As for the remaining monks in the Devil's Nest, she didn't care, she believed that the [-] soldiers could handle them cleanly.

An hour later, there was not a single living creature in the entire Demon Nest.

"Clean the battlefield." Zhao Yang ordered.

"It is forbidden for anyone to enrich themselves." Chanjuan added another sentence at this time.

The Demon Nest has existed for tens of thousands of years, but today the Demon Nest has become history.

It took one hundred thousand soldiers to clean the cave for a day before emptying the cave.

"Go back." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

One hundred thousand troops returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce under the watchful eyes of many spies from the restricted area.

After arriving at the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, hundreds of thousands of soldiers put their trophies in the warehouse where the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce stored the trophies.

"Let these [-] soldiers go back and rest, and we will fight against the Abyss Clan in three days' time," Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Obey." Hundred thousand soldiers left excitedly.

Immediately, Zhao Yang summoned ten thousand robots from his own small world, "Classify these trophies."

Lin Caihan and Tang Yiren summoned their own [-] robots after seeing this scene.

With [-] robots, the efficiency has been greatly improved.

"Why didn't other restricted areas take action?" Jian Chen asked puzzled.

"No one wants to cause trouble, those restricted areas are just taking chances." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But after three days, they won't be taking chances."

"What if the major restricted areas join forces in three days' time?"

"Then they don't dare to fight together." Zhao Yang thought of something here, "I'll go to Chunyangzong."

Zhao Yang met Taichang in Chunyangzong.

"I have seen God."

"Taichang, are you interested in setting foot on the third layer of Emperor Realm?"

"Your Majesty, my aptitude is not as good as that of the third princess. My limit is the realm of the Great Emperor." Tai Chang said softly.

"I am sure that you will be able to set foot on the third layer of Emperor Realm in a short time." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"What?" Taichang was not calm now.

Zhao Yang took out the map of Emperor Qiankun and handed him a time spar, "I want you to set foot on the third heaven of emperors within three years."

"I'll try." Taichang said uncertainly.

Taichang didn't know how precious the picture of Emperor Qiankun Zhao Yang gave him was?

Therefore, he did not dare to be [-]% sure that he could break through within three years.

But when Taichang stayed in the time domain for a while, he walked out of the time domain excitedly.

"Your Majesty, this array is really amazing, my cultivation has really increased." Tai Chang said incoherently.

"Are you sure in three years?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes." Taichang said with certainty.

In the following time, Taichang practiced silently in the time domain.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Two and a half days later, Taichang walked out of the time domain, "Your Majesty, I have broken through to the third heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Give me the picture of Emperor Qiankun." Zhao Yang stretched out his hand towards Taichang.

Taichang hurriedly handed the map of Emperor Qiankun to Zhao Yang, and then asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, when I was practicing just now, I thought this map of Emperor Qiankun was still useful to me?"

"This array is indeed useful to you, but it is not suitable for continuous improvement in a short period of time." Zhao Yang emphasized, "Otherwise it will affect your foundation."

"I'm still worried about affecting the foundation of what kind of family?" Taichang realized that he had said the wrong thing when he said this.

"Your Majesty, that's not what I meant." Tai Chang hurriedly said.

"It's okay, I'll prepare it tomorrow, and I may need to do it then." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Obey." Tai Chang said solemnly.

After putting away the formation map, Zhao Yang came to the main hall.

In the past two days, Zhao Yang successively helped Xiaomi, Jian Chen, Lin Caihan's spiritual pet Tiancan, Chunyang Zong Leng Qingqiu, Yuan Jin'er, and Blue Crucian Carp to cast their guardian seals successively.

Zhao Yang called Tie Han.

"I have seen Master."

Zhao Yang pointed at the center of Tie Han's eyebrows, and when a plum blossom appeared on the center of Tie Han's eyebrows, Zhao Yang thought it was funny.Fortunately, the plum blossom seal disappeared quickly.

"Thank you, Master." Tie Han said honestly.

"Mingyue, don't go out for the high-level sect in a short time, and wait until the dust settles on the forbidden area." Zhao Yang said softly.

How can you still care about those guys in the restricted area when the number of guardian seals of the sect is enough?

At least we have to wait until Mingyue and their battle pets all have guardian seals.

After all, a guardian seal is a little short.

Then Zhao Yang went to the Sky Palace.

Bi Luo met Zhao Yang in the study.

"Master, we are going to attack the Abyss Clan tomorrow." Zhao Yang said softly.

"If you attack the Abyss family, the restricted areas will definitely not sit idly by." Bi Luo said after thinking about it.

"I know, so I want to ask my wife to sit in town tomorrow." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"No problem." Bi Luo agreed on the spot.

"Husband, if the Master leaves the Sky Palace, what will happen if the Supreme in the restricted area attacks the Sky Palace?" Ruoxi expressed her worries.

"The Sky Palace is entrusted to you to be stationed." Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi and said.

"Husband, stop joking. Now that I am only the eighth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, how can I be qualified to be stationed in the Sky Palace?" Ruoxi shook her head.

This kind of thing is not a joke.

Zhao Yang smiled and tapped Ruoxi's forehead.

When a plum blossom flickered between Ruoxi's eyebrows, Bi Luo's heart couldn't help but slow down by half a beat.

"Zhao Yang, what is this plum blossom?"

"This is the guardian seal that I have studied for a long time." Zhao Yang said softly, "Nothing below the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm can harm Ruoxi."

"Those below the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven?" Ruoxi exclaimed.

Bi Luo was also frightened by Zhao Yang's words.

"The third princess of the Heavenly Court once tested it, but instead of hurting Caihan, she was trapped by the guardian seal." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"You mean it's okay for me to provoke the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Ruoxi said with a gleam in her beautiful eyes.

"You can say that." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "But what are you doing to provoke the Supreme when you are free?"

"What if there is a supreme being who doesn't like me?"

"The premise is that after the guardian seal traps the supreme being, you can escape unscathed."


"Today I can cast the guardian seal again, but who will the Sky Palace ask?" Zhao Yang looked at Bi Luo and asked.

"Let Ruoqing?" Bi Luo said after thinking about it.

Ruoqing is Tiehan's wife.

The reason why Biluo gave Ruoqing this chance was because of Tiehan's face.


After Zhao Yang cast Ruoqing's guardian seal, he went back.

Will we have to fight against the Abyss Clan tomorrow?

Speaking of which, did the Abyss Clan still have some grievances with Zhao Yang?

Now is also the time for revenge.

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