you the Suzerain of the Pure Yang Sect?" The Supreme of the Vicious Beast line replied in a daze. "By the way, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is also yours."

"Tell this one, who am I?" Zhao Yang shouted at the hundred thousand Heavenly Court soldiers.

"See His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

One hundred thousand soldiers present knelt on one knee and saluted Zhao Yang respectfully.

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhao Yang was actually the Emperor of Heaven?

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